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- Article (26)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Preprint (1)
- English (28)
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- yes (28)
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- SARS-CoV-2 (10)
- RNA (9)
- COVID19-NMR (5)
- Solution NMR spectroscopy (4)
- Solution NMR-spectroscopy (4)
- 5′-UTR (3)
- Covid19-NMR (3)
- NMR (3)
- NMR spectroscopy (3)
- Non-structural protein (3)
The full-length translation-regulating add adenine riboswitch (Asw) from Vibrio vulnificus has a more complex conformational space than its isolated aptamer domain. In addition to the predicted apo (apoA) and holo conformation that feature the conserved three-way junctional purine riboswitch aptamer, it adopts a second apo (apoB) conformation with a fundamentally different secondary structure. Here, we characterized the ligand-dependent conformational dynamics of the full-length add Asw by NMR and by single-molecule FRET (smFRET) spectroscopy. Both methods revealed an adenine-induced secondary structure switch from the apoB-form to the apoA-form that involves no tertiary structural interactions between aptamer and expression platform. This strongly suggests that the add Asw triggers translation by capturing the apoA-form secondary structure in the holo state. Intriguingly, NMR indicated a homogenous, docked aptamer kissing loop fold for apoA and holo, while smFRET showed persistent aptamer kissing loop docking dynamics between comparably stable, undocked and docked substates of the apoA and the holo conformation. Unraveling the folding of large junctional riboswitches thus requires the integration of complementary solution structural techniques such as NMR and smFRET.
Folding of RNA molecules into their functional three-dimensional structures is often supported by RNA chaperones, some of which can catalyse the two elementary reactions helix disruption and helix formation. Hfq is one such RNA chaperone, but its strand displacement activity is controversial. Whereas some groups found Hfq to destabilize secondary structures, others did not observe such an activity with their RNA substrates. We studied Hfq’s activities using a set of short RNAs of different thermodynamic stabilities (GC-contents from 4.8% to 61.9%), but constant length. We show that Hfq’s strand displacement as well as its annealing activity are strongly dependent on the substrate’s GC-content. However, this is due to Hfq’s preferred binding of AU-rich sequences and not to the substrate’s thermodynamic stability. Importantly, Hfq catalyses both annealing and strand displacement with comparable rates for different substrates, hinting at RNA strand diffusion and annealing nucleation being rate-limiting for both reactions. Hfq’s strand displacement activity is a result of the thermodynamic destabilization of the RNA through preferred single-strand binding whereas annealing acceleration is independent from Hfq’s thermodynamic influence. Therefore, the two apparently disparate activities annealing acceleration and duplex destabilization are not in energetic conflict with each other.
High-resolution NMR structure of an RNA model system : the 14-mer cUUCGg tetraloop hairpin RNA
We present a high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution structure of a 14-mer RNA hairpin capped by cUUCGg tetraloop. This short and very stable RNA presents an important model system for the study of RNA structure and dynamics using NMR spectroscopy, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and RNA force-field development. The extraordinary high precision of the structure (root mean square deviation of 0.3 Å) could be achieved by measuring and incorporating all currently accessible NMR parameters, including distances derived from nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) intensities, torsion-angle dependent homonuclear and heteronuclear scalar coupling constants, projection-angle-dependent cross-correlated relaxation rates and residual dipolar couplings. The structure calculations were performed with the program CNS using the ARIA setup and protocols. The structure quality was further improved by a final refinement in explicit water using OPLS force field parameters for non-bonded interactions and charges. In addition, the 2'-hydroxyl groups have been assigned and their conformation has been analyzed based on NOE contacts. The structure currently defines a benchmark for the precision and accuracy amenable to RNA structure determination by NMR spectroscopy. Here, we discuss the impact of various NMR restraints on structure quality and discuss in detail the dynamics of this system as previously determined.
The ribosomal S1 protein (rS1) is indispensable for translation initiation in Gram-negative bacteria. rS1 is a multidomain protein that acts as an RNA chaperone and ensures that mRNAs can bind the ribosome in a single-stranded conformation, which could be related to fast recognition. Although many ribosome structures were solved in recent years, a high-resolution structure of a two-domain mRNA-binding competent rS1 construct is not yet available. Here, we present the NMR solution structure of the minimal mRNA-binding fragment of Vibrio Vulnificus rS1 containing the domains D3 and D4. Both domains are homologues and adapt an oligonucleotide-binding fold (OB fold) motif. NMR titration experiments reveal that recognition of miscellaneous mRNAs occurs via a continuous interaction surface to one side of these structurally linked domains. Using a novel paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) approach and exploring different spin-labeling positions within RNA, we were able to track the location and determine the orientation of the RNA in the rS1–D34 bound form. Our investigations show that paramagnetically labeled RNAs, spiked into unmodified RNA, can be used as a molecular ruler to provide structural information on protein-RNA complexes. The dynamic interaction occurs on a defined binding groove spanning both domains with identical β2-β3-β5 interfaces. Evidently, the 3′-ends of the cis-acting RNAs are positioned in the direction of the N-terminus of the rS1 protein, thus towards the 30S binding site and adopt a conformation required for translation initiation.
