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- Epilepsy (20)
- Seizure (11)
- epilepsy (9)
- seizure (7)
- Epilepsie (5)
- Burden of illness (4)
- Dravet syndrome (4)
- Epileptischer Anfall (4)
- Prevalence (4)
- Encephalopathy (3)
- Medizin (70)
- Georg-Speyer-Haus (1)
- Pharmazie (1)
Tuberöse Sklerose („tuberous sclerosis complex“ [TSC]) ist eine seltene genetische Erkrankung, die neben kutanen und viszeralen Organmanifestationen typischerweise bereits in einem sehr frühen Erkrankungsstadium mit einer schweren, meist therapierefraktären Epilepsie einhergeht. Aufgrund seiner direkten Wirkung am durch TSC dysregulierten mTOR-Signalweg sowie der synergistischen Effekte auf andere Organmanifestationen kommt das Rapamycin-Derivat Everolimus (EVE) zunehmend zur Anwendung. Ziel dieses systematischen Reviews ist, die Wirksamkeit, Sicherheit und Verträglichkeit von EVE bei Patienten mit TSC-assoziierter, therapierefraktärer Epilepsie aufzuarbeiten.
Purpose: To evaluate the prevalence and treatment patterns of speech and language disorders in Germany.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of data collected from 32% of the German population, insured by the statutory German health insurance (AOK, Local Health Care Funds). We used The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision, German Modification (ICD-10 GM) codes for stuttering (F98.5), cluttering (F98.6), and developmental disorders of speech and language (F80) to identify prevalent and newly diagnosed cases each year. Prescription and speech therapy reimbursement data were used to evaluate treatment patterns.
Results: In 2017, 27,977 patients of all ages were diagnosed with stuttering (21,045 males, 75% and 6,932 females, 25%). Stuttering prevalence peaks at age 5 years (boys, 0.89% and girls, 0.40%). Cluttering was diagnosed in 1,800 patients of all ages (1,287 males, 71.5% and 513 females, 28.5%). Developmental disorders of speech and language were identified in 555,774 AOK-insurants (61.2% males and 38.8% females). Treatment data indicate a substantial proportion newly diagnosed stuttering individuals receive treatment (up to 45% of 6-year-old patients), with slightly fewer than 20 sessions per year, on average. We confirmed a previous study showing increased rates of atopic disorders and neurological and psychiatric comorbidities in individuals with stuttering, cluttering, and developmental disorders of speech and language.
Conclusion: This is the first nationwide study using health insurance data to analyze the prevalence and newly diagnosed cases of a speech and language disorder. Prevalence and gender ratio data were consistent with the international literature. The crude prevalence of developmental disorders of speech and language increased from 2015 to 2018, whereas the crude prevalence for stuttering remained stable. For cluttering, the numbers were too low to draw reliable conclusions. Proportional treatment allocation for stuttering peaked at 6 years of age, which is the school entrance year, and is later than the prevalence peak of stuttering.
Objective: To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of generalized convulsive seizure (GCS)-related fractures and injuries during video-EEG monitoring.
Methods: We analyzed all GCSs in patients undergoing video-EEG-monitoring between 2007 and 2019 at epilepsy centers in Frankfurt and Marburg in relation to injuries, falls and accidents associated with GCSs. Data were gathered using video material, EEG material, and a standardized reporting form.
Results: A total of 626 GCSs from 411 patients (mean age: 33.6 years; range 3–74 years; 45.0% female) were analyzed. Severe adverse events (SAEs) such as fractures, joint luxation, corneal erosion, and teeth loosening were observed in 13 patients resulting in a risk of 2.1% per GCS (95% CI 1.2–3.4%) and 3.2% per patient (95% CI 1.8–5.2%). Except for a nasal fracture due to a fall onto the face, no SAEs were caused by falls, and all occurred in patients lying in bed without evidence of external trauma. In seven patients, vertebral body compression fractures were confirmed by imaging. This resulted in a risk of 1.1% per GCS (95% CI 0.5–2.2%) and 1.7% per patient (95% CI 0.8–3.3%). These fractures occurred within the tonic phase of a GCS and were accompanied by a characteristic cracking noise. All affected patients reported back pain spontaneously, and an increase in pain on percussion of the affected spine section.
