Document Type
- Article (6)
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- no (6)
- confinement (5)
- coronavirus (3)
- cycling (3)
- walking (3)
- corona (2)
- internet (2)
- leisure time activity (2)
- physical activity (2)
- Anopheles (1)
- Aonopholes (1)
Nach HIRSCH (1883) war die Malariasituation im 19. Jahrhundert in Norddeutschland am schlimmsten in Schleswig-Holstein, an der Küste westlich der Elbe sowie in den Moorgebieten von Hannover und Oldenburg. Erst mit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts nahm dort die Zahl der Infektionen ab. Dieser Rückgang wurde vielfach auf die Trockenlegung von Marsch-, Sumpf- und Moorgebieten zurückgeführt (MAIER 2004). Aktuell wird deshalb in Teilen der Bevölkerung ein Wiederaufflackern der Malaria bzw. anderer Mückenassoziierter Krankheiten als indirekte Folge von Wiedervernässungsmaßnahmen befürchtet. Hinzu kommen Klima- und weitere Umweltveränderungen, welche nach MAIER et al. (2003) Ursache für neu auftretende oder wiederkehrende Krankheiten sein können. Mit dem Verschwinden der Malaria wurde in Deutschland kaum weitere Forschung zur Verbreitung und Ökologie der Culiciden betrieben. Das Fehlen von fundierten Daten zur Ökologie und Populationsentwicklung der präimaginalen Culicidenstadien in den heute vorhandenen Lebensräumen (z.B. Gräben, Polder, Wiedervernässungsflächen, Mooren) erschwert Aussagen und Prognosen zur Verbreitung potenzieller Vektoren. Die aktuellen Untersuchungen konzentrierten sich zunächst auf die Untersuchung der aquatischen Entwicklungsstadien von Anopheles-Arten (Diptera: Culicidae) in Entwässerungsgräben. Diese Biotope sind für die heutige Landschaftsstruktur der Marschengebiete im Nordwesten Niedersachsens typisch, stellen dort einen hohen Anteil der Wasserflächen dar und sind grundsätzlich als Brutgewässer geeignet (CRANSTON et al. 1987, MOHRIG 1969). Wesentliches Ziel der Untersuchung war zunächst die Darstellung historischer Fundgebiete, der abgesicherte Nachweis aktueller Brutgebiete verschiedener Anopheles-Arten und die Entwicklung einer standardisierten Methode zur Charakterisierung der betreffenden Biotope. Darauf aufbauend sollen mit GISTechniken, Classification and Regression Trees (CART) und Geostatistik zukünftig Möglichkeiten der Übertragung dieser Resultate auf ähnlich ausgestattete Landschaftsräume geprüft werden.
Lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic have led to reductions in physical activity (PA) worldwide. Leading public health organizations have recommended the use of online exercise classes (OEC) to compensate the loss of regular exercise classes. As of now, no data are available on the uptake of OEC and on users’ attitudes. The aim of the current online survey was to assess the use of and attitudes towards OEC in Germany. Respondents indicated awareness and use of OEC, and levels of agreement with statements on OEC. Frequency of awareness and use of OEC according to PA status were calculated with contingency tables and the Χ2 test. Differences between users and non-users were tested with the Student’s t-test and the Mann–Whitney U test. Data on attitudes are presented as percentages, and Spearman correlations were calculated between attitudes and activity status, frequency of use, educational attainment, age and body mass index. A total of 979 datasets were analyzed. Of the respondents, 681 were aware of and 180, 118 and 84 used them <1 per week, 1–2 per week and ≥3 per week, respectively. Significantly more active respondents were aware of and used OEC compared to less active respondents. All in all, regular OEC use was quite limited. OEC was differentially attractive to people according to PA status, frequency of use, BMI and age. Tailoring OEC to current non-users and adding motivational support might enhance the regular use of OEC.
The spread of the COVID-19 virus was met by a strict lockdown in many countries around the world, with the closure of all physical activity (PA) facilities and limitations on moving around freely. The aim of the present online survey was to assess the effect of lockdown on physical activity in Italy. Physical activity was assessed using the European Health Interview Survey questionnaire. A total of 1500 datasets were analyzed. Differences between conditions were tested with a chi2-based (χ2) test for categorical variables, and with the Student’s t-test for paired data. A fixed effects binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify relevant predictor variables to explain the compliance with World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations. We found a substantial decline in all physical activity measures. Mean differences in walking and cycling metabolic equivalent of task minutes per week (METmin/week), respectively, were 344.4 (95% confidence interval (95% CI): 306.6–382.2; p < 0.001) and 148.5 (95% CI: 123.6–173.5; p < 0.001). Time spent in leisure time decreased from 160.8 to 112.6 min/week (mean difference 48.2; 95% CI: 40.4–56.0; p < 0.001). Compliance with WHO recommendations decreased from 34.9% to 24.6% (chi2 (1, 3000) = 38.306, p < 0.001, V = 0.11). Logistic regression showed a reduced chance (OR 0.640, 95% CI: 0.484–0.845; p = 0.001) to comply with WHO PA recommendations under lockdown conditions. Measures to promote physical activity should be intensified to limit detrimental health effects.
