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- Allergy (1)
- Asthma (1)
- Awareness campaign (1)
- Cancer check up (1)
- Neurotransmitter (1)
- PSA screening (1)
- PSA-Screening (1)
- Preventive medicine (1)
- Prostata-specific antigen (1)
- Prostataspezifisches Antigen (1)
- Medizin (12)
Background: Diseases associated with smoking are a foremost cause of premature death in the world, both in developed and developing countries. Eliminating smoking can do more to improve health and prolong life than any other measure in the field of preventive medicine. Today's medical students will play a prominent role in future efforts to prevent and control tobacco use.
Methods: A cross-sectional, self-administered, anonymous survey of fifth-year medical students in Berlin, Germany was conducted in November 2007. The study explored the prevalence of smoking among medical students. We assessed their current knowledge regarding tobacco dependence and the effectiveness of smoking cessation methods. Students' perceived competence to counsel smokers and promote smoking cessation treatments was also explored. Analyses were based on responses from 258 students (86.6% response rate).
Results: One quarter of the medical students surveyed were current smokers. The smoking rate was 22.1% among women, 32.4% among men. Students underestimated smoking-related mortality and the negative effect of smoking on longevity. A considerable number of subjects erroneously assumed that nicotine causes coronary artery disease. Students' overall knowledge of the effectiveness of smoking cessation methods was inadequate. Only one third of the students indicated that they felt qualified to counsel patients about tobacco dependence.
Conclusions: This study reveals serious deficiencies in knowledge and counseling skills among medical students in our sample. The curriculum of every medical school should include a tobacco module. Thus, by providing comprehensive training in nicotine dependence interventions to medical students, smokers will have access to the professional expertise they need to quit smoking.
Background: Pediatric community acquired pneumonia (pedCAP) is one of the leading causes for childhood morbidity accounting for up to 20% of pediatric hospital admissions in high income countries. In spite of its high morbidity, updated epidemiological and pathogen data after introduction of preventive vaccination and novel pathogen screening strategies are limited. Moreover, there is a need for validated recommendations on diagnostic and treatment regimens in pedCAP. Through collection of patient data and analysis of pathogen and host factors in a large sample of unselected pedCAP patients in Germany, we aim to address and substantially improve this situation.
Methods: pedCAPNETZ is an observational, multi-center study on pedCAP. Thus far, nine study centers in hospitals, outpatient clinics and practices have been initiated and more than 400 patients with radiologically confirmed pneumonia have been enrolled, aiming at a total of 1000 study participants. Employing an online data base, information on disease course, treatment as well as demographical and socioeconomical data is recorded. Patients are followed up until day 90 after enrollment; Comprehensive biosample collection and a central pedCAPNETZ biobank allow for in-depth analyses of pathogen and host factors. Standardized workflows to assure sample logistics and data management in more than fifteen future study centers have been established.
Discussion: Through comprehensive epidemiological, clinical and biological analyses, pedCAPNETZ fills an important gap in pediatric and infection research. To secure dissemination of the registry, we will raise clinical and scientific awareness at all levels. We aim at participating in decision making processes for guidelines and prevention strategies. Ultimately, we hope the results of the pedCAPNETZ registry will help to improve care and quality of life in pedCAP patients in the future.
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) is a putative neurotransmitter of the inhibitory non-adrenergic non-cholinergic nervous system and influences the mammalian airway function in various ways. Hence known for bronchodilatory, immunomodulatory and mucus secretion modulating effects by interacting with the VIP receptors VPAC1 and VPAC2, it is discussed to be a promising target for pharmaceutical intervention in common diseases such as COPD and bronchial asthma. Here we examined the expression and transcriptional regulation of VPAC1 in the lungs of allergic mice using an ovalbumin (OVA) -induced model of allergic asthma. Mice were sensitized to OVA and challenged with an OVA aerosol. In parallel a control group was sham sensitized with saline. VPAC1 expression was examined using RT-PCR and real time-PCR studies were performed to quantify gene transcription. VPAC1 mRNA expression was detected in all samples of OVA-sensitized and challenged animals and control tissues. Further realtime analysis did not show significant differences at the transcriptional level.
Although the present studies did not indicate a major transcriptional regulation of VPAC1 in states of allergic airway inflammation, immunomodulatory effects of VPAC1 might still be present due to regulations at the translational level.
Hypersecretion and chronic phlegm are major symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but animal models of COPD with a defined functional hypersecretion have not been established so far. To identify an animal model of combined morphological signs of airway inflammation and functional hypersecretion, rats were continuously exposed to different levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2, 5 ppm, 10 ppm, 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 80 ppm) for 3 (short-term) or 20–25 (long-term) days. Histology revealed a dose-dependent increase in edema formation and inflammatory cell infiltration in short-term-exposed animals. The submucosal edema was replaced by fibrosis after long-term-exposure. The basal secretory activity was only significantly increased in the 20 ppm group. Also, stimulated secretion was significantly increased only after exposure to 20 ppm. BrdU-assays and AgNOR-analysis demonstrated cellular metaplasia and glandular hypertrophy rather than hyperplasia as the underlying morphological correlate of the hypersecretion.