Conclusions: GCSs are associated with a substantial risk of fractures and shoulder dislocations that are not associated with falls. GCSs accompanied by audible cracking, and resulting in back pain, should prompt clinical and imaging evaluations.
Objective: Novel treatments are needed to control treatment‐resistant status epilepticus (SE). We present a summary of clinical cases where oral topiramate (TPM) was used in refractory SE (RSE) and superrefractory SE (SRSE).
Methods: A review of medical records was carried out to detect TPM administration in SE patients treated in Frankfurt and Marburg between 2011 and 2016. The primary outcome question concerned SE resolution after TPM initiation.
Results: In total, TPM was used in 106 of 854 patients having a mean age of 67.4 ± 18.1 years, 61 of whom were female (57.5%). The median latency from SE onset to TPM initiation was 8.5 days. Patients with SE had previously failed a median of five other antiepileptic drugs. The median initial TPM dose was 100 mg/d, which was uptitrated to a median maintenance dose of 400 mg/d. Treatment with TPM was continued for a median time of 12 days. TPM was the last drug provided to 42 of 106 (39.6%) patients, with a resultant response attributed to TPM observed in 29 of 106 (27.4%) patients. A response was attributed to TPM in 21 (31.8%) of 66 RSE cases and eight (20%) of 40 SRSE cases. Treatment‐emergent adverse events were attributed to TPM usage in two patients, one each with pancreatitis and hyperchloremic acidosis, and in 38 patients (35.8%), hyperammonemia was seen. Thirty‐four of these patients received a combination of TPM and valproate and/or phenobarbital. The intrahospital mortality rate was 22.6% (n = 24).
Significance: The rate of SE cessation attributed to TPM treatment (27.4%) represents a relevant response given the late treatment position of TPM and the treatment latency of more than 8 days. Based on these results and in line with the findings of other case series, TPM can be considered an alternative option for treating RSE and SRSE.
Prospective evaluation of interrater agreement between EEG technologists and neurophysiologists
We aim to prospectively investigate, in a large and heterogeneous population, the electroencephalogram (EEG)-reading performances of EEG technologists. A total of 8 EEG technologists and 5 certified neurophysiologists independently analyzed 20-min EEG recordings. Interrater agreement (IRA) for predefined EEG pattern identification between EEG technologists and neurophysiologits was assessed using percentage of agreement (PA) and Gwet-AC1. Among 1528 EEG recordings, the PA [95% confidence interval] and interrater agreement (IRA, AC1) values were as follows: status epilepticus (SE) and seizures, 97% [96–98%], AC1 kappa = 0.97; interictal epileptiform discharges, 78% [76–80%], AC1 = 0.63; and conclusion dichotomized as “normal” versus “pathological”, 83.6% [82–86%], AC1 = 0.71. EEG technologists identified SE and seizures with 99% [98–99%] negative predictive value, whereas the positive predictive values (PPVs) were 48% [34–62%] and 35% [20–53%], respectively. The PPV for normal EEGs was 72% [68–76%]. SE and seizure detection were impaired in poorly cooperating patients (SE and seizures; p < 0.001), intubated and older patients (SE; p < 0.001), and confirmed epilepsy patients (seizures; p = 0.004). EEG technologists identified ictal features with few false negatives but high false positives, and identified normal EEGs with good PPV. The absence of ictal features reported by EEG technologists can be reassuring; however, EEG traces should be reviewed by neurophysiologists before taking action.
