Contingentia : Vol. 2 No. 2, 2007
Year of publication
- 2007 (11)
- Portuguese (9)
- German (2)
Has Fulltext
- yes (11)
- Brasilien (3)
- Andrade, Mário de / Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter (1)
- Benjamin, Walter (1)
- Boal, Augusto (1)
- Deutsch (1)
- Deutschunterricht (1)
- Engel der Geschichte (1)
- Fremdsprachenlernen (1)
- Fremdsprachenunterricht (1)
- Lexikographie (1)
Resenha : Langenscheidt Taschenwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Berlin: Langenscheidt, 2004.
The Brazilian Choros combines rhythmic gesture, ongoing harmonies and sequences of motives in one single melody. This technique derives from baroque music and can be compared to the suites for cello by J.S.Bach. The Portuguese colonists brought their baroque music with them to Brazil where it later merged with the rhythmic music brought in by the West African slaves. In this means the first original Brazilian music was generated. This article will argue that both musical idioms are not as separated as one may believe.
This paper discusses the assessment of German language learners in classes for beginners in a context gathering monolingual Portuguese speakers and bilingual speakers of Portuguese and Hunsrückisch, a German dialect derived from the contact of an immigration language and Portuguese. One of the challanges faced by the teachers of these heterogeneous classes is to assess learners’ classroom achievement once dialect speakers’ needs are considerably different from novice learners’. It is suggested that teachers make a compromise between the course objectives and the learners’ different proficiencies and needs to assess their language progress, incorporating and valuing students’ multicultural and experiential backgrounds.
This article analyzes two oral narratives produced in a school in Santa Maria do Herval (RS). These narratives are peculiar because of the frequent code switching, sometimes from Portuguese to standard German, sometimes from standard Portuguese to the dialectal variety spoken in that particular community. The first narrative to be analyzed is produced in the story telling time, in which the librarian tells the children a story from a picture book, switching the code between Portuguese and German. The second narrative is a story told by the class teacher during talking in circle, also based on a picture book. The code switching in this narrative involves teacher/pupils interaction directly. The use of both languages is, as mentioned by Breunig (2005), a cultural responsive pedagogy, since the language spoken at home by most children is being positively valued at school. Furthermore, teachers’ practices are close to those carried out by the children at home.
This paper discusses a foundation for writing Hunsrückisch as a German immigrant language in contact with Brazilian Portuguese. This foundation brings together the main conclusions obtained by the Group for the Studies of Hunsrückisch Writing (Grupo de Estudos da Escrita do Hunsrückisch – ESCRITHU). This group was formed at the Language Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul with the goal of proposing not only a system of orthographic norms for a language that exists mostly just in oral forms, but also to encourage research on and linguistic education for speakers of this immigrant language. An already extant literature in Hunsrückisch includes journal and magazine texts such as Sankt Paulusblatt or the Brummbär-Kalendar, published between 1931 and 1935, as well as texts by authors such as Rambo (2002 [1937-1961]), Gross (2001), and Rottmann (1889 [1840]). From these texts various writing formats, guidelines, and goals for an orthographic norm are analyzed, be they for the written expression of the speakers or for useful instruments in the transliteration of ethnotexts within the ALMA-H project (Linguistic- Contactual Atlas of the German Minorities in the La Plata Basin: Hunsrückisch), with which ESCRITHU collaborates.
Syntactic negation and particularly the position of the negative particle 'nicht' are challenging themes not only for learners of German as a foreign language, but also for teachers and researchers of the grammar of German. This paper gives an overview of recent studies related to negation in Modern German. In its main part, it presents results of empirical research on the relationship between syntax and prosody in the field of negation.
This article will provide a general look on modern literature as partially configured by medial history. It parts from the impact of Gutenberg’s invention on social differentiation and the romantic literary concepts, and then looks on photography as an important reference for the realistic aesthetics as well as the initial struggle of film against the domination of the traditional literary medium. It closes with a brief historical overview on what one may call precursors of the hyperlink in literary communication.
Augusto Boal and Raduan Nassar are two important figures of Brazilian culture who reflected their country inside its borders as well as beyond them. In two of the writings that are part of the book 'Lateinamerikaner über Europa', which was organized by Curt Meyer-Clason, both of them write what they think about Europe. In “Um índio desterrado. Carta a um amigo” (A banished Indian. Letter to a friend), by Augusto Boal, one can see the reflection of a person who thinks about the relationship between Brazil and Europe from the perspective of theatrical activity, and, most specifically, the perspective of the “Theatre of the Oppressed”. Likewise, in “Imitação e valorização própria” (Imitation and self valorization), Raduan Nassar undertakes a socioeconomic reading of the relationship between the European continent and Brazil on a historical basis.
Macunaíma : eine Rhapsodie
During the first decades of the 20th century emerges a Brazilian artistic movement that aims to break with the cultural models imported from Europe. As a landmark one may cite the Week of Modern Art in São Paulo and Mário de Andrade as one of its main figures. His novel Macunaíma stands for one of the central pieces of modern Brazilian literature and was considered by Andrade as a literary rhapsody. This article aims to compare the formal elements of the rhapsody with the actual text written in 1928.
This article draws a parallel between Jakob Wassermann's interest in the history of Kaspar Hauser, which led him to write a novel still considered as the most eloquent literary rendering of this episode, and his own situation as an outsider in German culture. Wassermann's feeling of alienation towards his own country is expressed in his autobiography, titled “Mein Weg als Deutscher und Jude” and his “Kaspar Hauser” is seen here a kind of "estrangement novel", a term which is a counterpoint to the traditional German concept of Bildungsroman. In this respect, it displays some striking analogies with works by later authors, who have drawn this specifically Jewish-German genre to a kind of paroxysm, such as Franz Kafka and Elias Canetti. A novel by an author usually seen as a conservative thus reveals an unexpected avant-garde aspect, which in certain ways foresees the future development of Jewish-German literature. On the other hand, Wassermann's critique to the Bismarckian mentality, which dominated Germany in the first half of the19th. Century, appears to detect some tendencies crucial to the development of German political life in the early 20th, century.