Document Type
- Article (6)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
- Healthy adults (2)
- Upper body posture (2)
- BMI (1)
- Blocked occlusion (1)
- Body sway (1)
- Brechungsindex (1)
- E-beam induced deposition (1)
- EBID (1)
- Einzel-Elektronen-Transistor (1)
- Elektronenstrahlinduzierte Deposition (1)
- Medizin (4)
- Physik (2)
- Rechtswissenschaft (1)
Objectives: Symmetrical dental occlusion blocking is used in dentistry as a quick diagnostic tool to test for potential influences of the craniomandibular system on body sway and weight distribution. This study presents the changes of body sway and pressure distribution in healthy subjects, free of a temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Immediate effects between occlusal blocking and rest position on body sway and body weight distribution in general, as well as for both genders and for four age decades will be evaluated.
Materials and methods: 725 (396f/329 m) subjects (neither subjective signs of TMD nor acute/chronic complaints in the musculoskeletal system) volunteered (21 to 60 years) while both genders were divided into four age groups according to decades. A pressure measuring platform was used. Body sway and weight distribution were recorded in two dental occlusion conditions (a) in rest position and (b) symmetrical blocking (bicuspid region) by cotton rolls.
Results: Both, the frontal sway and the sagittal sway reduced by 0.67 mm (t(724) = − 3.9 (p < 0.001)) and by 0.33 mm (t(724) = − 3.4 (p < 0.001)). The relative pressure under the left forefoot increased by 0.33% (t(724) = 2.88 (p < 0.001)) and the relative pressure overall under the forefoot increased by 0.67% (t(724) = − 3.4 (p < 0.001)). Gender-specific, age-specific and BMI-specific reactions could not be identified.
Conclusions: Subjects, free of any TMD and with no complaints of the musculoskeletal system, show small changes of the body sway and weight distribution when biting symmetrically on a cotton roll. These changes are independent of age, gender or body mass index (BMI). Due to the relative large sample size, the presented results can also be seen as norm values when body sway is used as an additional assessment of a TMD.
Background: In order to classify and analyze the parameters of upper body posture, a baseline in the form of standard values is demanded. To this date, standard values have only been published for healthy men aged 18–35 and 41–50 years. Data for male adults aged between 31 and 40 years are lacking.
Methods: The postural parameters of 101 symptom-free male volunteers aged 31–40 (35.58 ± 2.88) years were studied. The mean height of the men was 179.89 ± 7.38 cm, with a mean body weight of 86.36 ± 11.58 kg and an average BMI of 26.70 ± 3.35 kg/m2. By means of video rasterstereography, a 3-dimensional scan of the upper back surface was measured in a habitual standing position. The means or medians, confidence interval, tolerance range, and group comparisons and correlations of BMI and physical activity were calculated for all parameters.
Results: The habitual standing position was found to be almost symmetrical and the axis aligned in the spine, pelvis, and shoulder region, while the spine position was marginally inclined ventrally. The kyphosis angle of the thoracic spine was greater than the lordosis angle of the lumbar spine. All deviations fell under the measurement error margin of 1 mm/1°. The greater the BMI, the greater was the pelvic and scapular distance. The lower the BMI, the further caudally positioned was the right shoulder. The pelvic and scapular distances were also lower with the increasing athleticism of the participants.
Conclusion: The upper body posture of men between the ages of 31 and 40 years was found to be almost symmetrical and axis-conforming, with the kyphosis angle, pelvic distance, and shoulder distance enlarging with increasing BMI. Consequently, postural parameters presented in this survey allow for comparisons with other studies, as well as the evaluation of clinical diagnostics and applications.
This paper introduces a new methodology for the fabrication of strain-sensor elements for MEMS and NEMS applications based on the tunneling effect in nano-granular metals. The strain-sensor elements are prepared by the maskless lithography technique of focused electron-beam-induced deposition (FEBID) employing the precursor trimethylmethylcyclopentadienyl platinum [MeCpPt(Me)3]. We use a cantilever-based deflection technique to determine the sensitivity (gauge factor) of the sensor element. We find that its sensitivity depends on the electrical conductivity and can be continuously tuned, either by the thickness of the deposit or by electron-beam irradiation leading to a distinct maximum in the sensitivity. This maximum finds a theoretical rationale in recent advances in the understanding of electronic charge transport in nano-granular metals.