Background: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), a multisystem genetic disorder, affects many organs and systems, characterized by benign growths. This German multicenter study estimated the disease-specific costs and cost-driving factors associated with various organ manifestations in TSC patients. Methods: A validated, three-month, retrospective questionnaire was administered to assess the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, organ manifestations, direct, indirect, out-of-pocket, and nursing care-level costs, completed by caregivers of patients with TSC throughout Germany. Results: The caregivers of 184 patients (mean age 9.8 ± 5.3 years, range 0.7–21.8 years) submitted questionnaires. The reported TSC disease manifestations included epilepsy (92%), skin disorders (86%), structural brain disorders (83%), heart and circulatory system disorders (67%), kidney and urinary tract disorders (53%), and psychiatric disorders (51%). Genetic variations in TSC2 were reported in 46% of patients, whereas 14% were reported in TSC1. Mean total direct health care costs were EUR 4949 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) EUR 4088–5863, median EUR 2062] per patient over three months. Medication costs represented the largest direct cost category (54% of total direct costs, mean EUR 2658), with mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors representing the largest share (47%, EUR 2309). The cost of anti-seizure drugs (ASDs) accounted for a mean of only EUR 260 (5%). Inpatient costs (21%, EUR 1027) and ancillary therapy costs (8%, EUR 407) were also important direct cost components. The mean nursing care-level costs were EUR 1163 (95% CI EUR 1027–1314, median EUR 1635) over three months. Total indirect costs totaled a mean of EUR 2813 (95% CI EUR 2221–3394, median EUR 215) for mothers and EUR 372 (95% CI EUR 193–586, median EUR 0) for fathers. Multiple regression analyses revealed polytherapy with two or more ASDs and the use of mTOR inhibitors as independent cost-driving factors of total direct costs. Disability and psychiatric disease were independent cost-driving factors for total indirect costs as well as for nursing care-level costs. Conclusions: This study revealed substantial direct (including medication), nursing care-level, and indirect costs associated with TSC over three months, highlighting the spectrum of organ manifestations and their treatment needs in the German healthcare setting.
In Anbetracht ihres bedeutenden Potenzials zur Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung wird Telemedizin weiterhin zu wenig genutzt. Trotz einiger erfolgreicher Pilotprojekte in den vergangenen Jahren ist insbesondere über die Hindernisse der Etablierung und Verstetigung von Telemedizin wenig bekannt. Diese Studie hatte das Ziel, die Einstellung niedergelassener Neurologen hinsichtlich der Nutzung von Telemedizin in der Epileptologie und resultierende Hinderungsgründe zu verstehen. Gleichzeitig werden mögliche Lösungsansätze präsentiert.
Mithilfe eines individuell erstellten 14-Item-Fragebogens befragten wir prospektiv alle Neurologen, die zuvor die Teilnahme an einem transregionalen Telemedizinpilotprojekt im Bereich der Epileptologie abgelehnt oder keine Rückmeldung gegeben hatten, zu Gründen für und gegen den generellen Einsatz von bzw. die Teilnahme an Telemedizin.
Von 58 kontaktierten Neurologen antworteten 33 (57 %). Die häufigsten Gründe für die fehlende Nutzung der Telemedizin waren ein vermuteter Zeitmangel oder ein vermuteter zu großer organisatorischer Aufwand (49 %). Zudem wurden Bedenken bezüglich der technischen Ausstattung (30 %) und eine Präferenz für alternative Wege der intersektoralen Kommunikation (30 %) angegeben. Befürchtete Probleme in Bezug auf die Kostenerstattung für telemedizinische Leistungen waren für 27 % ein Hindernis. Neurologen in ländlichen Gebieten waren signifikant häufiger bereit, zunächst eine telemedizinische Konsultation anzufordern, bevor sie eine Überweisung ausstellen (p = 0,006).
Die flächendeckende Etablierung von Telemedizinstrukturen ist immer noch durch Hindernisse erschwert, die meist im organisatorischen Bereich liegen. Die bestehenden Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen in ländlichen Gebieten sind eine besondere Chance für die Implementierung von Telemedizin. Die meisten Probleme der Telemedizin können gelöst werden, sollten aber bereits bei der Konzeptionierung von Projekten mitbedacht werden, um ihre Verstetigung zu erleichtern.
