Document Type
- Article (7)
- English (7)
Has Fulltext
- yes (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
- immunocytochemistry (2)
- Anticoagulation (1)
- ERM (1)
- Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (1)
- GRK2 (1)
- Inflammation (1)
- Mice (1)
- PKCε (1)
- astrocyte (1)
- astrocyte heterogeneity (1)
Astrocytes are increasingly perceived as active partners in physiological brain function and behaviour. The structural correlations of the glia–synaptic interaction are the peripheral astrocyte processes (PAPs), where ezrin and radixin, the two astrocytic members of the ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) family of proteins are preferentially localised. While the molecular mechanisms of ERM (in)activation appear universal, at least in mammalian cells, and have been studied in great detail, the actual ezrin and radixin kinases, phosphatases and binding partners appear cell type specific and may be multiplexed within a cell. In astrocytes, ezrin is involved in process motility, which can be stimulated by the neurotransmitter glutamate, through activation of the glial metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) 3 or 5. However, it has remained open how this mGluR stimulus is transduced to ezrin activation. Knowing upstream signals of ezrin activation, ezrin kinase(s), and membrane-bound binding partners of ezrin in astrocytes might open new approaches to the glial role in brain function. Ezrin has also been implicated in invasive behaviour of astrocytomas, and glial activation. Here, we review data pertaining to potential molecular interaction partners of ezrin in astrocytes, with a focus on PKC and GRK2, and in gliomas and other diseases, to stimulate further research on their potential roles in glia-synaptic physiology and pathology.
Background: The ventral midbrain contains a diverse array of neurons, including dopaminergic neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substantia nigra (SN) and neurons of the red nucleus (RN). Dopaminergic and RN neurons have been shown to arise from ventral mesencephalic precursors that express Sonic Hedgehog (Shh). However, Shh expression, which is initially confined to the mesencephalic ventral midline, expands laterally and is then downregulated in the ventral midline. In contrast, expression of the Hedgehog target gene Gli1 initiates in the ventral midline prior to Shh expression, but after the onset of Shh expression it is expressed in precursors lateral to Shh-positive cells. Given these dynamic gene expression patterns, Shh and Gli1 expression could delineate different progenitor populations at distinct embryonic time points. Results: We employed genetic inducible fate mapping (GIFM) to investigate whether precursors that express Shh (Shh-GIFM) or transduce Shh signaling (Gli1-GIFM) at different time points give rise to different ventral midbrain cell types. We find that precursors restricted to the ventral midline are labeled at embryonic day (E)7.5 with Gli1-GIFM, and with Shh-GIFM at E8.5. These precursors give rise to all subtypes of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and the anterior RN. A broader domain of progenitors that includes the ventral midline is marked with Gli1-GIFM at E8.5 and with Shh-GIFM at E9.5; these fate-mapped cells also contribute to all midbrain dopaminergic subtypes and to the entire RN. In contrast, a lateral progenitor domain that is labeled with Gli1-GIFM at E9.5 and with Shh-GIFM at E11.5 has a markedly reduced potential to give rise to the RN and to SN dopaminergic neurons, and preferentially gives rise to the ventral-medial VTA. In addition, cells derived from Shh- and Gli1-expressing progenitors located outside of the ventral midline give rise to astrocytes. Conclusions: We define a ventral midbrain precursor map based on the timing of Gli1 and Shh expression, and suggest that the diversity of midbrain dopaminergic neurons is at least partially determined during their precursor stage when their medial-lateral position, differential gene expression and the time when they leave the ventricular zone influence their fate decisions.
Background: The Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) signaling pathway is known to influence pathophysiological processes within the brain and the synthetic S1P analog FTY720 has been shown to provide neuroprotection in experimental models of acute stroke. However, the effects of a manipulation of S1P signaling at later time points after experimental stroke have not yet been investigated. We examined whether a relatively late initiation of a FTY720 treatment has a positive effect on long-term neurological outcome with a focus on reactive astrogliosis, synapses and neurotrophic factors.
Methods: We induced photothrombotic stroke (PT) in adult C57BL/6J mice and allowed them to recover for three days. Starting on post-stroke day 3, mice were treated with FTY720 (1 mg/kg b.i.d.) for 5 days. Behavioral outcome was observed until day 31 after photothrombosis and periinfarct cortical tissue was analyzed using tandem mass-spectrometry, TaqMan®analysis and immunofluorescence.
Results: FTY720 treatment results in a significantly better functional outcome persisting up to day 31 after PT. This is accompanied by a significant decrease in reactive astrogliosis and larger post-synaptic densities as well as changes in the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor α (VEGF α). Within the periinfarct cortex, S1P is significantly increased compared to healthy brain tissue.
Conclusion: Besides its known neuroprotective effects in the acute phase of experimental stroke, the initiation of FTY720 treatment in the convalescence period has a positive impact on long-term functional outcome, probably mediated through reduced astrogliosis, a modulation in synaptic morphology and an increased expression of neurotrophic factors.
Anticoagulation with warfarin and rivaroxaban ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Background: In multiple sclerosis, coagulation factors have been shown to modulate inflammation. In this translational study, we investigated whether long-term anticoagulation with warfarin or rivaroxaban has beneficial effects on the course of autoimmune experimental encephalomyelitis (EAE).
Methods: Female SJL/J mice treated with anticoagulants namely warfarin or rivaroxaban were immunized with PLP139–151. Stable anticoagulation was maintained throughout the entire experiment. Mice without anticoagulation treated with the vehicle only were used as controls. The neurological deficit was recorded during the course of EAE, and histopathological analyses of inflammatory lesions were performed.
