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Offensichtlich spielte das Urheberrecht im öffentlichen sowie privaten Sammlungswesen des 18. Jahrhunderts keine besondere Rolle. Davon zeugt das Titelblatt jenes Klebebandes, in dem 1923/25 rund 1250 druckgrafische Porträts aus dem Erbe der Frankfurter Patrizierfamilie von Holzhausen in den Besitz der damaligen Stadt- und heutigen Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt kamen. Bei der physischen Untersuchung des Titelblattes wird deutlich, dass es sich um eine Art frühes ready-made handelt, bei dem zwei ältere Kupferstiche kombiniert und mit einer erläuternden Inschrift versehen wurden. ...
Background: The elderly population deals with multimorbidity (three chronic conditions) and increasinged drug use with age. A comprehensive characterisation of the medication – including prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs – of elderly patients in primary care is still insufficient.
Objectives: This study aims to characterise the medication (prescription and OTC) of multimorbid elderly patients in primary care and living at home by identifying drug patterns to evaluate the relationship between drugs and drug groups and reveal associations with recently published multimorbidity clusters of the same cohort.
Methods: MultiCare was a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study of 3189 multimorbid patients aged 65 to 85 years in primary care in Germany. Patients and general practitioners were interviewed between 2008 and 2009. Drug patterns were identified using exploratory factor analysis. The relations between the drug patterns with the three multimorbidity clusters were analysed with Spearman-Rank-Correlation.
Results: Patients (59.3% female) used in mean 7.7 drugs; in total 24,535 drugs (23.7% OTC) were detected. Five drug patterns for men (drugs for obstructive pulmonary diseases (D-OPD), drugs for coronary heart diseases and hypertension (D-CHD), drugs for osteoporosis (D-Osteo), drugs for heart failure and drugs for pain) and four drug patterns for women (D-Osteo, D-CHD, D-OPD and drugs for diuretics and gout) were detected. Significant associations between multimorbidity clusters and drug patterns were detectable (D-CHD and CMD: male: ρ = 0.376, CI 0.322–0.430; female: ρ = 0.301, CI 0.624–0.340).
Conclusion: The drug patterns demonstrate non-random relations in drug use in multimorbid elderly patients and systematic associations between drug patterns and multimorbidity clusters were found in primary care.
Rezensionen [2018]
154 Beauvais, Clémentine: The Mighty Child. Time and Power in Children’s Literature (Thomas Kullmann)
155 Dean-Ruzicka, Rachel: Tolerance Discourse and Young Adult Holocaust Literature. Engaging Difference and Identity (Susanne Blumesberger)
157 Dolle-Weinkauff, Bernd (Hrsg.): Geschichte im Comic. Befunde – Theorien – Erzählweisen (Caroline Wittig)
159 Ewers, Hans-Heino (Hrsg.): Erster Weltkrieg: Kindheit, Jugend und Literatur. Deutschland, Österreich, Osteuropa, England, Belgien und Frankreich (Kurt Franz)
161 Franz, Kurt / Lange, Günter (Hrsg.): Der Stoff, aus dem Geschichten sind. Intertextualität im Werk Otfried Preußlers (sabine fuchs)
163 Glasenapp, Gabriele von/Kagelmann, Andre/Giesa, Felix (Hrsg.): Die Zeitalter werden besichtigt. Aktuelle Tendenzen der Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung. Festschrift für Otto Brunken (Karin Richter)
165 Josting, Petra/Schmideler, Sebastian (Hrsg.): Bonsels’ Tierleben. Insekten und Kriechtiere in Kinder- und Jugendmedien (Kurt Franz)
167 Kriegleder, Wynfrid/ Lexe, Heidi / Loidl, Sonja/ Seibert, Ernst (Hrsg.): Jugendliteratur im Kontext von Jugendkultur (Lena Hoffmann)
169 Kurwinkel, Tobias: Bilderbuchanalyse. Narrativik – Ästhetik – Didaktik (Annette Kliewer)
171 Langenhorst, Georg/Naurath, Elisabeth (Hrsg.): Kindertora – Kinderbibel – Kinderkoran. Neue Chancen für (inter-)religiöses Lernen (Renate Grubert)
172 Lathey, Gillian: Translating Children’s Literature (heike Elisabeth Jüngst)
174 Mairbäurl, Gunda/Seibert, Ernst (Hrsg.): Kulturelle Austauschprozesse in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Zur genrespezifischen Transformation von Themen, Stoffen und Motiven im medialen Kontext (Sarah Terhorst)
176 Maiwald, Klaus /Meyer, Anna-Maria/Pecher, Claudia Maria (Hrsg.): »Klassiker« des Kinderund Jugendfilms (Michael Stierstorfer)
177 Mills, Claudia (Hrsg.): Ethics in Children’s Literature (Thomas Kullmann)
179 Nast, Mirjam: »Perry Rhodan« lesen. Zur Serialität der Lektürepraktiken einer Heftromanserie (Wolfgang Biesterfeld)
181 O’Sullivan, Emer / Immel, Andrea (Hrsg.): Imagining Sameness and Difference in Children’s Literature. From the Enlightenment to the Present Day (Iris Schäfer)
182 Oetken, Mareile: Wie Bilderbücher erzählen. Analysen multimodaler Strukturen und bimedialen Erzählens im Bilderbuch (Katharina Egerer)
184 Schmideler, Sebastian (Hrsg.): Wissensvermittlung in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der DDR. Themen, Formen, Strukturen, Illustrationen (Sabine Planka)
186 Standke, Jan (Hrsg.): Wolfgang Herrndorf lesen. Beiträge zur Didaktik der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (Sabine Planka)
187 Viel, Bernhard: Der Honigsammler. Waldemar Bonsels, Vater der Biene Maja. Eine Biografie (Renate Grubert)
189 Zellerhoff, Rita: Komplexe sprachliche Strukturen in der Jugendliteratur. Aufgezeigt an Beispielen preisgekrönter Werke der Jugendjury des Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreises (Susanne Riegler)
