Year of publication
- English (123)
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- yes (123)
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- no (123)
- Heavy-ion collisions (4)
- Diffraction (3)
- Elastic scattering (3)
- Beam Energy Scan (2)
- Chiral Magnetic Effect (2)
- Collectivity (2)
- Correlation (2)
- Polarization (2)
- RHIC (2)
- STAR (2)
We present measurements of the differential cross sections of inclusive J/ψ meson production as a function of transverse momentum (pJ/ψT) using the μ+μ− and e+e− decay channels in proton+proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 510 and 500 GeV, respectively, recorded by the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The measurement from the μ+μ− channel is for 0 <pJ/ψT< 9 GeV/c and rapidity range |yJ/ψ|< 0.4, and that from the e+e− channel is for 4 <pJ/ψT< 20 GeV/c and |yJ/ψ|< 1.0. The ψ(2S) to J/ψ ratio is also measured for 4 <pmesonT< 12 GeV/c through the e+e− decay channel. Model calculations, which incorporate different approaches toward the J/ψ production mechanism, are compared with experimental results and show reasonable agreement within uncertainties.
We report on the measurement of the Central Exclusive Production of charged particle pairs h+h− (h = π, K, p) with the STAR detector at RHIC in proton-proton collisions at √s = 200 GeV. The charged particle pairs produced in the reaction pp → p′ + h+h− + p′ are reconstructed from the tracks in the central detector and identified using the specific energy loss and the time of flight method, while the forward-scattered protons are measured in the Roman Pot system. Exclusivity of the event is guaranteed by requiring the transverse momentum balance of all four final-state particles. Differential cross sections are measured as functions of observables related to the central hadronic final state and to the forward-scattered protons. They are measured in a fiducial region corresponding to the acceptance of the STAR detector and determined by the central particles’ transverse momenta and pseudorapidities as well as by the forward-scattered protons’ momenta. This fiducial region roughly corresponds to the square of the four-momentum transfers at the proton vertices in the range 0.04 GeV2 < −t1, −t2 < 0.2 GeV2, invariant masses of the charged particle pairs up to a few GeV and pseudorapidities of the centrally-produced hadrons in the range |η| < 0.7. The measured cross sections are compared to phenomenological predictions based on the Double Pomeron Exchange (DPE) model. Structures observed in the mass spectra of π+π− and K+K− pairs are consistent with the DPE model, while angular distributions of pions suggest a dominant spin-0 contribution to π+π− production. For π+π− production, the fiducial cross section is extrapolated to the Lorentz-invariant region, which allows decomposition of the invariant mass spectrum into continuum and resonant contributions. The extrapolated cross section is well described by the continuum production and at least three resonances, the f0(980), f2(1270) and f0(1500), with a possible small contribution from the f0(1370). Fits to the extrapolated differential cross section as a function of t1 and t2 enable extraction of the exponential slope parameters in several bins of the invariant mass of π+π− pairs. These parameters are sensitive to the size of the interaction region.
Measurement of inclusive charged-particle jet production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV
The STAR Collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider reports the first measurement of inclusive jet production in peripheral and central Au+Au collisions at sNN−−−−√=200 GeV. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-kT algorithm using charged tracks with pseudorapidity |η|<1.0 and transverse momentum 0.2<pchT,jet<30 GeV/c, with jet resolution parameter R=0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. The large background yield uncorrelated with the jet signal is observed to be dominated by statistical phase space, consistent with a previous coincidence measurement. This background is suppressed by requiring a high-transverse-momentum (high-pT) leading hadron in accepted jet candidates. The bias imposed by this requirement is assessed, and the pT region in which the bias is small is identified. Inclusive charged-particle jet distributions are reported in peripheral and central Au+Au collisions for 5<pchT,jet<25 GeV/c and 5<pchT,jet<30 GeV/c, respectively. The charged-particle jet inclusive yield is suppressed for central Au+Au collisions, compared to both the peripheral Au+Au yield from this measurement and to the pp yield calculated using the PYTHIA event generator. The magnitude of the suppression is consistent with that of inclusive hadron production at high pT, and that of semi-inclusive recoil jet yield when expressed in terms of energy loss due to medium-induced energy transport. Comparison of inclusive charged-particle jet yields for different values of R exhibits no significant evidence for medium-induced broadening of the transverse jet profile for R<0.4 in central Au+Au collisions. The measured distributions are consistent with theoretical model calculations that incorporate jet quenching.
We report new STAR measurements of the single-spin asymmetries 𝐴𝐿 for 𝑊+ and 𝑊− bosons produced in polarized proton-proton collisions at √𝑠=510 GeV as a function of the decay-positron and decay-electron pseudorapidity. The data were obtained in 2013 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 250 pb−1. The results are combined with previous results obtained with 86 pb−1. A comparison with theoretical expectations based on polarized lepton-nucleon deep-inelastic scattering and prior polarized proton-proton data suggests a difference between the ¯𝑢 and ¯𝑑 quark helicity distributions for 0.05<𝑥<0.25. In addition, we report new results for the double-spin asymmetries 𝐴𝐿𝐿 for 𝑊±, as well as 𝐴𝐿 for 𝑍/𝛾* production and subsequent decay into electron-positron pairs.