Standard values of the upper body posture in healthy adults with special regard to age, sex and BMI
In order to classify and analyze the parameters of upper body posture in clinical or physiotherapeutic settings, a baseline in the form of standard values with special regard to age, sex and BMI is required. Thus, subjectively healthy men and women aged 21–60 years were measured in this project. The postural parameters of 800 symptom-free male (n = 397) and female (n = 407) volunteers aged 21–60 years (Ø♀: 39.7 ± 11.6, Ø ♂: 40.7 ± 11.5 y) were studied. The mean height of the men was 1.8 ± 0.07 m, with a mean body weight of 84.8 ± 13.1 kg and an average BMI of 26.0 ± 3.534 kg/m2. In contrast, the mean height of the women was 1.67 ± 0.06 m, with a mean body weight of 66.5 ± 12.7 kg and an average BMI of 23.9 ± 4.6 kg/m2. By means of video rasterstereography, a 3-dimensional scan of the upper back surface was measured when in a habitual standing position. The means or medians, confidence intervals, tolerance ranges, the minimum, 2.5, 25, 50, 75, 97.5 percentiles and the maximum, plus the kurtosis and skewness of the distribution, were calculated for all parameters. Additionally, ANOVA and a factor analyses (sex, BMI, age) were conducted. In both sexes across all age groups, balanced, symmetrical upper body statics were evident. Most strikingly, the females showed greater thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis angles (kyphosis: Ø ♀ 56°, Ø♂ 51°; lordosis: Ø ♀ 49°, Ø♂ 32°) and lumbar bending angles (Ø ♀ 14°, Ø♂ 11°) than the males. The distance between the scapulae was more pronounced in men. These parameters also show an increase with age and BMI, respectively. Pelvic parameters were independent of age and sex. The upper body postures of women and men between the ages of 21 and 60 years were found to be almost symmetrical and axis-conforming with a positive correlation for BMI or age. Consequently, the present body posture parameters allow for comparisons with other studies, as well as for the evaluation of clinical (interim) diagnostics and applications.
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der optischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von metallorganischen Materialien, die mit dem Verfahren der Elektronenstrahlinduzierten Deposition hergestellt wurden. Da es sich bei diesen noch relativ unerforschten Endprodukten um Materialmengen von wenigen Nanogramm Gewicht und geometrische Abmessungen im Sub-µm-Bereich handelt, wurden hierzu neue Verfahren der Herstellung, Strukturierung und Charakterisierung entwickelt. Sowohl die optischen als auch die elektronischen Eigenschaften dieser Deponate besitzen einen gemeinsamen physikalischen Nenner in ihrer inneren Morphologie: ein nanokristallines dielektrisches Verbundmaterial, das aus metallischen Kristalliten und organischen Polymeren gebildet wird. Im Hinblick auf die Durchführung der Untersuchungen war das Augenmerk auf zwei potentielle industrielle Anwendungen gerichtet: den Photonischen Kristallen und den Einzelelektronen-Phänomenen bei Raumtemperatur. Mit Hilfe von Beugungsexperimenten im Fernfeld wird ein Verfahren gezeigt, das eine der periodischen Struktur von Photonischen Kristallen angepaßte Charakterisierung von Materialstrukturen mit optischer Bandlücke ermöglicht. Das mathematische Grundgerüst bildet dabei eine rigorose Streutheorie, die als Lösung der Helmholtz-Gleichung an dielektrischen Zylindern mit wenigen hundert nm Durchmesser den Experimenten zugrunde gelegt wird und sowohl für die praktische Dimensionierung des Versuchsaufbaus als auch für die theoretische Auswertung der Meßdaten, z.B. für die Brechungsindexbestimmung, dient. Die Herstellung und Kontrolle der Eigenschaften von Einzelelektronen-Tunnelelementen (SETs, Single Electron Tunneling Devices), welche bei hohen Temperaturen mit einer abzählbar kleinen Anzahl von Elektronen noch arbeiten, dürfte wohl eine der größten Herausforderungen in der heutigen