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Helmut Schlesinger: Wegbereiter und Garant der deutschen Geld- und Stabilitätspolitik wird 100
Am 4. September 2024 vollendet Professor Dr. Helmut Schlesinger sein 100. Lebensjahr. Von 1991 bis 1993 bekleidete er das Amt des Präsidenten der Deutschen Bundesbank. Zuvor war er in verschiedenen Positionen für die Bank tätig, unter anderem als langjähriger Vizepräsident (von 1980 bis 1991) sowie als Leiter der Hauptabteilung Volkswirtschaft und Statistik. Das Jubiläum bietet Anlass, sein Lebenswerk zu beschreiben und zu würdigen. Für ehemalige Mitarbeiter war Helmut Schlesinger ein großes Vorbild und eine Quelle des Ansporns in vielerlei Hinsicht. Insbesondere vier Bereiche seiner Tätigkeiten haben die Arbeit seiner Mitarbeiter maßgeblich geprägt: Erstens seine Fähigkeit, ökonomisches Denken als eine Synthese aus Analyse und Statistik zu begreifen, zu vermitteln und zu organisieren, zweitens sein Verdienst, eine Stabilitätskultur in leitenden Positionen mitgeschaffen und bewahrt zu haben, drittens sein ordnungspolitisches Credo zur Preisstabilität und zur Unabhängigkeit der Zentralbank sowie viertens seine klaren Vorstellungen zu den Bedingungen einer erfolgreichen Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion.
Im Folgenden soll ein Überblick über diese vier Schwerpunkte seiner Schaffensbilanz gegeben werden. In diesem Kontext ist insbesondere Schlesingers entscheidende Rolle bei der Schaffung der deutsch-deutschen Währungsunion 1990 sowie beim langjährigen Entstehungsprozess des Eurosystems und der Europäischen Zentralbank hervorzuheben. In der deutschen Bevölkerung, aber auch international hoch geachtet, wurde Helmut Schlesinger oft als die "Seele der Bundesbank" bezeichnet.Die Anforderungen, die er an jeden Einzelnen stellte, waren hoch. Er wurde von den Mitarbeitern sehr geschätzt, nicht zuletzt aufgrund seines großen Arbeitsethos und seiner unermüdlichen Schaffenskraft, die von Beständigkeit, Gradlinigkeit und Prinzipientreue geprägt waren.
I provide a solution method in the frequency domain for multivariate linear rational expectations models. The method works with the generalized Schur decomposition, providing a numerical implementation of the underlying analytic function solution methods suitable for standard DSGE estimation and analysis procedures. This approach generalizes the time-domain restriction of autoregressive-moving average exogenous driving forces to arbitrary covariance stationary processes. Applied to the standard New Keynesian model, I find that a Bayesian analysis favors a single parameter log harmonic function of the lag operator over the usual AR(1) assumption as it generates humped shaped autocorrelation patterns more consistent with the data.
Machine learning entails a broad range of techniques that have been widely used in Science and Engineering since decades. High-energy physics has also profited from the power of these tools for advanced analysis of colliders data. It is only up until recently that Machine Learning has started to be applied successfully in the domain of Accelerator Physics, which is testified by intense efforts deployed in this domain by several laboratories worldwide. This is also the case of CERN, where recently focused efforts have been devoted to the application of Machine Learning techniques to beam dynamics studies at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This implies a wide spectrum of applications from beam measurements and machine performance optimisation to analysis of numerical data from tracking simulations of non-linear beam dynamics. In this paper, the LHC-related applications that are currently pursued are presented and discussed in detail, paying also attention to future developments.
Patients undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation (aSCT) are at high risk to develop an invasive fungal disease (IFD). Optimisation of antifungal prophylaxis strategies may improve patient outcomes and reduce treatment costs.
To analyse the clinical and economical impact of using continuous micafungin as antifungal prophylaxis.
We performed a single-centre evaluation comparing patients who received either oral posaconazole with micafungin as intravenous bridging as required (POS-MIC) to patients who received only micafungin (MIC) as antifungal prophylaxis after aSCT. Epidemiological, clinical and direct treatment cost data extracted from the Cologne Cohort of Neutropenic Patients (CoCoNut) were analysed.