Results: In preventive settings, both treatment with warfarin and rivaroxaban reduced the maximum EAE score as compared to the control group and led to a reduction of inflammatory lesions in the spinal cord. In contrast, therapeutic treatment with warfarin had no beneficial effects on the clinical course of EAE. Signs of intraparenchymal hemorrhage at the site of the inflammatory lesions were not observed.
Conclusion: We developed long-term anticoagulation models that allowed exploring the course of EAE under warfarin and rivaroxaban treatment. We found a mild preventive effect of both warfarin and rivaroxaban on neurological deficits and local inflammation, indicating a modulation of the disease induction by anticoagulation.
The overall staining by GS clearly reveals astrocytes, including all cells of the astroglial family (1), i.e., Bergmann glia, Müller cells (2), tanycytes (3), and ependymal cells. The star shaped morphology from classical silver impregnations relates to cortical and hippocampal astrocytes, which display a comparable pattern in material stained for GFAP. However, the dense population of GS stained astrocytes found in all diencephalic and mesencephalic regions, known to display faint GFAP-labeling (unpublished observations) indicated that while apparently all astrocytes contain GS they have GFAP-ir filaments only in a region-dependent pattern. This is complicated by the emerging view that "astrocytes" constitute a heterogeneous population even within a given region. In the rat hippocampus, combined immunostainings have revealed that the "classical" GFAP-ir astrocyte constitutes a subpopulation of GS-ir astrocytes, which can also lack GFAP staining [direct double staining (4)]. In view of several astroglial subtypes and/or glial precursors present in the adult rodent brain, anti-GS appears to be the most general astrocyte marker, covering all subtypes. In addition, GS has been found early on to label exclusively astrocytic cells and no other glial or neuronal cell types in situ or in culture [reviewed by (5)]. GS has, thus, been applied as a reliable astrocyte marker in very many studies since.
"Complex cells" in rat hippocampus, initially assumed to be an astrocyte subtype (6) but now understood to belong to NG2 cells, a fourth glial type in the CNS (7), may display faint GS-ir in the soma but not its fine processes. Oligodendrocyte precursor cells, possibly also related to NG2 cells, were found to be devoid of GS-ir (8). The immunocytochemical profile and possible heterogeneity of NG2 cells is still under debate to date. Disputing the exclusion of non-astrocytic cells in GS staining, some authors have later reported GS+ oligodendrocytes, although this has not been investigated systematically. Reports on non-astrocytic GS will be discussed in detail here.
Astrocytes contribute to many higher brain functions. A key mechanism in glia-to-neuron signalling is vesicular exocytosis; however, the identity of exocytosis organelles remains a matter of debate. Since vesicles derived from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) are not considered in this context, we studied the astrocyte TGN by immunocytochemistry applying anti-Rab6A. In mouse brain, Rab6A immunostaining is found to be unexpectedly massive, diffuse in all regions, and is detected preferentially and abundantly in the peripheral astrocyte processes, which is hardly evident without glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP) co-staining. All cells positive for the astrocytic markers glutamine synthetase (GS), GFAP, aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member L1 (Aldh1L1), or SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 (SOX9) were Rab6A+. Rab6A is excluded from microglia, oligodendrocytes, and NG2 cells using cell type-specific markers. In human cortex, Rab6A labelling is very similar and associated with GFAP+ astrocytes. The mouse data also confirm the specific astrocytic labelling by Aldh1L1 or SOX9; the astrocyte-specific labelling by GS sometimes debated is replicated again. In mouse and human brain, individual astrocytes display high variability in Rab6A+ structures, suggesting dynamic regulation of the glial TGN. In summary, Rab6A expression is an additional, global descriptor of astrocyte identity. Rab6A might constitute an organelle system with a potential role of Rab6A in neuropathological and physiological processes.
NG2 cells, the fourth type of glia in the mammalian CNS, receive synaptic input from neurons. The function of this innervation is unknown yet. Postsynaptic changes in intracellular Ca2+-concentration ([Ca2+]i) might be a possible consequence. We employed transgenic mice with fluorescently labeled NG2 cells to address this issue. To identify Ca2+-signaling pathways we combined patch-clamp recordings, Ca2+-imaging, mRNA-transcript analysis and focal pressure-application of various substances to identified NG2-cells in acute hippocampal slices. We show that activation of voltage-gated Ca2+-channels, Ca2+-permeable AMPA-receptors, and group I metabotropic glutamate-receptors provoke [Ca2+]i-elevations in NG2 cells. The Ca2+-influx is amplified by Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release. Minimal electrical stimulation of presynaptic neurons caused postsynaptic currents but no somatic [Ca2+]i elevations, suggesting that [Ca2+]i elevations in NG2 cells might be restricted to their processes. Local Ca2+-signaling might provoke transmitter release or changes in cell motility. To identify structural prerequisites for such a scenario, we used electron microscopy, immunostaining, mRNA-transcript analysis, and time lapse imaging. We found that NG2 cells form symmetric and asymmetric synapses with presynaptic neurons and show immunoreactivity for vesicular glutamate transporter 1. The processes are actin-based, contain ezrin but not glial filaments, microtubules or endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NG2 cell processes in situ are highly motile. Our findings demonstrate that gray matter NG2 cells are endowed with the cellular machinery for two-way communication with neighboring cells.