Contingentia : Vol. 3 No. 2, 2008
Year of publication
- 2008 (17)
- Portuguese (14)
- German (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (17)
- Rilke, Rainer Maria (5)
- Übersetzung (5)
- Brasilien (2)
- Deutsch (2)
- Lexikographie (2)
- Achtundsechziger (1)
- Avantgarde (1)
- Bild (1)
- Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich (1)
- Deutschunterricht (1)
Thiago Benites dos Santos: Inovação técnica e os media óticos em Kafka. ; Vítor Jochims Schneider: O olhar fotográfico e textual em Prosa do Observatório de Julio Cortázar. ; Márcia Lappe Alves: The question of point of view. ; Ana Lúcia Silva Paranhos: Le Désert Mauve de Nicole Brossard: Un Parcours dans l’univers de la traduccion littéraire. ; Daniel Iturvides Dutra: A literatura de ficção – científica e os problemas de tradução para a mídia fílmica. ; Larissa Rohde: Notes on Narayan’s Prose. ; Claudio Vescia Zanin: Abjection and Evil in ‘Haunted’. ; Fernanda Fernandes / Robert Ponge: Um breve estudo da intriga e de dois personagens de Roberto Zucco, peça de Bernard-Marie Koltès. ; Jaqueline Bohn Donada: ‘Romola’, by George Eliot, and its Conflicts. ; Maria Izabel V. Domingues: Literatura Escocesa e Literatura Brasileira: nacionalismo, regionalismo e algumas sutilezas. ; Vanessa Costa e Silva Schmitt/Robert Ponge: A medicina em ‘A Obra Em Negro’ de Marguerite Yourcenar: as diversas profissões da arte de curar no século XVI. ; Kelley B. Duarte: A escrita autoficcional e os percursos de memória em Régine Robin. ; Ivonne Mogendorff: ‘Andamios’ de Mario Benedetti – Memoria en las huellas del desexilio. ; Carlos Eduardo Meneghetti Scholles: Storytelling Coyotes: the Coyote Trickster Figure in Thomas King. ; Valter Henrique Fritsch: Apropriação do Discurso Mítico: Cassandra Profetisa a Pós-Modernidade. ; Érika Azevedo/Robert Ponge: André Breton e os primórdios do surrealismo. ; Monica Stefani: ‘You are what you read’: intertextual relations between Patrick White’s ‘The Solid Mandala’ and F. Dostoyevsky’s ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. ; Adriane Veras: A Reading of Sandra Cisneros’s ‘The House on Mango Street’. ; Lisanea Weber: Uma leitura sobre a escravidão no romance epistolar de Ina von Binzer.
In Kants Analyse der moralischen Gesinnung und der einer moralischen Handlung zugrundeliegenden Absichten und Motive spielt der Begriff der Maxime eine zentrale Rolle. Der folgende Text versucht zu klären, was unter einer Kantischen Maxime zu verstehen ist.
O coveiro
O matador de dragões
Vladímir, o pintor de nuvens
A caixa dourada
A Costureira
This article analyzes the concept of race and ethnographic description used by the bavarian botanist Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius in his publications on Brazil. Principally Blumenbach’s and Meiners’ racial theories and the concept of physiognomy are applied to explain Martius’ strategies to describe and classify the indigenous people he came across during his voyage to Brazil.
Many teachers of German as a second language make some statements regarding this language that mix concepts from three distinct fields: Orthography (letters), Phonetics (phones or speech sounds) and Phonology (phonemes). In this paper I attempt to shed some light on these concepts and fields. I also provide examples of such statements and make comments on them.