Document Type
- Contribution to a Periodical (2)
- Article (1)
- Part of a Book (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- COVID-19 (1)
- Interdisziplinarität (1)
- Ko-Laboration (1)
- Kollaboration (1)
- Vergleich (1)
- care (1)
- co-laboration (1)
- collaboration (1)
- comparison (1)
- detachment (1)
Die Internationale Siegfried Kracauer Konferenz am Institut für Sozialforschung, die vom 19. bis 21. Mai 2022 nach zweijähriger Verschiebung in Frankfurt stattfinden konnte, hatte sich viel vorgenommen: Einerseits sollten etablierte und neuere Auseinandersetzungen mit Siegfried Kracauers Werk über verschieden Disziplinen hinweg in unterschiedlichen Vortrags- und Diskussionsformaten ins Gespräch gebracht werden, andererseits sollte der Blick weder einzig nostalgisch in die Vergangenheit noch ausschließlich auf Fragen nach der Aktualität gerichtet sein.
Wo und warum es verdeckten Widerstand in demokratischen Gesellschaften gibt, erkundet ein neuer Sammelband des Instituts für Sozialforschung. Ein Gespräch mit den Herausgeber:innen Ferdinand Sutterlüty und Almut Poppinga über die Verbindung von Widerstand, Würde und das gemeinsame Pflanzen von Bäumen.
The contribution discusses the formation and collaboration in the VERSUS project (Versorgung und Unterstützung in Zeiten von Corona/Provisioning and support in times of Corona) as a relational epistemic practice. VERSUS formed as research project to investigate how provisioning recon-figured during the pandemic in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The researchers involved come from different yet ‘near’ scholarly backgrounds: anthropology, sociology, and political theory. Such ‘near’ interdisciplinarity poses specific challenges and frictions for a co-laborative project. In analysing our own forms of working on working together, we aim to contribute to an emergent literature that focuses on co-laboration in projects of such ‘near’ disciplines used to take their differences serious. We discuss VERSUS through the notions of a) co-laboration, working with a shared epistemic orientation (tertium) for creating knowledge for specific fields, and b) collaboration as the everyday practice of working together during the unfolding pandemic. The collaborative software Slack enabled quick and less formal interaction, yet the instant-ness of the platform created challenging situations that we then discuss as important and generative moments in the project.
During the government-imposed contact restrictions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, older adults feared that they may no longer be able to experience physical contact with family members. They were, however, given hope by a ‘cuddle curtain’, a device that promised to enable familial intimacy while blocking the exposure of older bodies to the coronavirus. Our research team traced how one such artefact was used in nursing homes in Switzerland. Here, we discuss its cultural biography to explore notions of intimacy by relating discussions about the curtain to anthropological discussions about entanglement and detachment. We contrast positive associations between the curtain and familial intimacy with regulations surrounding body fl uid barriers in sex work, in order to relate the ‘thing’ to the larger context within which it circulates.