Document Type
- Article (20)
Has Fulltext
- yes (20)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (20)
- Mammakarzinom (12)
- breast cancer (12)
- Behandlung (8)
- Metastasen (8)
- CDK4/6 (6)
- PD1/PDL1 (6)
- Prävention (6)
- Studien (6)
- prevention (6)
- treatment (6)
- Medizin (20)
This study presents comprehensive real-world data on the use of anti-human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) therapies in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Specifically, it describes therapy patterns with trastuzumab (H), pertuzumab + trastuzumab (PH), lapatinib (L), and trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1). The PRAEGNANT study is a real-time, real-world registry for MBC patients. All therapy lines are documented. This analysis describes the utilization of anti-HER2 therapies as well as therapy sequences. Among 1936 patients in PRAEGNANT, 451 were HER2-positive (23.3%). In the analysis set (417 patients), 53% of whom were included in PRAEGNANT in the first-line setting, 241 were treated with H, 237 with PH, 85 with L, and 125 with T-DM1 during the course of their therapies. The sequence PH → T-DM1 was administered in 51 patients. Higher Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) scores, negative hormone receptor status, and visceral or brain metastases were associated with more frequent use of this therapy sequence. Most patients received T-DM1 after treatment with pertuzumab. Both novel therapies (PH and T-DM1) are utilized in a high proportion of HER2-positive breast cancer patients. As most patients receive T-DM1 after PH, real-world data may help to clarify whether the efficacy of this sequence is similar to that in the approval study.
Background: Ovarian cancer is mostly associated with pathologically regulated permeability of peritoneal vessels, leading to ascites. Here, we investigated the molecular regulation of endothelial permeability by the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and both tight and adherens junction proteins (VE-cadherin and claudin 5) with regards to the tumor biology of different ovarian cancer types.
Methods: Serum and ascites samples before and after surgery, as well as peritoneal biopsies of 68 ovarian cancer patients and 20 healthy controls were collected. In serum and ascites VEGF protein was measured by ELISA. In peritoneal biopsies co-localization of VE-cadherin and claudin 5 was investigated using immunohistochemical dual staining. In addition, the gene expression of VE-cadherin and claudin 5 was quantified by Real-time PCR. Differences in VEGF levels, VE-cadherin and claudin 5 gene expression were analyzed in relation to various tumor characteristics (tumor stage, grading, histological subtypes, resection status after surgery) and then compared to controls. Furthermore, human primary ovarian cancer cells were co-cultured with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and changes in VE-cadherin and claudin 5 were investigated after VEGF inhibition.
Results: VEGF was significantly increased in tumor patients in comparison to controls and accumulates in ascites. The highest VEGF levels were found in patients diagnosed with advanced tumor stages, with tumors of poor differentiation, or in the group of solid / cystic-solid tumors. Patients with residual tumor after operation showed significantly higher levels of VEGF both before and after surgery as compared to tumor-free resected patients. Results of an immunohistochemical double-staining experiment indicated co-localization of VE-cadherin and claudin 5 in the peritoneal vasculature. Compared to controls, expression of VE-cadherin and claudin 5 was significantly suppressed in peritoneal vessels of tumor patients, but there were no significant differences regarding VE-cadherin and claudin 5 expression in relation to different tumor characteristics. A significant positive correlation was found between VE-cadherin and claudin 5 expression. VEGF inhibition in vitro was associated with significant increase in VE-cadherin and claudin 5.
Conclusions: Our results indicate that increased peritoneal permeability in ovarian cancer is due to down-regulation of adhesion proteins via tumor derived VEGF. Advanced ovarian cancer with aggressive tumor biology may be associated with early dysregulation of vascular permeability leading to ascites. These patients may benefit from therapeutic VEGF inhibition.
Introduction: Despite the fact that people older than 65 years of age have the highest incidence of developing breast cancer, these patients are excluded from clinical trials in most cases. Furthermore, most physicians tend towards therapy regimens without the use of dose-dense, highly active taxane-based treatments because of a lack of data regarding toxicities of these compounds in older patients.
Methods: Pooled side-effect data were analyzed from four prospective, randomized clinical trials in which patients of different age groups (< 60 years, between 60 and 64 years, and > 64 years) with primary breast cancer received taxane-based chemotherapy.
