Document Type
- Article (2)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- Georg-Speyer-Haus (2)
- Medizin (1)
Survivin functions as an apoptosis inhibitor and a regulator of cell division during development and tumorigenesis. Since survivin is a highly relevant target for tumor therapy, we investigated whether interference with it’s dynamic cellular localization represents a novel strategy to inhibit survivin’s cancer promoting functions. We confirmed survivin overexpression in head and neck as well as in colorectal cancers and identified an evolutionary conserved Crm1-dependent nuclear export signal (NES) in survivin. Importantly, nuclear export was required for survivin mediated protection against chemo- and radiotherapy-induced apoptosis by securing efficient interference with cytoplasmic caspases. In dividing cells, the NES was required for tethering of survivin and of the survivin/Aurora-B kinase complex to the mitotic machinery, which was inevitable for proper cell division. The clinical relevance of our findings was supported by showing that preferential nuclear localization of survivin correlated with enhanced survival in a cohort of colorectal cancer patients. Targeting survivin’s nuclear export by the application of NES-specific antibodies promoted its nuclear accumulation and inhibited its cytoprotective function. We here show that nuclear export is essential for the tumor promoting activities of survivin and encourage the identification of chemical inhibitors to specifically interfere with survivin’s nuclear export as a novel class of anticancer therapeutics.
In acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs) with t(8;21), the transcription factor AML1 is juxtaposed to the zinc finger nuclear protein ETO (Eight-Twenty-One), resulting in transcriptional repression of AML1 target genes. ETO has been shown to interact with corepressors, such as N-CoR and mSin3A to form complexes containing histone deacetylases. To define regions of ETO required for maximal repressor activity, we analyzed amino-terminal deletions in a transcriptional repression assay. We found that ETO mutants lacking the first 236 amino acids were not affected in their repressor activity, whereas a further deletion of 85 amino acids drastically reduced repressor function and high molecular weight complex formation. This latter mutant can still homodimerize and bind to N-CoR but shows only weak binding to mSin3A. Furthermore, we could show that a "core repressor domain" comprising nervy homology region 2 and its amino- and carboxyl-terminal flanking sequences recruits mSin3A and induces transcriptional repression. These results suggest that mSin3A and N-CoR bind to ETO independently and that both binding sites cooperate to maximize ETO-mediated transcriptional repression. Thus, ETO has a modular structure, and the interaction between the individual elements is essential for the formation of a stable repressor complex and efficient transcriptional repression.
Glucocorticoid-induced gene transcription has been shown to be mediated by coactivators bound to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). The glucocorticoid antagonist RU486 interferes with the steroid-mediated activation and can also exhibit partial agonist activity, a response in which corepressors have been implicated. Here we have shown that deletion of the N terminus of GR totally abolishes the agonist activity of RU486. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that corepressors bind directly to the RU486-bound GR as determined by glutathione S-transferase pull-down, mammalian two-hybrid assay, and coimmunoprecipitation. Fine mapping of the interaction regions within GR and the corepressor NCoR reveals a complex interaction profile that involves a number of domains in each protein. Notably, the N and the C termini of GR are both involved in corepressor binding. Thus, the N terminus of GR is a major determinant for RU486-dependent NCoR interaction as well as for RU486-mediated agonist activity.