Document Type
- Article (1)
- Part of a Book (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (2)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (2)
- Bavčar, Evgen (1)
- Blick (1)
- Blick <Motiv> (1)
- Blindheit (1)
- Blindheit <Motiv> (1)
- Fotografie (1)
- Roemer, Martin (1)
- The eyes of war (1)
- Medizin (1)
Alexandra Tacke erinnert in ihrem Beitrag daran, dass sich in Fotografien von Blinden, die selbst nicht zurückblicken können, eine voyeuristische Struktur potenziert, die die Blinden - als Angesehene und bildlich Fixierte - in doppelter Weise zu Objekten macht. Vor dem Hintergrund einer 'Sozialgeschichte des Anstarrens' von Menschen mit Behinderung zeigt Tacke, dass sich das Zum-Objekt-Werden der Sehbehinderten in politisch und medizinisch motivierten Fotografien von kriegsversehrten Blinden des Ersten Weltkrieges zuspitzt, die zu Exempeln für die Realität des Krieges werden sollten. Am Beispiel eines Langzeitprojekts des Fotografen Martin Roemers, "The Eyes of War" (2012), und am Beispiel der fotografischen Praxis des blinden Gegenwartsfotografen Evgen Bavčar stellt Tacke künstlerische Interventionen vor, die weniger eine Exposition der blinden Menschen oder ihrer spezifischen Sichtweisen sind, sondern vielmehr den Blick der Sehenden auf Blinde problematisieren.
The lung is, more than other solid organs, susceptible for ischemia reperfusion injury after orthotopic transplantation. Corticosteroids are known to potently suppress pro-inflammatory processes when given in the post-operative setting or during rejection episodes. Whereas their use has been approved for these clinical indications, there is no study investigating its potential as a preservation additive in preventing vascular damage already in the phase of ischemia. To investigate these effects we performed orthotopic lung transplantations (LTX) in the rat. Prednisolone was either added to the perfusion solution for lung preservation or omitted and rats were followed for 48 hours after LTX. Prednisolone preconditioning significantly increased survival and diminished reperfusion edema. Hypoxia induced vasoactive cytokines such as VEGF were reduced. Markers of leukocyte invasiveness like matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-2, or common pro-inflammatory molecules like the CXCR4 receptor or the chemokine (C-C motif) ligand (CCL)-2 were downregulated by prednisolone. Neutrophil recruitment to the grafts was only increased in Perfadex treated lungs. Together with this, prednisolone treated animals displayed significantly reduced lung protein levels of neutrophil chemoattractants like CINC-1, CINC-2α/β and LIX and upregulated tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1. Interestingly, lung macrophage invasion was increased in both, Perfadex and prednisolone treated grafts, as measured by MMP-12 or RM4. Markers of anti-inflammatory macrophage transdifferentiation like MRC-1, IL-13, IL-4 and CD163, significantly correlated with prednisolone treatment. These observations lead to the conclusion that prednisolone as an additive to the perfusion solution protects from hypoxia triggered danger signals already in the phase of ischemia and thus reduces graft edema in the phase of reperfusion. Additionally, prednisolone preconditioning might also lead to macrophage polarization as a beneficial long-term effect.