Three hundred and thirteen patients (97 and 216 patients in the POS-MIC and MIC groups, respectively) were included into the analysis. In the POS-MIC and MIC groups, median overall length of stay was 42 days (IQR: 35–52 days) vs 40 days (IQR: 35–49 days; p = .296), resulting in median overall costs of €42,964 (IQR: €35,040–€56,348) vs €43,291 (IQR: €37,281 vs €51,848; p = .993), respectively. Probable/proven IFD in the POS-MIC and MIC groups occurred in 5 patients (5%) vs 3 patients (1%; p = .051), respectively. The Kaplan-Meier analysis showed improved outcome of patients in the MIC group at day 100 (p = .037) and day 365 (p < .001) following aSCT.
Our study results demonstrate improved outcomes in the MIC group compared with the POS-MIC group, which can in part be explained by a tendency towards less probable/proven IFD. Higher drug acquisition costs of micafungin did not translate into higher overall costs.
The first measurements of skewness and kurtosis of mean transverse momentum (⟨pT⟩) fluctuations are reported in Pb−Pb collisions at sNN−−−√ = 5.02 TeV, Xe−Xe collisions at sNN−−−√ = 5.44 TeV and pp collisions at s√=5.02 TeV using the ALICE detector. The measurements are carried out as a function of system size ⟨dNch/dη⟩1/3|η|<0.5, using charged particles with transverse momentum (pT) and pseudorapidity (η), in the range 0.2<pT<3.0 GeV/c and |η|<0.8, respectively. In Pb−Pb and Xe−Xe collisions, positive skewness is observed in the fluctuations of ⟨pT⟩ for all centralities, which is significantly larger than what would be expected in the scenario of independent particle emission. This positive skewness is considered a crucial consequence of the hydrodynamic evolution of the hot and dense nuclear matter created in heavy-ion collisions. Furthermore, similar observations of positive skewness for minimum bias pp collisions are also reported here. Kurtosis of ⟨pT⟩ fluctuations is found to be in good agreement with the kurtosis of Gaussian distribution, for most central Pb−Pb collisions. Hydrodynamic model calculations with MUSIC using Monte Carlo Glauber initial conditions are able to explain the measurements of both skewness and kurtosis qualitatively from semicentral to central collisions in Pb--Pb system. Color reconnection mechanism in PYTHIA8 model seems to play a pivotal role in capturing the qualitative behavior of the same measurements in pp collisions.
The first measurements of skewness and kurtosis of mean transverse momentum (⟨pT⟩) fluctuations are reported in Pb−Pb collisions at sNN−−−√ = 5.02 TeV, Xe−Xe collisions at sNN−−−√ = 5.44 TeV and pp collisions at s√=5.02 TeV using the ALICE detector. The measurements are carried out as a function of system size ⟨dNch/dη⟩1/3|η|<0.5, using charged particles with transverse momentum (pT) and pseudorapidity (η), in the range 0.2<pT<3.0 GeV/c and |η|<0.8, respectively. In Pb−Pb and Xe−Xe collisions, positive skewness is observed in the fluctuations of ⟨pT⟩ for all centralities, which is significantly larger than what would be expected in the scenario of independent particle emission. This positive skewness is considered a crucial consequence of the hydrodynamic evolution of the hot and dense nuclear matter created in heavy-ion collisions. Furthermore, similar observations of positive skewness for minimum bias pp collisions are also reported here. Kurtosis of ⟨pT⟩ fluctuations is found to be in good agreement with the kurtosis of Gaussian distribution, for most central Pb−Pb collisions. Hydrodynamic model calculations with MUSIC using Monte Carlo Glauber initial conditions are able to explain the measurements of both skewness and kurtosis qualitatively from semicentral to central collisions in Pb--Pb system. Color reconnection mechanism in PYTHIA8 model seems to play a pivotal role in capturing the qualitative behavior of the same measurements in pp collisions.
The first measurements of K∗(892)0 resonance production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in Xe−Xe collisions at sNN−−−√= 5.44 TeV and pp collisions at s√= 5.02 TeV using the ALICE detector are presented. The resonance is reconstructed at midrapidity (|y|<0.5) using the hadronic decay channel K∗0→K±π∓. Measurements of transverse-momentum integrated yield, mean transverse-momentum, nuclear modification factor of K∗0, and yield ratios of resonance to stable hadron (K∗0/K) are compared across different collision systems (pp, p−Pb, Xe−Xe, and Pb−Pb) at similar collision energies to investigate how the production of K∗0 resonances depends on the size of the system formed in these collisions. The hadronic rescattering effect is found to be independent of the size of colliding systems and mainly driven by the produced charged-particle multiplicity, which is a proxy of the volume of produced matter at the chemical freeze-out. In addition, the production yields of K∗0 in Xe−Xe collisions are utilized to constrain the dependence of the kinetic freeze-out temperature on the system size using the hadron resonance gas in partial chemical equilibrium (HRG-PCE) model.
