Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (9)
- diplomthesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (10)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (10)
- Exotic State (1)
- Hadron Spectroscopy (1)
- Inclusive Reconstruction (1)
- Lambda Hyperon (1)
- Physik (10)
Die Suche nach einem geeigneten Photosensor für das PANDA-Experiment wurde durch folgende Anforderungen eingegrenzt: • Tauglichkeit in einem starken Magnetfeld • Funktionsfähigkeit trotz niedriger Temperatur • geringe Bauhöhe • interne Verstärkungsstufe wegen der geringen Lichtausbeute von PbWO4 • stabiler Betrieb trotz hoher Strahlenbelastung Diese Punkte werden von Large Area Avalanche-Photodioden (LAAPDs) erfüllt. Da diese Si-Halbleiterdioden im laufenden Experiment einer hohen Strahlenbelastung ausgesetzt sein werden, ist es erforderlich, die Strahlenhärte im Vorfeld intensiv zu testen. Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit wurden Strahlenhärtetests mit geladenen und neutralen Teilchen an (inter-)nationalen Instituten und der Universität Frankfurt durchgeführt, wobei das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Neutronenbestrahlung lag. Dazu wurde eine Messvorrichtung entwickelt und funktionstüchtig aufgebaut, mit der dann die Messungen an fünf verschiedenen Dioden mit einer Kapazität von 180 pF vorgenommen wurden. Während der Bestrahlung wurde der Dunkelstrom in Abhängigkeit von der Bestrahlungszeit bei konstanten Temperaturen gemessen. Vor und nach den Tests wurden die APD-Parameter charakterisert, um später durch den Vergleich der Daten Aussagen zur Strahlenhärte der Photodetektoren machen zu können. Die Ergebnisse und Vergleiche zeigen, dass die APDs nach der Bestrahlung mit Photonen weiterhin gut funktionieren. Die Quantenausbeute verändert sich nicht. Der durch Protonen- (Rate ≈ 1013 p/cm2 (90 MeV) und Neutronenbestrahlung (Rate ≈ 1010 n/cm2 (1 MeV) und 1014 n/cm2 (14 MeV)) erzeugte hohe Dunkelstrom der APDs ist aufgrund seiner Temperaturabhängigkeit und den Ausheilungseffekte reduzierbar. Es ist zu erwarten, dass die APDs im laufenden Experimentbetrieb trotz dieser Strahlung funktionsfähig bleiben werden. Sobald die mit Neutronen bestrahlten APDs abgeklungen sind, werden ihre Parameter zum Vorher-/Nachher-Vergleich vermessen. Dazu gehören der Dunkelstrom in Abhängigkeit von der Verstärkung, die Verstärkung in Abhängigkeit von der Spannung und Wellenlänge und die Quantenausbeute. Um die Ausheilung bestrahlter Photodioden in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur genauer zu bestimmen, sollen sie (unter Vorspannung) in einem Ofen bei T = 80◦C ausgebacken werden, bis der Dunkelstrom sich wieder in einem Gleichgewicht befindet. Nach diesem Vorgang werden dann alle APD-Parameter noch einmal vermessen, um einen Vergleich mit den Werten vor der Bestrahlung zu ziehen. Neben diesen nachbereitenden Arbeiten wird an ersten rechteckigen APD-Prototypen, die sich in der Entwicklungsphasen befinden, geforscht. An diesen außergewöhnlich großen APDs müssen alle an den quadratischen Photodioden bereits durchgeführten und noch folgenden Tests ebenfalls vorgenommen werden.
The PANDA experiment at FAIR will study fundamental questions of strong interaction with high precision. Effcient particle identification for a wide momentum range and the full solid angle is required for successful reconstruction of the benchmark channels of the broad PANDA physics program. For this purpose a compact ring imaging Cherenkov detector is being developed for the barrel region of the PANDA detector. The concept and the baseline design of the PANDA Barrel DIRC were inspired by the BABAR DIRC and improved with important modifications, like fast photon timing, a compact expansion volume, and focusing optics. The required detector resolution was defined based on the PANDA PID specifications using the phase space distributions of the final state kaons produced in selected benchmark channels. To optimize the PANDA Barrel DIRC design in terms of performance and cost the baseline detector geometry and a number of design options were implemented in the simulation. The key options include the radiator dimensions, two types of expansion volume shapes, and a variety of focusing systems. The performance of the detector designs was quantified in terms of single photon Cherenkov angle resolution and photon yield. It was found that the number of radiators can be reduced by about 40% without loss in performance. A compound spherical lens without air gap was found to be a promising focusing system. An optimized Barrel DIRC design meeting the PID requirements includes three radiator bars per at section, the compound lens without air gap, a compact prism-shaped EV, and a total of 192 Microchannel-Plate PMTs as photosensors. The number of electronic channels can be halved without loss in performance by combining two neighbouring pixels. For such a detector design the total cost will be significantly reduced compared to the baseline version while still meeting or exceeding the PANDA PID performance goals.
