Cunninghamia : A Journal of Plant Ecology for Eastern Australia, Volume 12, Issue 1 (2011)
Year of publication
- 2011 (7)
Document Type
- Article (7)
- English (7)
Has Fulltext
- yes (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
Pollination by sonication is unusual in the Styphelioideae, family Ericaceae. Sprengelia incarnata and Sprengelia propinqua have floral characteristics that suggested they might be adapted to buzz pollination. Both species have florally similar nectarless flowers except that the stamens of Sprengelia propinqua spread widely after the flower opens, while those of Sprengelia incarnata cohere in the centre of the flower. To test whether sonication occurs, we observed bee behaviour at the flowers of both plant species, documented potential pollinators, and examined their floral and pollen attributes. We found that Sprengelia incarnata had smaller and drier pollen than Sprengelia propinqua. We found that Sprengelia incarnata was sonicated by native bees in the families Apidae (Exoneura), Halictidae (Lasioglossum) and Colletidae (Leioproctus, Euryglossa). Sprengelia propinqua was also visited by bees from the Apidae (Exoneura) and Halictidae (Lasioglossum), but pollen was collected by scraping. The introduced Apis mellifera (Apidae) foraged at Sprengelia propinqua but ignored Sprengelia incarnata. The two Sprengelia species shared some genera of potential pollinators, but appeared to have diverged enough in their floral and pollen characters to elicit different behaviours from the native and introduced bees.
In 2004 coastal saltmarsh was listed as an Endangered Ecological Community under the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act, but more information on the ecology of saltmarsh species as well as accurate maps of the cover of saltmarsh are needed. Large scale maps produced in the early 1980s and the mid 2000s were based on air photo interpretation with follow-up field checks, but to determine the ability of air photos to detect small patches of coastal saltmarsh, a pedestrian survey along the foreshore of the Parramatta River-Sydney Harbour estuary (33° 53’S; 151° 13’E) was commissioned. Ground-truth activity was partitioned into three levels of intensity. At the greatest level of intensity, many small patches obscured in the air photos by (mainly mangrove) canopy cover were resolved and joined to reveal larger patches of saltmarsh. Compared to the earlier maps these areas are considered to increase the total area of existing saltmarsh, but they also may in fact be areas of saltmarsh that have been recently invaded by mangroves, and ultimately, through shading and competition result in the loss of the saltmarsh species at these sites. Another 609 patches not seen on the air photos were located. The pedestrian survey located 757 saltmarsh patches (70% of these were less than 100 m2 in area) with a total area of 37.3 ha. Parramatta River, relative to the Lane Cove River, Middle Harbour Creek and Sydney Harbour, supports the most numerous and extensive patches: 461 patches (61% by number), 29 ha (78% by area). Most of the patches of saltmarsh (60%), as well as most of their area (76%), are located in the most upstream Riverine Channel geomorphic zone of the Parramatta River, followed by downstream zones Fluvial Delta and Central Mud Basin. The fewest patches (14) and smallest area (0.04ha) were in the Marine Tidal Delta. The ‘conservation ‘sensitive’ species as well as some of the weed species also appeared to be restricted to the upper and middle parts of the estuary. API is useful for broad assessments of estuarine saltmarsh, but pedestrian survey is needed to provide the finer scale detail necessary to locate small patches and to identify species composition especially for rare or weed species.
The vegetation of Coonavitra area, Paroo Darling National Park (latitude 31°00’–32° 40’S and longitude 142°10’–144°25’E) in north western New South Wales was assessed using intensive quadrat sampling and mapped using extensive ground truthing and interpretation of aerial photograph and Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite images. In the survey 261 vascular plants species including 37 (14%) exotic species, from 50 families were recorded. Eighteen vegetation communities were identified and mapped, the most widespread being Casuarina pauper/Alectryon oleifolius low open woodland, Acacia loderi tall open shrubland, Flindersia maculosa low open woodland and Acacia aneura open-shrubland. Of particular significance are the extensive areas of Acacia loderi and Acacia melvillei tall open shrubland and one of the northernmost occurrences of Eucalyptus socialis tall open shrubland. Many of these communities have been impacted by a history of 150 years of pastoral use.
On the ecology, distribution and conservation status of Vittadinia blackii (Asteraceae) in Australia
Distribution records of Vittadinia blackii (family Asteraceae) across southern Australia show the species has a strong and moderately common presence across a broad range of climate zones and sites in South Australia, but a much more restricted occurrence in other mainland state’s. Using the IUCN criteria, adopted by the separate state regulatory authorities vested with listing threatened species, Vittadinia blackii is considered to be not threatened in South Australia, but endangered in Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales.