Results: Dose delays, dose reductions, hospitalization, and therapy discontinuation increased with age. Hematologic toxicities and some nonhematologic toxicities were generally more common in older patients. Leucopenia increased from 55.3% in patients aged < 60 years to 65.5% in patients aged > 64 years (P < 0.001), and neutropenia increased from 46.9% to 57.4% (P < 0.001). There was no difference, however, in clinically more relevant febrile neutropenia between the different age groups. Thrombopenia shows a similar age-dependent increase, whereas there is no difference between the age groups concerning anemia. Hot flushes and elevated liver enzymes decreased with increasing age.
Conclusions: The present pooled analysis of a substantial cohort of older primary breast cancer patients demonstrates that taxane-containing (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy is feasible in older patients and that toxicity can be reduced by sequential therapy regimens.
Hematotoxicity is one of the major side effects of chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to examine the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and hematotoxicity in breast cancer patients in a subset of patients of the SUCCESS prospective phase III chemotherapy study. All patients (n = 1678) received three cycles of 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide (FEC) followed by three cycles of docetaxel or docetaxel/gemcitabine, depending on randomization. Germline DNA was genotyped for 246 SNPs selected from a previous genome-wide association study (GWAS) in a panel of lymphoblastoid cell lines, with gemcitabine toxicity as the phenotype. All SNPs were tested for their value in predicting grade 3 or 4 neutropenic or leukopenic events (NLEs). Their prognostic value in relation to overall survival and disease-free survival was also tested.
None of the SNPs was found to be predictive for NLEs during treatment with docetaxel/gemcitabine. Two SNPs in and close to the PIGB gene significantly improved the prediction of NLEs after FEC, in addition to the factors of age and body surface area. The top SNP (rs12050587) had an odds ratio of 1.38 per minor allele (95% confidence interval, 1.17 to 1.62). No associations were identified for predicting disease-free or overall survival.
Genetic variance in the PIGB gene may play a role in determining interindividual differences in relation to hematotoxicity after FEC chemotherapy.
In dieser Übersichtsarbeit wird dargestellt, wie neue Therapien oder neue Aspekte etablierter Therapien in Zusammenhang mit neuesten, aktuellen Erkenntnissen stehen. Neoadjuvanz, Lokaltherapie, neue Aspekte der Systemtherapie und Prognose- sowie Prädiktivfaktoren werden beleuchtet. In der Neoadjuvanz ist nach wie vor der Zusammenhang zwischen pCR und Prognose von Interesse, ebenso wie neue molekulare Prädiktoren für neue Therapien wie CDK4/6-Inhibitoren zu identifizieren. Bei der operativen Behandlung wird weiter nach einer Reduktion der Aggressivität gestrebt. Insbesondere das duktale Carcinoma in situ muss dafür noch besser verstanden werden. Bei den Systemtherapien wächst die Datenlage zum Verständnis der besten Kombinationen und Therapieabläufe für bestehende Therapieverfahren. Letztendlich muss mithilfe von Prognose- und Prädiktivfaktoren vermieden werden, dass Übertherapien stattfinden und nur die Patientin spezifische Therapien erhält, welche bei dieser individuellen Patientin eine nachgewiesene Wirksamkeit mit wenig Nebenwirkungen haben.
New therapeutic developments aimed at treating women with advanced breast cancer currently focus both on identifying patients eligible for targeted therapeutic concepts and on the continuing development of immune therapies. The data on CDK4/6 inhibitors are now complete and consistent in this class of substances (palbociclib, ribociclib and abemaciclib). Further pathways under investigation are PI3K and AKT signalling pathways along with diverse approaches to their inhibition. Initial study results were also presented recently on both mechanisms of action. Insights into the PARP inhibitors, moreover, are increasing; studies in this respect are also examining in which population they can be used most effectively. This review offers a summary of the recent studies and an outline of the latest developments.
This summary provides an overview of how new therapies or new aspects of established therapies relate to the latest findings. Neoadjuvant therapy, local therapy, new aspects of systemic therapy, and prognostic and predictive factors are presented. In the neoadjuvant setting, the association between pathological complete response (pCR) and prognosis is still of interest as is the identification of new molecular predictors for new therapies such as CDK4/6 inhibitors. As regards surgical treatment, the target is still to reduce the aggressiveness of surgery. To achieve this, a better understanding particularly of ductal carcinoma in situ is required. With regard to systemic therapy, more data on the best combinations and therapy sequences for existing therapies is available. Finally, the use of prognostic and predictive factors may help to avoid overtreatment and ensure that patients only receive therapies which have been shown to be effective for their specific condition and have fewer side effects.
