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Document Type
- Article (10)
- Conference Proceeding (5)
- Preprint (2)
- English (17)
Has Fulltext
- yes (17)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (17)
- Final state (1)
- Heavy quarks (1)
- Initial state (1)
- Jet quenching (1)
- Jet shapes (1)
- LHC (1)
- Nuclear modification factor (1)
- Parton cascade BAMPS (1)
- Reconstructed jets (1)
Starting from a classical picture of shear viscosity we construct a steady velocity gradient in the partonic cascade BAMPS. Using the Navier-Stokes-equation we calculate the shear viscosity coefficient. For elastic isotropic scatterings we find a very good agreement with the analytic values. For both elastic and inelastic scatterings with pQCD cross sections we find good agreement with previously published calculations.
The spatial configuration of initial partons in high multiplicity proton–proton scatterings at 14 TeV is assumed as three randomly positioned “hot spots”. The parton momentum distribution in the hot spots is calculated by HIJING2.0 with some modifications. This initial condition causes not only large eccentricity ϵ2 but also triangularity ϵ3 and the correlation of ϵ2−ϵ3 event-plane angles. The final elliptic flow v2, triangular flow v3, and the correlation of v2−v3 event-plane angles are calculated by using the parton cascade model BAMPS to simulate the space–time parton evolution. Our results show that the v2−v3 correlation is different from that of ϵ2−ϵ3. This finding indicates that translations of different Fourier components of the initial spatial asymmetry to the final flow components are not independent. A dynamical correlation between the elliptic and triangular flow appears during the collective expansion.
We investigate viscous effects on the dynamical evolution of QCD matter during the first-order phase transition, which may happen in heavy-ion collisions. We first obtain the first-order phase transition line in the QCD phase diagram under the Gibbs condition by using the MIT bag model and the hadron resonance gas model for the equation of state of partons and hadrons. The viscous pressure, which corresponds to the friction in the energy balance, is then derived from the energy and net baryon number conservation during the phase transition. We find that the viscous pressure relates to the thermodynamic change of the two-phase state and thus affects the timescale of the phase transition. Numerical results are presented for demonstrations.
We discuss recent applications of the partonic pQCD based cascade model BAMPS with focus on heavy-ion phenomeneology in hard and soft momentum range. The nuclear modification factor as well as elliptic flow are calculated in BAMPS for RHIC end LHC energies. These observables are also discussed within the same framework for charm and bottom quarks. Contributing to the recent jet-quenching investigations we present first preliminary results on application of jet reconstruction algorithms in BAMPS. Finally, collective effects induced by jets are investigated: we demonstrate the development of Mach cones in ideal matter as well in the highly viscous regime.
Heavy quark and charmonium production as well as their space-time evolution are studied in transport simulations of heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC. In the partonic transport model Boltzmann Approach of MultiParton Scatterings (BAMPS) heavy quarks can be produced in initial hard parton scatterings or during the evolution of the quark-gluon plasma. Subsequently, they interact with the medium via binary scatterings with a running coupling and a more precise Debye screening which is derived from hard thermal loop calculations, participate in the flow and lose energy. We present results of the elliptic flow and nuclear modification factor of heavy quarks and compare them to available data. Furthermore, preliminary results on J/psi suppression at forward and mid-rapidity are reported for central and non-central collisions at RHIC. For this, we study cold nuclear matter effects and the dissociation as well as regeneration of J/psi in the quark-gluon plasma. XLIX International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics 24-28 January 2011 BORMIO, Italy
Fast thermalization and a strong build up of elliptic flow of QCD matter were investigated within the pQCD based 3+1 dimensional parton transport model BAMPS including bremsstrahlung 2 <-> 3 processes. Within the same framework quenching of gluonic jets in Au+Au collisions at RHIC can be understood. The development of conical structure by gluonic jets is investigated in a static box for the regimes of small and large dissipation. Furthermore we demonstrate two different approaches to extract the shear viscosity coefficient n from a microscopical picture.
Second-order dissipative hydrodynamic equations for each component of a multi-component system are derived using the entropy principle. Comparison of the solutions with kinetic transport results demonstrates validity of the obtained equations. We demonstrate how the shear viscosity of the total system can be calculated in terms of the involved cross-sections and partial densities. The presence of the inter-species interactions leads to a characteristic time dependence of the shear viscosity of the mixture, which also means that the shear viscosity of a mixture cannot be calculated using the Green-Kubo formalism the way it has been done recently. This finding is of interest for understanding of the shear viscosity of a quark-gluon plasma extracted from comparisons of hydrodynamic simulations with experimental results from RHIC and LHC.
It is investigated whether canonical suppression associated with the exact conservation of an U(1)-charge can be reproduced correctly by current transport models. Therefore a pion-gas having a volume-limited cross section for kaon production and annihilation is simulated within two different transport prescriptions for realizing the inelastic collisions. It is found that both models can indeed dynamically account for the canonical suppression in the yields of rare strange particles.
Using a partonic transport model we investigate the evolution of conical structures in ultrarelativistic matter. Using two different source terms and varying the transport properties of the matter we study the formation of Mach Cones. Furthermore, in an additional study we extract the two-particle correlations from the numerical calculations and compare them to an analytical approximation. The influence of the viscosity to the shape of Mach Cones and the corresponding two-particle correlations is studied by adjusting the cross section of the medium.
We discuss recent applications of the partonic perturbative QCD based cascade model BAMPS with focus on heavy-ion phenomenology in the hard and soft momentum range. First, the elliptic flow and suppression of charm and bottom quarks are studied at LHC energies. Thereafter, we compare in a detailed study the standard Gunion-Bertsch approximation of the matrix elements for inelastic processes to the exact results in leading order perturbative QCD. Since a disagreement is found, we propose an improved Gunion-Bertsch matrix element, which agrees with the exact result in all phase space regions.