Year of publication
- 2005 (1)
Document Type
- Article (1)
- English (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (1)
- Hungary (1)
- Mecsek (1)
- acidophilous forest (1)
- syntaxonomy (1)
During the last decade, three new acidophilous forests associations were detected in the Mecsek Mts (SW Hungary), and described as acidophilous beech wood (Sorbo torminalis-Fagetum (A. O. Horvat 1963a) Borhidi et Kevey in Kevey 2001), acido-mesophilous oak wood (Luzulo forsteri-Quercetum petraeae (A. O. Horvat 1963a) Borhidi et Kevey 1996) and acido-xerophilous oak shrubland (Genisto pilosae-Quercetum polycarpae (A. O. Horvat 1967) Borhidi et Kevey 1996). In this article two further new associations are described: the acidophilous oakwood of the Mecsek (Viscario-Quercetum polycarpae Kevey, ass. nova) and the acido-mesophilous oakwood of western Hungary (Campanulo rotundifoliae-Quercetum petraeae (Csapody 1964) Kevey, ass. nova). These associations are related to the acidophilous forests of the Balkan Peninsula based on the infrequent presence of sub-Mediterranean species. A detailed comparative study of these new associations with the earlier known ones permitted to develop a reshaped classification of the syntaxonomy of these units, creating four new suballiances: within the frame of Quercion farnetto I. Horvat 1938 the suballiances Luzulo forsteri-Quercenion polycarpae Kevey, suball. nova and the typical Quercenion farnetto Kevey, suball. nova, in the frame of Quercion petraeae Zolyomi et Jakucs 1957 the suballiances Luzulo multiflorae-Quercenion petraeae Kevey, suball. nova and the Quercenion petraeae Kevey, suball. nova.