tRNAs are L-shaped RNA molecules of ~ 80 nucleotides that are responsible for decoding the mRNA and for the incorporation of the correct amino acid into the growing peptidyl-chain at the ribosome. They occur in all kingdoms of life and both their functions, and their structure are highly conserved. The L-shaped tertiary structure is based on a cloverleaf-like secondary structure that consists of four base paired stems connected by three to four loops. The anticodon base triplet, which is complementary to the sequence of the mRNA, resides in the anticodon loop whereas the amino acid is attached to the sequence CCA at the 3′-terminus of the molecule. tRNAs exhibit very stable secondary and tertiary structures and contain up to 10% modified nucleotides. However, their structure and function can also be maintained in the absence of nucleotide modifications. Here, we present the assignments of nucleobase resonances of the non-modified 77 nt tRNAIle from the gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli. We obtained assignments for all imino resonances visible in the spectra of the tRNA as well as for additional exchangeable and non-exchangeable protons and for heteronuclei of the nucleobases. Based on these assignments we could determine the chemical shift differences between modified and non-modified tRNAIle as a first step towards the analysis of the effect of nucleotide modifications on tRNA’s structure and dynamics.
Ribonucleic acid oligonucleotides (RNAs) play pivotal roles in cellular function (riboswitches), chemical biology applications (SELEX-derived aptamers), cell biology and biomedical applications (transcriptomics). Furthermore, a growing number of RNA forms (long non-coding RNAs, circular RNAs) but also RNA modifications are identified, showing the ever increasing functional diversity of RNAs. To describe and understand this functional diversity, structural studies of RNA are increasingly important. However, they are often more challenging than protein structural studies as RNAs are substantially more dynamic and their function is often linked to their structural transitions between alternative conformations. NMR is a prime technique to characterize these structural dynamics with atomic resolution. To extend the NMR size limitation and to characterize large RNAs and their complexes above 200 nucleotides, new NMR techniques have been developed. This Minireview reports on the development of NMR methods that utilize detection on low-γ nuclei (heteronuclei like 13C or 15N with lower gyromagnetic ratio than 1H) to obtain unique structural and dynamic information for large RNA molecules in solution. Experiments involve through-bond correlations of nucleobases and the phosphodiester backbone of RNA for chemical shift assignment and make information on hydrogen bonding uniquely accessible. Previously unobservable NMR resonances of amino groups in RNA nucleobases are now detected in experiments involving conformational exchange-resistant double-quantum 1H coherences, detected by 13C NMR spectroscopy. Furthermore, 13C and 15N chemical shifts provide valuable information on conformations. All the covered aspects point to the advantages of low-γ nuclei detection experiments in RNA.
NMR spectroscopy is a potent method for the structural and biophysical characterization of RNAs. The application of NMR spectroscopy is restricted in RNA size and most often requires isotope‐labeled or even selectively labeled RNAs. Additionally, new NMR pulse sequences, such as the heteronuclear‐detected NMR experiments, are introduced. We herein provide detailed protocols for the preparation of isotope‐labeled RNA for NMR spectroscopy via in vitro transcription. This protocol covers all steps, from the preparation of DNA template to the transcription of milligram RNA quantities. Moreover, we present a protocol for a chemo‐enzymatic approach to introduce a single modified nucleotide at any position of any RNA. Regarding NMR methodology, we share protocols for the implementation of a suite of heteronuclear‐detected NMR experiments including 13C‐detected experiments for ribose assignment and amino groups, the CN‐spin filter heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) for imino groups and the 15N‐detected band‐selective excitation short transient transverse‐relaxation‐optimized spectroscopy (BEST‐TROSY) experiment.
Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of isotope‐labeled RNA samples with in vitro transcription using T7 RNAP, DEAE chromatography, and RP‐HPLC purification
Alternate Protocol 1: Purification of isotope‐labeled RNA from in vitro transcription with preparative PAGE
Alternate Protocol 2: Purification of isotope‐labeled RNA samples from in vitro transcription via centrifugal concentration
Support Protocol 1: Preparation of DNA template from plasmid
Support Protocol 2: Preparation of PCR DNA as template
Support Protocol 3: Preparation of T7 RNA Polymerase (T7 RNAP)
Support Protocol 4: Preparation of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase (YIPP)
Basic Protocol 2: Preparation of site‐specific labeled RNAs using a chemo‐enzymatic synthesis
Support Protocol 5: Synthesis of modified nucleoside 3′,5′‐bisphosphates
Support Protocol 6: Preparation of T4 RNA Ligase 2
Support Protocol 7: Setup of NMR spectrometer for heteronuclear‐detected NMR experiments
Support Protocol 8: IPAP and DIPAP for homonuclear decoupling
Basic Protocol 3: 13C‐detected 3D (H)CC‐TOCSY, (H)CPC, and (H)CPC‐CCH‐TOCSY experiments for ribose assignment
Basic Protocol 4: 13C‐detected 2D CN‐spin filter HSQC experiment
Basic Protocol 5: 13C‐detected C(N)H‐HDQC experiment for the detection of amino groups
Support Protocol 9: 13C‐detected CN‐HSQC experiment for amino groups
Basic Protocol 6: 13C‐detected “amino”‐NOESY experiment
Basic Protocol 7: 15N‐detected BEST‐TROSY experiment
We present here a set of 13C-direct detected NMR experiments to facilitate the resonance assignment of RNA oligonucleotides. Three experiments have been developed: (1) the (H)CC-TOCSY-experiment utilizing a virtual decoupling scheme to assign the intraresidual ribose 13C-spins, (2) the (H)CPC-experiment that correlates each phosphorus with the C40 nuclei of adjacent nucleotides via J(C,P) couplings and (3) the (H)CPC-CCH-TOCSY-experiment that correlates the phosphorus nuclei with the respective C10,H10 ribose signals. The experiments were applied to two RNA hairpin structures. The current set of 13C-direct detected experiments allows direct and unambiguous assignment of the majority of the hetero nuclei and the identification of the individual ribose moieties following their sequential assignment. Thus, 13C-direct detected NMR methods constitute useful complements to the conventional 1H-detected approach for the resonance assignment of oligonucleotides that is often hindered by the limited chemical shift dispersion. The developed methods can also be applied to large deuterated RNAs. Keywords: NMR spectroscopy , Direct carbon , detection , RNA
The ongoing pandemic caused by the Betacoronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2) demonstrates the urgent need of coordinated and rapid research towards inhibitors of the COVID-19 lung disease. The covid19-nmr consortium seeks to support drug development by providing publicly accessible NMR data on the viral RNA elements and proteins. The SARS-CoV-2 genome encodes for approximately 30 proteins, among them are the 16 so-called non-structural proteins (Nsps) of the replication/transcription complex. The 217-kDa large Nsp3 spans one polypeptide chain, but comprises multiple independent, yet functionally related domains including the viral papain-like protease. The Nsp3e sub-moiety contains a putative nucleic acid-binding domain (NAB) with so far unknown function and consensus target sequences, which are conceived to be both viral and host RNAs and DNAs, as well as protein-protein interactions. Its NMR-suitable size renders it an attractive object to study, both for understanding the SARS-CoV-2 architecture and drugability besides the classical virus’ proteases. We here report the near-complete NMR backbone chemical shifts of the putative Nsp3e NAB that reveal the secondary structure and compactness of the domain, and provide a basis for NMR-based investigations towards understanding and interfering with RNA- and small-molecule-binding by Nsp3e.
The SARS-CoV-2 genome encodes for approximately 30 proteins. Within the international project COVID19-NMR, we distribute the spectroscopic analysis of the viral proteins and RNA. Here, we report NMR chemical shift assignments for the protein Nsp3b, a domain of Nsp3. The 217-kDa large Nsp3 protein contains multiple structurally independent, yet functionally related domains including the viral papain-like protease and Nsp3b, a macrodomain (MD). In general, the MDs of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV were suggested to play a key role in viral replication by modulating the immune response of the host. The MDs are structurally conserved. They most likely remove ADP-ribose, a common posttranslational modification, from protein side chains. This de-ADP ribosylating function has potentially evolved to protect the virus from the anti-viral ADP-ribosylation catalyzed by poly-ADP-ribose polymerases (PARPs), which in turn are triggered by pathogen-associated sensing of the host immune system. This renders the SARS-CoV-2 Nsp3b a highly relevant drug target in the viral replication process. We here report the near-complete NMR backbone resonance assignment (1H, 13C, 15N) of the putative Nsp3b MD in its apo form and in complex with ADP-ribose. Furthermore, we derive the secondary structure of Nsp3b in solution. In addition, 15N-relaxation data suggest an ordered, rigid core of the MD structure. These data will provide a basis for NMR investigations targeted at obtaining small-molecule inhibitors interfering with the catalytic activity of Nsp3b.