Tropical Bryology, Volume 20 (2001)
Year of publication
- 2001 (19)
Document Type
- Article (19)
- English (19)
Has Fulltext
- yes (19)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (19)
Barbula geminata C. Muell. is Barbula crinita K.F. Schultz; Barbula austroruralis C. Muell. is Tortula antarctica (Hampe) Wils. in Hook. f.; Hymenostomum olivaceum C. Muell. ex Geheeb is Weissia controversa Hedw.; Hymenostomum sullivanii C. Muell. ex Geheeb is Weissia patula (Knight) A.J. Fife. Furthermore, comments are given on several nomina nuda.
Book Review
This book is absolutely unique in several respects. There exists bryological glossaries, usually in bryophyte floras. Most have no figures to illustrate the terms, and some have few drawings. And there exists the “Glossarium Polyglottum Bryologicae” published by the Missouri Botanical Garden, which is comprehensive but lacks any figures. Everybody having held identification courses in bryology knows the problems of beginners, who does not know what to imagine under terms, which are in common use in bryology, and even explanations in a glossary can give the beginner no real idea. This book gives an enumeration and definition of thousands of terms and illustrates hundreds.
Felipponea assimilis (Müll.Hal.) O’Shea is the correct name to be used for all African collections of Felipponea, a species found in Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia, southern and eastern Africa and the East African islands. Hypnum maritimum Müll.Hal. and Cladomnion montevidensis Müll.Hal. are new synonyms. Lectotypes are selected for Neckera assimilis Müll.Hal., Cladomnion montevidensis Müll.Hal. and Braunia peristomata Dixon in Sim & Dixon.