990 Geschichte anderer Gebiete
Document Type
- Book (5)
- Article (1)
- Part of a Book (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
- Australien (2)
- Auswanderung (1)
- Banaba (1)
- Biography (1)
- Deutsche (1)
- Emigration and immigration (1)
- Germans (1)
- Großbritannien (1)
- History (1)
- Japan (1)
- Extern (1)
Interview mit Katerina Teaiwa über ihr Buch zu den Umweltschäden und schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen auf der Insel Ocean Island (Banaba) aufgrund des Phosphatabbaus durch Besatzungs- und Kolonialmächte.
The content of this book will explain A For various reasons Europeans and Germans left their Homeland. B How they travelled in groups and individually. C How they landed in South Australia. D The Newcomers reception in a British colony. E The treatment they received in Australia. F What the Germans and Europeans achieved in Australia.
Aboriginal migration from South East Asia is the beginning of Australian economic history. Prehistorians have tended to focus on means to sea travel rather than opportunity and motive to migrate. American and Australian measures of sea depth contours throw new light on possible migration paths and the conditions that might have prompted Aboriginal ancestors to move through island SE Asia to Australia. Interpretation of the data depends on a reconsideration of palaeodemography and the introduction of some economic and historical analysis. Several scenarios suggest possible conditions influencing trends and fluctuations in Aboriginal migration over the past 60,000 years.