We report on the first measurements of J/ψ production at very low transverse momentum (pT< 0.2 GeV/c) in hadronic Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV and U+U collisions at √sNN = 193 GeV. Remarkably, the inferred nuclear modification factor of J/ψ at mid-rapidity in Au+Au (U+U) collisions reaches about 24 (52) for pT< 0.05 GeV/c in the 60-80% collision centrality class. This noteworthy enhancement cannot be explained by hadronic production accompanied by cold and hot medium effects. In addition, the dN/dt distribution of J/ψ for the very low pT range is presented for the first time. The distribution is consistent with that expected from the Au nucleus and shows a hint of interference. Comparison of the measurements to theoretical calculations of coherent production shows that the excess yield can be described reasonably well and reveals a partial disruption of coherent production in semi-central collisions, perhaps due to the violent hadronic interactions. Incorporating theoretical calculations, the results strongly suggest that the dramatic enhancement of J/ψ yield observed at extremely low pT originates from coherent photon-nucleus interactions. In particular, coherently produced J/ψ's in violent hadronic collisions may provide a novel probe of the quark-gluon-plasma.
We report on the first measurements of J/ψ production at very low transverse momentum (pT< 0.2 GeV/c) in hadronic Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV and U+U collisions at √sNN = 193 GeV. Remarkably, the inferred nuclear modification factor of J/ψ at mid-rapidity in Au+Au (U+U) collisions reaches about 24 (52) for pT< 0.05 GeV/c in the 60-80% collision centrality class. This noteworthy enhancement cannot be explained by hadronic production accompanied by cold and hot medium effects. In addition, the dN/dt distribution of J/ψ for the very low pT range is presented for the first time. The distribution is consistent with that expected from the Au nucleus and shows a hint of interference. Comparison of the measurements to theoretical calculations of coherent production shows that the excess yield can be described reasonably well and reveals a partial disruption of coherent production in semi-central collisions, perhaps due to the violent hadronic interactions. Incorporating theoretical calculations, the results strongly suggest that the dramatic enhancement of J/ψ yield observed at extremely low pT originates from coherent photon-nucleus interactions. In particular, coherently produced J/ψ's in violent hadronic collisions may provide a novel probe of the quark-gluon-plasma.
We report measurements of the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry, ALL, for inclusive jet and dijet production in polarized proton-proton collisions at midrapidity and center-of-mass energy s√ = 510 GeV, using the high luminosity data sample collected by the STAR experiment in 2013. These measurements complement and improve the precision of previous STAR measurements at the same center-of-mass energy that probe the polarized gluon distribution function at partonic momentum fraction 0.015 ≲x≲ 0.25. The dijet asymmetries are separated into four jet-pair topologies, which provide further constraints on the x dependence of the polarized gluon distribution function. These measurements are in agreement with previous STAR measurements and with predictions from current next-to-leading order global analyses. They provide more precise data at low dijet invariant mass that will better constraint the shape of the polarized gluon distribution function of the proton.
Transverse spin transfer to Λ and ¯Λ hyperons in polarized proton-proton collisions at √𝑠=200 GeV
The transverse spin transfer from polarized protons to Λ and Λ¯ hyperons is expected to provide sensitivity to the transversity distribution of the nucleon and to the transversely polarized fragmentation functions. We report the first measurement of the transverse spin transfer to Λ and Λ¯ along the polarization direction of the fragmenting quark, DTT, in transversely polarized proton-proton collisions at s√=200GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 18pb−1 and cover the pseudorapidity range |η|<1.2 and transverse momenta pT up to 8GeV/c. The dependence on pT and η are presented. The DTT results are found to be comparable with a model prediction, and are also consistent with zero within uncertainties.
Measurement of inclusive J/ψ polarization in p + p collisions at √s=200 GeV by the STAR experiment
We report on new measurements of inclusive 𝐽/𝜓 polarization at midrapidity in 𝑝+𝑝 collisions at √𝑠=200 GeV by the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The polarization parameters, 𝜆𝜃, 𝜆𝜙, and 𝜆𝜃𝜙, are measured as a function of transverse momentum (𝑝T) in both the helicity and Collins-Soper (CS) reference frames within 𝑝T<10 GeV/𝑐. Except for 𝜆𝜃 in the CS frame at the highest measured 𝑝T, all three polarization parameters are consistent with 0 in both reference frames without any strong 𝑝T dependence. Several model calculations are compared with data, and the one using the Color Glass Condensate effective field theory coupled with nonrelativistic QCD gives the best overall description of the experimental results, even though other models cannot be ruled out due to experimental uncertainties.