The first measurements of K∗(892)0 resonance production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in Xe−Xe collisions at sNN−−−√= 5.44 TeV and pp collisions at s√= 5.02 TeV using the ALICE detector are presented. The resonance is reconstructed at midrapidity (|y|<0.5) using the hadronic decay channel K∗0→K±π∓. Measurements of transverse-momentum integrated yield, mean transverse-momentum, nuclear modification factor of K∗0, and yield ratios of resonance to stable hadron (K∗0/K) are compared across different collision systems (pp, p−Pb, Xe−Xe, and Pb−Pb) at similar collision energies to investigate how the production of K∗0 resonances depends on the size of the system formed in these collisions. The hadronic rescattering effect is found to be independent of the size of colliding systems and mainly driven by the produced charged-particle multiplicity, which is a proxy of the volume of produced matter at the chemical freeze-out. In addition, the production yields of K∗0 in Xe−Xe collisions are utilized to constrain the dependence of the kinetic freeze-out temperature on the system size using the hadron resonance gas in partial chemical equilibrium (HRG-PCE) model.
Three new species of Onitis Fabricius, 1798 are described: Onitis bhomorensis sp. nov. from Assam (Northeast India), O. kethai sp. nov. and O. visthara sp. nov. from Karnataka (South India). Onitis bordati Cambefort, 1988 is recorded for the first time for the Indian subcontinent, from Meghalaya, India. Thus, the number of species of Onitis from the subcontinent has been raised to 20 and that of the Oriental region to 26. Illustrated identification keys to all the species of the genus Onitis from the Indian subcontinent are provided with distributional details and maps. Lectotype and paralectotypes designated for Onitis philemon Fabricius, 1801. Descriptions are provided for aedeagus of seventeen species of Onitis, as well as images of type specimens for nine species from their respective repositories. Distribution maps are provided for the species of Onitis of the Indian subcontinent.
Crickets (Order Orthoptera, Infraorder Gryllidea) are under-represented in New Zealand, with a total of eight species identified and formally described thus far. These include three endemic species in the family Trigonidiidae: the trig Trigonidium (Metioche) maoricum (Walker, 1869) and the ground crickets Bobilla nigrova (Swan, 1972) and B. bigelowi (Swan, 1972). Scaly crickets (family Mogoplistidae) are naturally absent in New Zealand, but one species, Ornebius aperta Otte & Alexander, 1983, has established after introduction from Australia in the 1970s. In this work, I re-examine the small crickets (families Trigonidiidae and Mogoplistidae) from New Zealand based on 368 specimens collected throughout the country, their morphology, and their song. In the subfamily Nemobiinae, I provide new diagnostic characters to discriminate between the two native species in the genus Bobilla Otte & Alexander, 1983. Additionally, I identify two species in the genus Pteronemobius Jacobson, 1904; these are P. truncatus (Saussure, 1877) and P. cf. arima Otte & Alexander, 1983, both of which are believed to be recent arrivals from Australia. The latter had been thus far undetected in New Zealand. Finally, I describe two new species of mute Nemobiinae belonging to new monotypic genera, Austronemobius chelatus gen. et sp. nov. and Mutonemobius marmoratus gen. et sp. nov. In the subfamily Trigonidiinae, the species Trigonidium (Metioche) maoricum is moved back to the subgenus Trigonidium (Trigonidium) Rambur, 1838 based on morphology. Amended descriptions are provided for this genus and species. The Australian species Trigonidomorpha sjostedti Chopard, 1925 is synonymised with Trigonidium australianum (Chopard, 1925), and the genus Trigonidomorpha Chopard, 1925 is synonymised with Trigonidium Rambur, 1838. In the family Mogoplistidae, I show that Ornebius aperta has established in the Auckland, Waikato, Taranaki and Coromandel regions. Based on song and morphology of the male terminalia, populations in Northland may belong to a separate species, referred to in this work as Ornebius aff. aperta Otte & Alexander, 1983.