Following wildfire in 2005 at Wilsons Promontory, Victoria, we asked how fire severity affected the postfire regeneration of dominant woody species in two coastal plant communities. We documented the effects of fire severity (unburned, low, high) on stand mortality and seedling regeneration in shrublands dominated by the obligate seeder Leptospermum laevigatum (Myrtaceae) and woodlands dominated by the resprouting Banksia integrifolia var. integrifolia (Proteaceae). Leptospermum laevigatum is a range-expanding native species that has encroached into grassy Banksia woodland and hence, we were also interested whether fire severity affects post-fire succession in encroached and un-encroached stands. Fire severity impacted on all measures of post-fire recovery examined: stand mortality, seedling germination, seedling survival, seedling growth. High fire severity (complete canopy consumption) led to 100% mortality of both species. Despite variable responses at the stand level, mean Leptospermum laevigatum seedling establishment, growth and survival all increased with increasing fire severity in shrublands, thus ensuring shrublands are replaced. Banksia integrifolia recruitment, however, was minimal in all stands and not fire-cued. Increasing fire severity enabled Leptospermum laevigatum to recruit into woodland sites from where it was previously absent and this establishment, coupled with the loss of overstorey Banksia trees, may rapidly transform woodlands into shrublands. Hence, fire severity-induced population responses were observed and these imprints are likely to affect longer-term succession by reinforcing site occupancy of the encroaching Leptospermum laevigatum while simultaneously leading to the potential decline of Banksia woodlands.
Plant species first recognised as naturalised or naturalising for New South Wales in 2004 and 2005
Information is provided on the taxonomy and distribution of 62 taxa of naturalised or naturalising plantsm newly recorded for the state of New South Wales during the period 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2005 and 1 species treated in the 2002 revised Flora of New South Wales Volume 2 but overlooked in an earlier paper of this series. Of these taxa, 17 are new records for Australia (prefaced with a †). The 62 taxa are: Acer palmatum, †Acer saccharinum, Achillea filipendulina, Acokanthera oblongifolia, †Anemone hupehensis var. japonica, Berberis aquifolium, †Bidens aurea, †Brugmansia suaveolens, Brugmansia x candida, Buddleja dysophylla, †Convolvulus farinosus, Cordyline australis, Coriandrum sativum, Corymbia citriodora (Australian species naturalised outside its native range), Crassula ericoides subsp. ericoides, Crotalaria retusa (Australian species naturalised outside its native range), Cyperus prolifer, Echinochloa polystachya, Ficus carica, †Gladiolus dalenii, †Gladiolus cultivar, Hakea laurina (Western Australian species), Hemerocallis fulva var. fulva, Hieracium pilosella, Hydrangea macrophylla, Hydrocleys nymphoides, Hymenachne amplexicaulis, Hypericum calycinum, Impatiens balfouri, Indigofera spicata, Iris laevigata, †Juglans ailantifolia, Lilium lancifolium, Lygodium japonicum, Malephora crocea, Mauranthemum paludosum, Melastoma malabathricum, †Nassella tenuissima, Pelargonium quercifolium, †Phoenix reclinata, Phormium tenax, Pinus contorta, Podranea ricasoliana, †Polygonatum x hybridum, Polypremum procumbens, †Primula malacoides, Rhaphiolepis umbellata, Romneya coulteri, Romneya trichocalyx, Setaria incrassata, †Sideritis lanata, †Sorbus aucuparia, Spartium junceum, Stylosanthes guianensis, Stylosanthes humilis, †Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus, Syzygium paniculatum (Australian species naturalising outside its native range), Tibouchina urvilleana, †Tradescantia cerinthoides, †Utricularia sandersonii, Washingtonia filifera and Zephyranthes carinata. The overlooked species is Eugenia uniflora.
Sydney Harbour National Park (lat 33° 53’S; long 151° 13’E), protects significant vegetation on the harbor foreshores close to Sydney City CBD; its floristic abundance and landscape beauty has been acknowledged since the writings of the First Fleet in 1788. Surprisingly, although historical plant collections were made as early as1802, and localised surveys have listed species for parts of the Park since the 1960s, a detailed survey of the flora of whole Park is still needed. This paper provides the first definitive list of the c.400 native flora species for Sydney Harbour National Park (total area 390 ha) showing occurrence on the seven terrestrial sub-regions or precincts (North Head, South Head, Dobroyd Head, Middle Head, Chowder Head, Bradleys Head and Nielsen Park). The list is based on historical species lists, records from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (formerly Dept of Environment, Climate Change and Water) Atlas, National Herbarium of New South Wales specimen details, and some additional fieldwork. 131 species have only been recorded from a single precinct site and many are not substantiated with a recent herbarium specimen (though there are historical specimens from the general area for many). Species reported in the sources but for which no current or historic specimen exists are listed separately as being of questionable/non-local status. About 85% of the 400 species are recorded as being from North Head, the largest precinct, though the smallest Chowder Head does not have the fewest species. As well as size, differences indicate the different flora of inner harbour sites; inner harbour Bradleys Head and Nielsen Park include 24% of the single record species. Rare and threatened species, and regionally important species are discussed in relation to current threats which include weed invasion, fire frequency, Phytophthora, Black rats and tourism pressures. Given the threats to the flora it is an appropriate time to take stock of the flora as a basic structural component of the biodiversity. What is now needed is a systematic survey (with quadrat-based methodology) to provide baseline data against which to compare state of Park trends with future resurvey. In the absence of such a survey this list at least will provide a reasonably definitive list of the species occurring in the Park regions at the beginning of the 21st Century. If only we had done this at the beginning of the 20th Century! Key words: Sydney Harbour, native plant species lists, First Fleet observations, conservation monitoring.