Document Type
- Review (4)
- Article (2)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
- Der Salon (Zeitschrift, Kassel) (1)
- Geschichte 1800-1900 (1)
- Heine, Heinrich (1)
- Kleist, Heinrich von (1)
- Lyrik (1)
- Vertonung (1)
- Zensur (1)
- Physik (2)
- Neuere Philologien (1)
The knowledge of the build up time of space charge compensation (SCC) and the investigation of the compensation process is of main interest for low energy beam transport of pulsed high perveance ion beams under space charge compensated conditions. To investigate experimentally the rise of compensation an LEBT system consisting of a pulsed ion source, two solenoids and a drift tube as diagnostic section has been set up. The beam potential has been measured time resolved by a residual gas ion energy analyser (RGA). A numerical simulation for the calculation of self-consistent equilibrium states of the beam plasma has been developed to determine plasma parameters which are difficult measure directly. The results of the simulation has been compared with the measured data to investigate the behavior of the compensation electrons as a function of time. The acquired data shows that the theoretical rise time of space charge compensation is by a factor of two shorter than the build up time determined experimentally. In view of description the process of SCC an interpretation of the gained results is given.
For investigation of space charge compensation process due to residual gas ionization and the experimentally study of the rise of compensation, a Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT) system consisting of an ion source, two solenoids, a decompensation electrode to generate a pulsed decompensated ion beam and a diagnostic section was set up. The potentials at the beam axis and the beam edge were ascertained from time resolved measurements by a residual gas ion energy analyzer. A numerical simulation of self-consistent equilibrium states of the beam plasma has been developed to determine plasma parameters which are difficult to measure directly. The temporal development of the kinetic and potential energy of the compensation electrons has been analyzed by using the numerically gained results of the simulation. To investigate the compensation process the distribution and the losses of the compensation electrons were studied as a function of time. The acquired data show that the theoretical estimated rise time of space charge compensation neglecting electron losses is shorter than the build up time determined experimentally. To describe the process of space charge compensation an interpretation of the achieved results is given.
Vom »Mozartbuch für die Jugend« zu "Little Amadeus" : das Mozart-Bild in Kinderliteratur und -medien
Das Bild Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts ist nicht nur durch seine Musik sowie unzählige biografische und musikhistorische Darstellungen geprägt, bereits früh wird es – angefangen bei E.T.A. Hoffmanns Don Juan (1813) und Eduard Mörikes Mozart auf der Reise nach Prag (1855/56) – durch literarische Texte dämonisiert, romantisiert, idyllisiert, später dann entheroisiert, neutralisiert, sentimentalisiert, trivialisiert oder popularisiert. Betrachtet man das Mozart-Bild im Kinderbuch, so lassen sich zwei Phasen deutlich voneinander trennen: Wird Mozart in den 1940er- und 1950er-Jahren religiös verklärt und zum göttlichen Kind stilisiert, steht in den Mozart-Kinderbüchern und -medien im beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert eine entmystifizierte Sichtweise im Vordergrund., sondern vor allem auch an der breiten Diskussion und der Gründung neuer Institutionen...