Das Antiprotonen-Experiment PANDA an der zukünftigen Beschleunigeranlage FAIR wird unter anderem Charmonium-Zustände mit einer bis dato unerreichten Genauigkeit messen können. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wird eine sehr gute Teilchenidentifikationsfähigkeit verlangt. Eine gute Trennung zwischen Pionen und Kaonen wird durch den Einsatz eines Cherenkovdetektors erreicht. Die Leistungsfähigkeit eines DIRC hängt von dessen Radiatorgüte ab. Um die Qualität der Radiatorstäbe spezifizieren zu können, wurde im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit eine optische Messapparatur entwickelt. Dieser Aufbau erlaubt es die Transmission sowie die Oberflächenrauheit der Stäbe zu messen. Es wurden mehrere Radiatorstäbe aus synthetischem Quarzglas und Acrylglas untersucht. Die Messgenauigkeit bei hochqualitativen Stäben liegt für die Transmissionsmessung bei etwa 1 Promille und für die Rauheit bei 1-2 Angström. Die Messergebnisse bei verschiedenen Wellenlängen zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit der skalaren Streutheorie, die den Zusammenhang zwischen Reflexionskoeffizienten und Rauheit beschreibt. Bei einer Strahlzeit an der GSI mit einem 2 GeV Protonenstrahl wurde ein erster Prototyp für den Barrel-DIRC mit einem Stab aus synthetischem Quarzglas als Radiator getestet. Durch Variation des Einfallswinkels und der Position des Protonenstrahls auf dem Radiator konnten Cherenkovringe eindeutig nachgewiesen werden. Zudem wurde der Cherenkovwinkel und die Einzelphotonauflösung in guter Übereinstimmung mit dem Erwartetem und der Simulation bestimmt.
Understanding the hadron spectrum is one of the primary goals of non-perturbative QCD. Many predictions have experimentally been confirmed, others still remain under experimental investigation. Of particular interest is how gluonic excitations give rise to states with constituent glue. One class of such states are hybrid mesons that are predicted by theoretical models and Lattice QCD calculations. Searching for and understanding the nature of these states is a primary physics goal of the GlueX experiment at the CEBAF accelerator at Jefferson Lab. A search for a JPC = 1−− hybrid meson candidate, the Y(2175), in φ(1020)π+π+ and φ(1020)f0(980) channels in photoproduction on a proton target has been conducted. A first measurement of non-resonant φ(1020)π+π+ and φ(1020)f0(980) total cross sections in photoproduction has been performed. An upper limit on the resonance production cross section for the Y (2175) → φ(1020)π+π+ and Y (2175) → φ(1020)f0(980) channels are estimated. Since the analysis essentially depends on the quality of the charged kaon identification, also an optimization of particle identification through an improvement of the energy loss estimation in the central drift chamber by a truncated mean method has been investigated.