In summary, SO2-exposure can lead to characteristic airway remodeling and changes in mucus secretion in rats. As only long-term exposure to 20 ppm leads to a combination of hypersecretion and airway inflammation, only this mode of exposure should be used to mimic human COPD. Concentrations less or higher than 20 ppm or short term exposure do not induce the respiratory symptom of hypersecretion. The present model may be used to characterize the effects of new compounds on mucus secretion in the background of experimental COPD.
hintergrund: Männer in Deutschland sterben früher als Frauen und nehmen weniger häufig Krebsvorsorgeuntersuchungen wahr.
Fragestellung: Ziel war die prospektive Evaluation einer „Movember-Gesundheitsinitiative“ am Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt (UKF) im November 2019.
Methoden: Im Rahmen der „Movember-Gesundheitsinitiative“ wurde allen männlichen Mitarbeitern des UKF ab dem 45. Lebensjahr und bei erstgradiger familiärer Vorbelastung eines Prostatakarzinoms ab dem 40. Lebensjahr im November 2019 gemäß S3-Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU) eine Prostatakarzinom-Vorsorgeuntersuchung angeboten.
Ergebnisse: Insgesamt nahmen 14,4 % der Mitarbeiter teil. Eine familiäre Vorbelastung gaben insgesamt 14,0 % Teilnehmer an. Das mediane Alter betrug 54 Jahre. Der mediane PSA(prostataspezifisches Antigen)-Wert lag bei 0,9 ng/ml, der mediane PSA-Quotient bei 30 %. Bei 5 % (n = 6) zeigte sich ein suspekter Tastbefund in der DRU (digital-rektale Untersuchung). Nach Altersstratifizierung (≤ 50 vs. > 50 Lebensjahre) zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede im medianen PSA-Wert (0,7 ng/ml vs. 1,0 ng/ml, p < 0,01) und der bereits zuvor durchgeführten urologischen Vorsorge (12,1 vs. 42,0 %, p < 0,01). Vier Teilnehmer (3,3 %) zeigten erhöhte Gesamt-PSA-Werte. Bei 32,2 % der Teilnehmer zeigte sich mindestens ein kontrollbedürftiger Befund. Insgesamt wurden 6 Prostatabiopsien durchgeführt. Hierbei zeigte sich in einem Fall ein intermediate-risk Prostatakarzinom (Gleason 3 + 4, pT3a, pPn1, pNx, R0).
Schlussfolgerungung: Im Rahmen der UKF-Movember-Gesundheitsinitiative 2019 konnten durch ein Vorsorgeangebot 121 Männer für eine Prostatakrebs-Vorsorge inklusive PSA-Testung gewonnen werden. Auffällige/kontrollbedürftige Befunde zeigten sich bei 32,2 %. Bei einem Mitarbeiter wurde ein therapiebedürftiges Prostatakarzinom entdeckt und therapiert.
Recently, a 15-valent (PCV15) and a 20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV20) have been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration and are under evaluation by the European Medicines Agency. PCV15 contains all serotypes of the 13-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV13) plus serotype 22F and 33F and PCV20 includes PCV13 serotypes plus serotypes 8, 10A, 11A, 12F, 15B, 22F, 33F. We investigated pneumococcal serotype distribution, secular trends and proportion of pneumonia caused by serotypes included in PCV13, PCV15, PCV20, and the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) among adult patients with all-cause community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) between 2013 and 2019. We applied logistic mixed regression modelling to assess annual trends. Urine samples from adult patients with CAP treated in the community or hospital in Germany and included in the CAPNETZ study, a prospective multi-centre cohort study, were analysed by two serotype-specific multiplex urinary antigen detection assays (UAD1/UAD2) at Pfizer’s Vaccines Research and Development Laboratory. UAD1 detects serotypes in PCV13, UAD2 detects additional serotypes in PCV20 plus serotypes 2, 9N, 17F and 20. Out of 1,831 patients screened, urine samples with a valid UAD test result were available for 1,343 patients (73.3%). Among those patients, 829 patients (61.7%) were male, 792 patients (59.0%) were aged ≥60 years, 1038 patients (77.3%) had at least one comorbidity and 1,204 patients (89.7%) were treated in the hospital. The overall proportion of vaccine-type pneumonia among all-cause CAP for PCV13, PCV15, PCV20 and PPV23 was 7.7% (n=103), 9.1% (n=122), 12.3% (n=165) and 13.3% (n=178). Over the entire observation period, we did not observe evidence for significant annual trends in pneumococcal vaccine serotype coverage against pneumonia in adults (PCV13: OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.83-1.05; PCV15: OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.84-1.03; PCV20: OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.86-1.04; PPV23: OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.90-1.08). In conclusion, our data show i) no decline of PCV13 serotypes in all-cause CAP between 2013-2019 mainly due to a persistently high proportion of serotype 3 suggesting no meaningful effect of childhood PCV13 vaccination on PCV13 coverage in pneumonia in adults during this time period and ii) that the gap in the coverage between PCV20 and PPV23 was small and did not increase over the entire observation time.