In der Prävention und Behandlung des frühen Mammakarzinoms sind über die Jahre immer wieder kleine, aber bedeutsame Fortschritte gemacht worden. In der Prävention gewinnen die sogenannten Panel-Gen-Analysen immer mehr an Bedeutung, da das durch die getesteten Gene bedingte Risiko immer besser verstanden wird und somit Konzepte für die Integration in die Krankenversorgung erarbeitet werden können. In der adjuvanten Situation konnte die erste Studie in der sogenannten postneoadjuvanten Situation bei fehlender pathologischer Komplettremission nach Trastuzumab oder Pertuzumab + Trastuzumab eine deutliche Verbesserung der Prognose zeigen. Weitere Studien mit diesem postneoadjuvanten Therapiekonzept werden zurzeit noch durchgeführt. Die CDK4/6-Inhibitoren, die in der metastasierten Situation eine deutliche Verbesserung des progressionsfreien Überlebens gezeigt hatten, werden zurzeit in der adjuvanten Situation in großen Therapiestudien getestet. Diese und weitere neue Daten zur Behandlung oder Prävention des primären Mammakarzinoms werden in dieser Übersichtsarbeit vor dem Hintergrund aktueller Studien vorgestellt.
Update Mammakarzinom 2018 (Teil 2) – fortgeschrittenes Mammakarzinom, Lebensqualität und Prävention
Die Behandlung des metastasierten Mammakarzinoms hat bei immer neu zu testenden Therapien deutlich an Komplexität zugenommen. Therapien werden nunmehr nur noch für spezielle klinische oder molekulare Subgruppen entwickelt. Hierbei spielen die intrinsischen, molekularen Subtypen zwar immer noch die größte Rolle, jedoch gibt es zunehmend auch Therapien, die subgruppen- oder sogar histologieübergreifend entwickelt werden, wie z. B. der PARP-Inhibitor bei BRCA-mutierten Patientinnen (Mamma- und Ovarialkarzinom). Aber auch Supportivtherapien entwickeln sich weiter, sodass Probleme wie die Alopezie besser behandelt werden können und neue Therapiearten von Übelkeit und Erbrechen etabliert werden. In einem engen Zusammenhang mit den Supportivtherapien stehen die Nebenwirkungen, welche bei Patientinnen mit einem metastasierten Mammakarzinom einen direkten Einfluss auf die Prognose haben. Hier könnten digitale Werkzeuge helfen, um ein besseres Patientinnenmanagement zu etablieren. Diese Übersichtsarbeit soll diese Aspekte vor dem Hintergrund neuer, aktuell publizierter Studien beleuchten und einen Einblick geben, wie sich diese Studien zu etablierten Routinetherapien verhalten. Zusätzlich werden aktuelle Aspekte der Mammakarzinomprävention beleuchtet.
Beim primären, frühen Mammakarzinom zielt die Behandlungsplanung auf ein immer besseres Verständnis der Erkrankung ab. Die Identifikation von Patientinnen mit einer exzellenten Prognose könnte dieser Gruppe helfen, unnötige Therapien zu vermeiden. Weiterhin wird die Planung der Therapie immer weiter auf die Patientin abgestimmt. Das Wissen über Patientinnen, die besonders von einer Chemotherapie profitieren, wächst genauso wie das Wissen um Patientinnen, die von einer Immuntherapie profitieren könnten. Hinsichtlich der Immuntherapien stehen die durchgeführten Studien kurz vor der Publikation. Einzelne kleinere Studien bieten einen ersten Einblick in die Wirksamkeit der Checkpoint-Inhibitoren (Anti-PD1/PDL1-Therapien). Nicht zuletzt konnte kürzlich eine der größten Brustkrebsstudien aller Zeiten zu Ende geführt werden. Die Anwendung eines Multigentests konnte zeigen, dass er ausreicht, um Patientinnen mit einer so guten Prognose zu identifizieren, dass keine Chemotherapie nötig ist. Dieser Review-Artikel soll die aktuellen Studien zusammenfassen und einen Ausblick der gegenwärtigen Entwicklungen geben.