The PANDA experiment at FAIR will perform world class physics studies using high-intensity cooled antiproton beams with momenta between 1.5 and 15 GeV/c. A rich physics program requires very good particle identification (PID). Charged hadron PID for the barrel section of the target spectrometer has to cover the angular range of 22-140° and separate pions from kaons for momenta up to 3.5 GeV/c with a separation power of at least 3 standard deviations. The system that will provide it has to be thin and operate in a strong magnetic field. A ring imaging Cherenkov detector using the DIRC principle meets those requirements. The design of the PANDA Barrel DIRC is based on the successful BABAR DIRC counter with several important changes to improve the performance and optimize the costs. The design options are being studied in detailed Monte Carlo simulation, and implemented in increasingly complex system prototypes and tested in particle beams. Before building the full system prototypes the radiator bars and lenses are measured on the test benches. The performance of the DIRC prototype was quantified in terms of the single photon Cherenkov angle resolution and the photon yield. Results for two full system prototypes will be presented. The prototype in 2011 aimed at investigating the full size expansion volume. It was found that the resolution for this configuration is at the level of in good agreement with ray tracing simulation results. A more complex prototype, tested in 2012, provided the first experience with a compact fused silica prism expansion volume, a wide radiator plate, and several advanced lens options for the focusing system. The performance of the baseline configuration of the prototype with a standard lens and an air gap met the requirements for the PANDA PID for most of the polar angle range but failed at polar angles around 90° due to photon loss at the air gap. Measurements with a prototype high-refractive index compound lens without an air gap at a polar angle of 128° beam angle showed a good resolution of σΘC = 11.8 ± 0.7 mrad and a high photon yield of Nph = 26.1 ± 0.4. Even at polar angles close to 90° the photon yield with this lens exceeded 15 detected photons per particle, meeting the PANDA Barrel DIRC PID requirements for the entire phase space and demonstrating that the compact focusing DIRC is a very promising option for PANDA.
Next-generation DIRC detectors, like the PANDA Barrel DIRC, with improved optical designs and better spatial and timing resolution, require correspondingly advanced reconstruction and PID methods. The investigation of the PID performance of two DIRC counters and the evaluation of the reconstruction and PID algorithms form the core of this thesis. Several reconstruction and PID approaches were developed, optimized, and tested using hadronic beam particles, experimental physics events, and Geant simulations. The near-final design of the PANDA Barrel DIRC was evaluated with a prototype in the T9 beamline at CERN in 2018. The analysis finds excellent agreement between the experimental data and the Geant simulations for all reconstruction algorithms. The best PID performance of up to $5.2 \pm 0.2$ s.d. $\pi$/K separation at 3.5 GeV/c, was obtained with a time imaging PID method. The PANDA Barrel DIRC simulation, as well as the reconstruction and PID algorithms, were evaluated using experimental data from the GlueX DIRC as part of the FAIR Phase-0 program. The performance validation was carried out using physics events of the GlueX experiment and simulations. The initial analysis results of the commissioning dataset show a $\pi$/K separation power of up to 3 s.d. at a momentum of 3.0-3.5 GeV/c, obtained using a geometric reconstruction algorithm.
In the last two decades, new unpredicted charmonium-like states with extraordinary characteristics have been observed experimentally. These states also known as the XYZ states, e.g., the Y(4260) or the X(3872), are mostly interpreted as QCD allowed exotic hadrons. One of the leading hadron physics experiments in the world, the Beijing Electron Spectrometer III (BESIII) at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider II (BEPCII) is aiming towards revealing the internal structure of these states. It has brought numerous breakthrough discoveries including the discovery of the charged Zc(3900). In order to understand the nature of the Y(4260) state and its decay patterns, an inclusive analysis is performed for different recoil systems (π+π−,K+K− and K±π∓) using the BESIII data samples for center of mass energies above 4 GeV collected between 2013 and 2019. The aim of this analysis is twofold: on one hand, we search for new unobserved charmonium-like decay channels using the missing mass technique and on the other hand, it provides an accurate inclusive cross section measurement for e+e−→X π+π−, with the X being the J/ψ, hc and ψ(2S), respectively. Two resonant structures, the Y(4220) and the Y(4390), are observed in the inclusive energy dependent Born cross section of e+e−→hc π+π−, which is consistent with the BESIII exclusive measurements. Moreover, the energy dependent cross section of e+e−→J/ψ π+π− is investigated, in which two resonances have consistently been observed with the previous BESIII exclusive studies, namely, the Y(4220) and the Y(4320). In the (K±π±) recoil system, possible Y(4260) open charm decay channels are investigated. Two enhancements are observed in the inclusive energy dependent cross section of e+e−→DD above 4.13GeV, which could possibly be the ψ(4160)and the ψ(4415).