Objective: Many patients with localized prostate cancer (PCa) do not immediately undergo radical prostatectomy (RP) after biopsy confirmation. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of “time-from-biopsy-to- prostatectomy” on adverse pathological outcomes.
Materials and Methods: Between January 2014 and December 2019, 437 patients with intermediate- and high risk PCa who underwent RP were retrospectively identified within our prospective institutional database. For the aim of our study, we focused on patients with intermediate- (n = 285) and high-risk (n = 151) PCa using D'Amico risk stratification. Endpoints were adverse pathological outcomes and proportion of nerve-sparing procedures after RP stratified by “time-from-biopsy-to-prostatectomy”: ≤3 months vs. >3 and < 6 months. Medians and interquartile ranges (IQR) were reported for continuously coded variables. The chi-square test examined the statistical significance of the differences in proportions while the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to examine differences in medians. Multivariable (ordered) logistic regressions, analyzing the impact of time between diagnosis and prostatectomy, were separately run for all relevant outcome variables (ISUP specimen, margin status, pathological stage, pathological nodal status, LVI, perineural invasion, nerve-sparing).
Results: We observed no difference between patients undergoing RP ≤3 months vs. >3 and <6 months after diagnosis for the following oncological endpoints: pT-stage, ISUP grading, probability of a positive surgical margin, probability of lymph node invasion (LNI), lymphovascular invasion (LVI), and perineural invasion (pn) in patients with intermediate- and high-risk PCa. Likewise, the rates of nerve sparing procedures were 84.3 vs. 87.4% (p = 0.778) and 61.0% vs. 78.8% (p = 0.211), for intermediate- and high-risk PCa patients undergoing surgery after ≤3 months vs. >3 and <6 months, respectively. In multivariable adjusted analyses, a time to surgery >3 months did not significantly worsen any of the outcome variables in patients with intermediate- or high-risk PCa (all p > 0.05).
Conclusion: A “time-from-biopsy-to-prostatectomy” of >3 and <6 months is neither associated with adverse pathological outcomes nor poorer chances of nerve sparing RP in intermediate- and high-risk PCa patients.
Background: During the last two decades the German hospital sector has been engaged in a constant process of transformation. One obvious sign of this is the growing amount of hospital privatization. To date, most research studies have focused on the effects of privatization regarding financial outcomes and quality of care, leaving important organizational issues unexplored. Yet little attention has been devoted to the effects of privatization on physicians' working routines. The aim of this observational real-time study is to deliver exact data about physicians' work at hospitals of different ownership. By analysing working hours, further impacts of hospital privatization can be assessed and areas of improvement identified.
Methods: Observations were made by shadowing 100 physicians working in private, for-profit or non-profit as well as public hospital departments individually during whole weekday shifts in urban German settings. A total of 300 days of observations were conducted. All working activities were recorded, accurate to the second, by using a mobile personal computer.
Results: Results have shown significant differences in physicians' working activities, depending on hospital ownership, concerning working hours and time spent on direct and indirect patient care.
Conclusion: This is the first real-time analysis on differences in work activities depending on hospital ownership. The study provides an objective insight into physicians' daily work routines at hospitals of different ownership, with additional information on effects of hospital privatization.
Although chest radiograph (CXR) is commonly used in diagnosing pediatric community acquired pneumonia (pCAP), limited data on interobserver agreement among radiologists exist. PedCAPNETZ is a prospective, observational, and multicenter study on pCAP. N = 233 CXR from patients with clinical diagnosis of pCAP were retrieved and n = 12 CXR without pathological findings were added. All CXR were interpreted by a radiologist at the site of recruitment and by two external, blinded pediatric radiologists. To evaluate interobserver agreement, the reporting of presence or absence of pCAP in CXR was analyzed, and prevalence and bias-adjusted kappa (PABAK) statistical testing was applied. Overall, n = 190 (82%) of CXR were confirmed as pCAP by two external pediatric radiologists. Compared with patients with pCAP negative CXR, patients with CXR-confirmed pCAP displayed higher C-reactive protein levels and a longer duration of symptoms before enrollment (p < .007). Further parameters, that is, age, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation showed no significant difference. The interobserver agreement between the onsite radiologists and each of the two independent pediatric radiologists for the presence of pCAP was poor to fair (69%; PABAK = 0.39% and 76%; PABAK = 0.53, respectively). The concordance between the external radiologists was fair (81%; PABAK = 0.62). With regard to typical CXR findings for pCAP, chance corrected interrater agreement was highest for pleural effusions, infiltrates, and consolidations and lowest for interstitial patterns and peribronchial thickening. Our data show a poor interobserver agreement in the CXR-based diagnosis of pCAP and emphasized the need for harmonized interpretation standards.