Festkörperelektronik sein. Obwohl die Idee dazu, auf Basis der "Orthodoxen Theorie", bis auf die 80er Jahre des vergangenen Jahrhunderts zurückgeht, konnten nennenswerte Ergebnisse nur unter "Laborbedingungen" mit entsprechend hohem experimentellem Aufwand erzielt werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuer Weg gegangen, um die beiden wesentlichen Bedingungen der orthodoxen Theorie, nämlich die Kleinheit der Kapazitäten und hohe Tunnelwiderstände, durch das ungeordnete nanokristalline Netzwerk der metallorganischen Deponate zu erfüllen. Die Motivation hierzu liegt in der hochohmigen organischen Matrix der Deponate, die mit darin eingebetteten elektrisch isolierten Nanokristalliten (die mit Durchmessern zwischen 1 nm und 2.5 nm ausgezeichnete Quantenpunkte bilden) eine ideale Umgebung für den Betrieb von Einzelelektronen-Tunnelelementen bereitstellen. Ein stabiles Verhalten unter hohen Temperaturen und eine ausgeprägte Resistenz gegen quantenmechanische Fluktuationen (z. B. dem Co-Tunneln oder Hintergrundladungen) wird durch den Aufbau von nanokristallinen Netzwerken, die in der Arbeit als "Über-SET" bezeichnet werden, erreicht. Mit Hilfe der entwickelten speziellen Technik lassen sich Nanokristallite elektrisch bis zur quantenmechanischen Tunnelgrenze voneinander isolieren und als Quantenpunkte betreiben. Die dabei beobachtbaren Phänomene sind diskretisierte I/U-Kennlinien und das Blockade-Verhalten der Spannung bei Raumtemperatur, deren Entstehung in Monte-Carlo-Simulationen auf zwei physikalische Grundprinzipien zurückgeführt wird: der Ausbildung von Einfangzuständen (Traps) für Elektronen an Grenzstellen und dem Mechanismus des negativen differentiellen Widerstandes (NDR, Negative Differential Resistance). Beide Effekte fungieren in einer gegenseitigen Kombination zueinander durch Coulomb-Wechselwirkungen zu einem mikroskopischen Schalter für den gesamten Strom.
Background: Temporary occlusal changes and their influence on the upper body statics are still controversially discussed. Furthermore, concrete statements on whether age- or gender-specific differences in neurophysiological reactions exist are missing. Therefore, it is the aim of this study to evaluate the immediate effects of a symmetrical occlusion blocking on the upper body posture. These effects shall be investigated for both genders and for a larger age range.
Methods: In this study, 800 (407f/393 m) subjects volunteered aged from 21 to 60 years. Both genders were divided into four age groups according to decades. The three-dimensional upper body posture was measured by using the rasterstereography (ABW-Bodymapper). The habitual static posture was measured in two dental occlusion conditions (a) in rest position and (b) symmetrical blocking in the bicuspid region by cotton rolls.
Results: A significant reduction of the trunk length (0.72 mm; p < 0.001), an increase of the lumbar (0.30°; p < 0.001) and the thoracic bending angle (0.14°; p = 0.001), a reduction of the spinal forward decline (0.16°; p < 0.001) and a reduction of the scapular distance (0.36 mm; p = 0.001) was found. Gender-specific reactions can only be recorded in scapular distance, in that regard men reduce this distance while over all age groups women did not show a significant change.
Discussion: Slight gender- and age-independent reactions due to a symmetric occlusion blockade are shown: A gender independent reaction of the spinal related variables in the sagittal plane (thoracic and lumbar flexion angle, trunk length, spinal forward decline). In addition, a gender specific change of the shoulder blade distance could be observed, where men reduced the distance while female did not show a change. However, since these reactions are of a minimum amount, it can be concluded that neurophysiological compensation mechanisms work equally well regardless of age and sex, and the upper body posture of healthy people changes only very slightly due to a temporarily symmetrical altered bite position.