Germany experienced a 6-month second lockdown (November 2020–April 2021) during the COVID-19 pandemic, which included the closure of all physical activity (PA) facilities. The use of online exercise classes (OECs) was promoted by public health and exercise organizations. Using the present cross-sectional online survey, we assess the use of and opinion towards OECs in Germany during the second lockdown. We used contingency tables and the Chi2 test to calculate the frequency of awareness and use of OECs according to PA status, well-being and demographic data, and conducted a binary logistic regression with OEC awareness or use and dichotomized independent predictors. The associations between opinion and activity status, frequency of use, educational attainment, age and body mass index were calculated using Spearman correlations. A total of 993 datasets were analyzed in detail. Of the 785 (79.1%) participants reporting awareness of OECs, 536 tried them, and 262, 188 and 85 used them <1 per week, 1–2 per week and ≥3 per week, respectively. The users were typically active, female participants with poorer mental well-being. The opinions towards OECs varied according to participant characteristics, such as activity status, BMI and age. Overall, regular OEC use was quite limited, and, as such, cannot replace in-person exercise opportunities. Keeping physical activity facilities open and safe must be prioritized in the ongoing pandemic.
Physical activity and well-being during the second COVID19-related lockdown in Germany in 2021
In the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, lockdown measures were reinstalled and were in place between November 2020 and April 2021, including the closure of physical activity facilities. The aim of the current online survey was to assess the lockdown effects on physical activity and well-being in the general population. Pre-lockdown vs. lockdown differences were tested with the Χ2 test and the Student’s t-test for paired data. Predictor variables to explain compliance with physical activity recommendations were identified using a fixed-effects binary logistic regression analysis. Data of 993 respondents were analyzed. Transport-related and leisure-time physical activity decreased (p < 0.001, d = 0.25, and p < 0.001, d = 0.33, respectively). Compliance with physical activity recommendations decreased from 42.2% to 29.4% (chi2 (1, 1986) = 35.335, p < 0.001, V = 0.13). Well-being decreased significantly (t (990) = 23.405, p < 0.001) by 16.3 points (d = 0.74). Physical activity and well-being declined in German adults during the second COVID-19-related lockdown. Physical activity should be promoted also in light of the emerging evidence on its protective effects against COVID-19.
Lockdown measures including the closure of physical activity facilities were installed against the spread of the novel coronavirus in March 2020. The aim of the current online survey was to assess the lockdown effects on physical activity in German adults. We assessed physical activity using the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) questionnaire. Pre-lockdown vs. lockdown differences were tested with the X2 test and the Student’s t-test for paired data. Predictor variables to explain compliance with physical activity recommendations were identified using a fixed effects binary logistic regression analysis. Data of 979 respondents were analyzed. Transport related and leisure time physical activity decreased (p < 0.001, d = 0.16; p < 0.001, d = 0.22, respectively). Compliance with physical activity recommendations decreased from 38.1% to 30.4% (chi2 [1, 1958] = 12.754, p < 0.001, V = 0.08). In the regression analysis, BMI (OR 0.944, 95% CI 0.909–0.981; p = 0.003), education (OR 1.111, 95% CI 1.021–1.208; p = 0.015), transport related (OR 1.000, 95% CI 1.000–1.000; p = 0.008) and leisure time physical activity (OR 1.004, 95% CI 1.003–1.004; p < 0.001), muscle strengthening (OR 5.206, 95% CI 4.433–6.114; p < 0.001), as well as the ‘lockdown vs. normal’ categorical variable (OR 0.583, 95% CI 0.424–0.802; p = 0.001) showed a contribution, while sex (p = 0.152), age (p = 0.266), work related physical activity (p = 0.133), and remote working (p = 0.684) did not. Physical activity declined in German adults, and should also be promoted in light of the emerging evidence on its protective effects of against COVID-19. Special attention should be given to muscle strengthening activities and groups with lower educational attainment.