The PANDA experiment will be one of the flagship experiments at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany. It is a versatile detector dedicated to topics in hadron physics such as charmonium spectroscopy and nucleon structure. A DIRC counter will deliver hadronic particle identification in the barrel part of the PANDA target spectrometer and will cleanly separate kaons with momenta up to 3.5 GeV/c from a large pion background. An alternative DIRC design option, using wide Cherenkov radiator plates instead of narrow bars, would significantly reduce the cost of the system. Compact fused silica photon prisms have many advantages over the traditional stand-off boxes filled with liquid. This work describes the study of these design options, which are important advancements of the DIRC technology in terms of cost and performance. Several new reconstruction methods were developed and will be presented. Prototypes of the DIRC components have been built and tested in particle beam, and the new concepts and approaches were applied. An evaluation of the performance of the designs, feasibility studies with simulations, and a comparison of simulation and prototype tests will be presented.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung, der Aufbau und die Charakterisierung sowie Messung einer anwendungsspezifischen integrierten Schaltung (engl.: Application Specific Integrated Circuit, ASIC). Sie dient der Auslese der im elektromagnetischen Kalorimeter des PANDA-Experiments eingesetzten Lawinenfotodioden. Jeder Auslesekanal beinhaltet in der Eingangsstufe einen ladungsempfindlichen Vorverstärker, gefolgt von einem Pulsformer sowie zwei Ausgangstreibern. Am Beginn der Entwicklung steht die Machbarkeitsstudie einer integrierten Ausleseelektronik, welche die anspruchsvollen Anforderungen des PANDA-Experiments erfüllt. Aus rauschtheoretischen Untersuchungen resultieren erste Entwurfsparameter für die Schaltung, die mit Hilfe umfangreicher Simulationen verbessert und ergänzt werden. Die technische Umsetzung der Schaltung erfolgt in einem 0,35 Micrometer-CMOS-Prozess der Firma Austria Mikrosysteme. Die Charakterisierung der integrierten Ausleseelektronik ergibt bei einer Umgebungstemperatur von T = - 20° C eine Shapingzeit des Signalpulses von tr = (124 ± 2) ns. Mit dem äquivalenten Rauschwert von ENC = (4456 ± 35) e- und einer maximal möglichen Eingangsladung von 7,84 pC folgt ein dynamischer Bereich von über 10 000. Der ratenunabhängige Leistungsbedarf eines einzelnen Auslesekanals beträgt P = (52, 4 ± 0, 2)mW. Damit erfüllt der in dieser Arbeit beschriebene ASIC Prototyp alle Anforderungen, die vom Experiment an die Ausleseelektronik gestellt werden.
In the last twenty years, a variety of unexpected resonances had been observed within the charmonium mass region. Although the existence of unconventional states has been predicted by the quantum chromodynamics (QCD), a quantum field theory describing the strong force, a clear evidence was missing. The Y(4260) is such an unexpected and supernummerary state, first observed at BaBar in 2005, and aroused great interest, because it couples much stronger to hidden charm decays (charm-anticharm states like J/Psi or h_c) instead of open charm decays (D meson pairs). This is unusual for states with masses above the D anti-D threshold. Furthermore, it decays into a charged exotic state Y(4260)->Z_c(3900)^+- pi^-+. The charge of the Z_c(3900)^+- is an indication that it comprises of two more quarks than the charm-anticharm pair, and could therefore be assumed to be a four-quark state. Due to these still not understood properties of these QCD-allowed states, they are referred to as exotic XYZ states to emphasize their particularity.
In 2017, the collaboration of the Beijing Spectrometer III (BESIII) investigated the production reaction of the Y(4260) resonance based on a high-luminosity data set. This significantly improved precision of the measurement of the cross-section sigma(e+e- -> J/Psi pi^+ pi^-) permitted a resolution into two resonances, the Y(4230) and the Y(4360). The Z_c(3900)^+- had been discovered by the BESIII collaboration in 2013, thus this experiment at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider II (BEPCII) is a top-performing facililty to study exotic charmonium-like states.
In this work, an inclusive reconstruction of the strange hyperon Lambda in the charmonium mass region is performed to study possible decays of Y states in order to provide further insight into their nature. Finding more states or new decay channels may provide crucial hints to understand the strong interaction beyond nonperturbative approaches.
Three resonances are observed in the energy dependent cross-section: the first with a mass of (4222.01 +- 5.68) MeV and a width of (154.26 +- 28.16) MeV, the second with a mass of (4358.88 +- 4.97) MeV and a width of (49.58 +- 13.54) MeV and the third with a mass of (4416.41 +- 2.37) MeV and a width of (23.88 +- 7.18) MeV. These resonances, with a statistical significance Z > 5sigma, can be interpreted as the states Y(4230), Y(4360) and psi(4415).
Additionally, a proton momentum-dependent analysis strategy has been used in terms of the inclusiveness of the reconstruction and to address the momentum discrepancies between generic MC and measured data.