The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score is the most frequently used score worldwide for assessing the clinical severity of a stroke. Prior research suggested an association between acute symptomatic seizures after stroke and poorer outcome. We determined the frequency of acute seizures after ischemic stroke in a large population-based registry in a central European region between 2004 and 2016 and identified risk factors for acute seizures in univariate and multivariate analyses. Additionally, we determined the influence of seizures on morbidity and mortality in a matched case–control design. Our analysis of 135,117 cases demonstrated a seizure frequency of 1.3%. Seizure risk was 0.6% with an NIHSS score at admission <3 points and increased up to 7.0% with >31 score points. Seizure risk was significantly higher in the presence of acute non-neurological infections (odds ratio: 3.4; 95% confidence interval: 2.8–4.1). A lower premorbid functional level also significantly increased seizure risk (OR: 1.7; 95%CI: 1.4–2.0). Mortality in patients with acute symptomatic seizures was almost doubled when compared to controls matched for age, gender, and stroke severity. Acute symptomatic seizures increase morbidity and mortality in ischemic stroke. Their odds increase with a higher NIHSS score at admission.
Introduction: Dravet syndrome (DS), a prototypic developmental and genetic epileptic encephalopathy (DEE), is characterized by an early onset of treatment-refractory seizures, together with impairments in motor control, behavior, and cognition. Even with multiple conventional anti-epileptic drugs, seizures remain poorly controlled, and there has been a considerable unmet need for effective and tolerable treatments. Areas covered: This targeted literature review aims to highlight recent changes to the therapeutic landscape for DS by summarizing the most up-to-date, evidence-based research, including pivotal data from the clinical development of stiripentol, cannabidiol, and fenfluramine, which are important milestones for DS treatment, together with the latest findings of other pharmacotherapies in development. In phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized controlled trials stiripentol, cannabidiol, and fenfluramine have shown clinically relevant reductions in convulsive seizure frequency, and are generally well tolerated. Stiripentol was associated with responder rates (greater than 50% reduction in convulsive seizure frequency) of 67%-71%, when added to valproic acid and clobazam; cannabidiol was associated with responder rates of 43%-49% (48%-63% in conjunction with clobazam), and fenfluramine of 54%-68% across studies. Therapies in development include soticlestat, ataluren, verapamil, and clemizole, with strategies to treat the underlying cause of DS, including gene therapy and antisense oligonucleotides beginning to emerge from preclinical studies. Expert opinion: Despite the challenges of drug development in rare diseases, this is an exciting time for the treatment of DS, with the promise of new efficacious and well-tolerated therapies, which may pave the way for treatment advances in other DEEs.
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare genetic disorder caused by mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 genes, which encode proteins that antagonise the mammalian isoform of the target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) – a key mediator of cell growth and metabolism. TSC is characterised by the development of benign tumours in multiple organs, together with neurological manifestations including epilepsy and TSC-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND). Epilepsy occurs frequently and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality; however, the management is challenging due to the intractable nature of the seizures. Preventative epilepsy treatment is a key aim, especially as patients with epilepsy may be at a higher risk of developing severe cognitive and behavioural impairment. Vigabatrin given preventatively reduces the risk and severity of epilepsy although the benefits for TAND are inconclusive. These promising results could pave the way for evaluating other treatments in a preventative capacity, especially those that may address the underlying pathophysiology of TSC, including everolimus, cannabidiol and the ketogenic diet (KD). Everolimus is an mTOR inhibitor approved for the adjunctive treatment of refractory TSC-associated seizures that has demonstrated significant reductions in seizure frequency compared with placebo, improvements that were sustained after 2 years of treatment. Highly purified cannabidiol, recently approved in the US as Epidiolex® for TSC-associated seizures in patients ⩾1 years of age, and the KD, may also participate in the regulation of the mTOR pathway. This review focusses on the pivotal clinical evidence surrounding these potential targeted therapies that may form the foundation of precision medicine for TSC-associated epilepsy, as well as other current treatments including anti-seizure drugs, vagus nerve stimulation and surgery. New future therapies are also discussed, together with the potential for preventative treatment with targeted therapies. Due to advances in understanding the molecular genetics and pathophysiology, TSC represents a prototypic clinical syndrome for studying epileptogenesis and the impact of precision medicine.