Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (12)
- Part of a Book (8)
- Working Paper (4)
- Preprint (2)
- Review (2)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- German (18)
- English (6)
- Portuguese (5)
Has Fulltext
- yes (29)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (29)
- Deutsch (8)
- Gesprochene Sprache (5)
- Syntax (5)
- Konversationsanalyse (3)
- Dialog (2)
- Diskursanalyse (2)
- Englisch (2)
- Fremdsprachenlernen (2)
- Interkulturalität (2)
- Kommunikation (2)
The research focuses on the narrative verbalization of mental reactions to the official announcement of 9 November 1989 stating that citizens of the GDR were henceforth permitted to travel to the West. This announcement differs from the type of unexpected information which is readily believable and comprehensible, to which we respond with interjections (change-of-state tokens: oh, ach, ach so) and certain formulations (das glaub ich, ich verstehe). Respondents from both East and West Berlin represented in the "Wende-Korpus" reacted from the cognitive perspective with mistrust and incomprehension, and from the emotional perspective with surprise, which was reflected both in syntactic structure and in the frequent use of metaphors. The report was more frequently interpreted as a joke than as a real event.
Das Zusammenspiel der Valenz- und Konstruktionsgrammatik auf dem Feld der syntaktischen Analysen
Many linguistic discussions have focused on the question whether construction grammar represents an alternative descriptive grammatical model to valency grammar. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the pros and cons of valency grammar-based and construction grammar-based models using actual linguistic data, demonstrating that both models are mutually complementary and thus represent a suitable framework for syntactic and semantic analysis.
The syntactic structure of predicatives : clues from the omission of the copula in child english
This paper explores the syntax of main clause predicatives from the perspective of trying to account for an asymmetry in copular constructions in certain languages. One of the languages in which we find such an asymmetry is child English (around age 2). Specifically, new results show that children acquiring English tend to use an overt (and inflected) copula in individual-level predicatives, but they tend to omit the copula in stage-level predicatives. The analysis adopted to account for this pattern draws on evidence from adult English, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese that stage-level predicates are Aspectual (they contain AspP) while individual-level predicates are not (they involve only a lexical Small Clause predicate). Children's omission of the copula in structures with AspP is linked to the fact that at this stage of development, children fail to require finiteness in main clauses. In particular, Asp0 is temporally anchored in child English, thereby obviating the need for a finite (temporally anchored) Infl, i.e. an inflected copula.
As part of a major project on the syntactic organisation of written discourse in the recent history of the English language, this paper tackles the distribution of sentences comprising left-dislocated constituents in a corpus of texts from late Middle English onwards. Once the phenomenon of left dislocation has been properly defined, this investigation will concentrate on the analysis of the corpus in the following directions: (i) statistical evolution of left dislocation in the recent history of the English language; (ii) the influence of orality and genre on left dislocation; (iii) information conveyed by the left-dislocated material, that is, the discourse-based referentiality potential of the left-dislocated constituents in terms of recoverability, and its association with end-focus; and (iv) grammatical complexity of the left-dislocated material and its association with end-weight.
To monitor one's speech means to check the speech plan for errors, both before and after talking. There are several theories as to how this process works. We give a short overview on the most influential theories only to focus on the most widely received one, the Perceptual Loop Theory of monitoring by Levelt (1983). One of the underlying assumptions of this theory is the existence of an Inner Loop, a monitoring device that checks for errors before speech is articulated. This paper collects evidence for the existence of such an internal monitoring device and questions how it might work. Levelt's theory argues that internal monitoring works by means of perception, but there are other empirical findings that allow for the assumption that an Inner Loop could also use our speech production devices. Based on data from both experimental and aphasiological papers we develop a model based on Levelt (1983) which shows that internal monitoring might in fact make use of both perception and production means.
In this paper, I argue that this informally given list of characteristics covers only a certain subclass of specific indefinites. […] In particular, I dispute the definition of specific indefinites as "the speaker has the referent in mind" as rather confusing if one is working with a semantic theory. Furthermore, I discuss "relative specificity", it. cases in which the specific indefinite does not exhibit wide, but intermediate or narrow scope behavior. Based on such data, I argue that specificity expresses a referential dependency between introduced discourse items. Informally speaking, the specificity of the indefinite expression something [...] expresses that the reference of the expression depends on the reference of another expression, here, on the expression a monk, not the speaker.
'Correction' is the name of a sentence with contrastive focus' the phonological/phonetic realization of which is a single contrastive pitch accent. These sentences predominantly appear in (fictional) dialogues. The first speaker uses grammatical entities against which the next speaker protests with a sentence nearly identical except that it contains a prosodically marked corrective element. This paper makes contrastive focus visible by means of 'KF' (contrastive focus).
Das Prager Deutsch wurde schon oft erwähnt, aber wenig beschrieben. In diesem Aufsatz wird die letzte Form dieses Deutschen dargestellt, wie sie in den 30er und 40er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts gesprochen wurde, als deutsche Standardsprache der Länder der böhmischen Krone. Die Unterschiede zum neutralen Standarddeutschen sind sehr gering. Es gibt wenige tschechische Einflüsse, kaum Übereinstimmungen mit dem süddeutschen und österreichischen Substandard, aber Parallelen zum nördlichen Standarddeutschen. Heute ist das Prager Deutsch fast ausgestorben, da es nach 1945 nicht mehr weitergegeben wurde.
Aus dem umfangreichen Spektrum möglicher Themen, die sich im Zusammenhang mit Internet, Computer und Kommunikation für die verschiedenen Bereiche der Sprachwissenschaft ergeben, konzentrieren wir uns in unserer Untersuchung auf die Frage nach dem Vorkommen von konzeptioneller Mündlichkeit beim Kommunizieren mittels des vernetzten Computers. Bei dieser Analyse beschränken wir uns auf Texte in Blogs sowie auf Tweets und Kommentare, die im Zusammenhang mit Online Versionen von Zeitungen und Zeitschriften ins Netz gestellt werden.
Wir lassen uns bei diesem Vorgehen von der Überzeugung leiten, dass es uns durch diese Analyse gelingen wird herauszufinden, welche situativ-technischen Voraussetzungen es genau sind, die diese Tendenz zur Mündlichkeit jeweils begründen. Um den Einzelsprachen überschreitenden Charakter unserer Studie veranschaulichen zu können, beziehen wir uns bei unseren Interpretationen auf einen Korpus, der aus portugiesischen Äußerungen besteht. Diese Interpretation nehmen wir im Rahmen der Analyseparameter "Rolle, Zeit, Situation, Code und Medium" sowie einer Reihe von universalen Verfahren der Diskursgestaltung wie z.B. "Sequenzierung der Rede" oder "aggregative Strukturierung des Informationsflusses" vor. Diese Parameter und Verfahren entnehmen wir dabei dem von uns modifizierten Modell des Nähe- und Distanzsprechens von Ágel&Hennig (2006a, 2006b, 2007), das die Leser in seiner schematischen Darstellung im Anhang dieses Artikels finden. Wir benutzen dieses Modell, weil es eine exakte und hierarchisch streng gegliederte Erklärung und Interpretation der Merkmale der Netzkommunikation erlaubt.