191 Anker, Martin u.a. (Hrsg.): Grimms Märchenwelten im Bilderbuch. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des Märchenbilderbuches seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. – Brinker-von der Heyde, Claudia u. a. (Hrsg.): Märchen, Mythen und Moderne. 200 Jahre Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm. – Joosen, Vanessa/ Lathey, Gillian (Hrsg.): Grimms’ Tales around the Globe. The Dynamics of their International Reception (Thomas Bitterlich)
194 Böhm, Kerstin: Archaisierung und Pinkifizierung. Mythen von Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. – Dangendorf, Sarah: Kleine Mädchen in High Heels. Über die visuelle Sexualisierung frühadoleszenter Mädchen (Annette Kliewer)
197 Gordon, Ian: Kid Comic Strips. A Genre Across Four Countries. – Kupczynska, Kalina/Renata Makarska (Hrsg.): Comic in Polen. Polen im Comic. – Kutch, Lynn Marie (Hrsg.): Novel Perspectives on German-Language Comics Studies. History, Pedagogy, Theory. – Reddition. Zeitschrift für Graphische Literatur (66) 2017: Ein halbes Jahrhundert Carlsen Comics. – Rosenfeldt, Reginald: ComicPioniere. Die deutschen Comic-Künstler der 1950er Jahre (Felix Giesa)
Objectives Our study aimed to assess the frequency of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) use (according to three PIM lists) and to examine the association between PIM use and cognitive function among participants in the MultiCare cohort. Design MultiCare is conducted as a longitudinal, multicentre, observational cohort study. Setting The MultiCare study is located in eight different study centres in Germany. Participants 3189 patients (59.3% female). Primary and secondary outcome measures The study had a cross-sectional design using baseline data from the German MultiCare study. Prescribed and over-the-counter drugs were classified using FORTA (Fit fOR The Aged), PRISCUS (Latin for ‘time-honoured’) and EU(7)-PIM lists. A mixed-effect multivariate linear regression was performed to calculate the association between PIM use patients’ cognitive function (measured with (LDST)). Results Patients (3189) used 2152 FORTA PIM (mean 0.9±1.03 per patient), 936 PRISCUS PIM (0.3±0.58) and 4311 EU(7)-PIM (1.4±1.29). The most common FORTA PIM was phenprocoumon (13.8%); the most prevalent PRISCUS PIM was amitriptyline (2.8%); the most common EU(7)-PIM was omeprazole (14.0%). The lists rate PIM differently, with an overall overlap of 6.6%. Increasing use of PIM is significantly associated with reduced cognitive function that was detected with a correlation coefficient of −0.60 for FORTA PIM (p=0.002), −0.72 for PRISCUS PIM (p=0.025) and −0.44 for EU(7)-PIM (p=0.005). Conclusion We identified PIM using FORTA, PRISCUS and EU(7)-PIM lists differently and found that PIM use is associated with cognitive impairment according to LDST, whereby the FORTA list best explained cognitive decline for the German population. These findings are consistent with a negative impact of PIM use on multimorbid elderly patient outcomes.
Objectives The aims of our study were to examine the anticholinergic drug use and to assess the association between anticholinergic burden and cognitive function in the multimorbid elderly patients of the MultiCare cohort.
Setting MultiCare was conducted as a longitudinal cohort study in primary care, located in eight different study centres in Germany.
Participants 3189 patients (59.3% female).
Primary and secondary outcome measures Baseline data were used for the following analyses. Drugs were classified according to the well-established anticholinergic drug scale (ADS) and the recently published German anticholinergic burden (German ACB). Cognitive function was measured using a letter digit substitution test (LDST) and a mixed-effect multivariate linear regression was performed to calculate the influence of anticholinergic burden on the cognitive function.
Results Patients used 1764 anticholinergic drugs according to ADS and 2750 anticholinergics according to the German ACB score (prevalence 38.4% and 53.7%, respectively). The mean ADS score was 0.8 (±1.3), and the mean German ACB score was 1.2 (±1.6) per patient. The most common ADS anticholinergic was furosemide (5.8%) and the most common ACB anticholinergic was metformin (13.7%). The majority of the identified anticholinergics were drugs with low anticholinergic potential: 80.2% (ADS) and 73.4% (ACB), respectively. An increasing ADS and German ACB score was associated with reduced cognitive function according to the LDST (−0.26; p=0.008 and −0.24; p=0.003, respectively).
Conclusion Multimorbid elderly patients are in a high risk for using anticholinergic drugs according to ADS and German ACB score. We especially need to gain greater awareness for the contribution of drugs with low anticholinergic potential from the cardiovascular system. As anticholinergic drug use is associated with reduced cognitive function in multimorbid elderly patients, the importance of rational prescribing and also deprescribing needs to be further evaluated.
Trial registration number ISRCTN89818205.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that is accompanied by neurodevelopmental differences in regional cortical volume (CV), and a potential layer‐specific pathology. Conventional measures of CV, however, do not indicate how volume is distributed across cortical layers. In a sample of 92 typically developing (TD) controls and 92 adult individuals with ASD (aged 18–52 years), we examined volumetric gradients by quantifying the degree to which CV is weighted from the pial to the white surface of the brain. Overall, the spatial distribution of Frustum Surface Ratio (FSR) followed the gyral and sulcal pattern of the cortex and approximated a bimodal Gaussian distribution caused by a linear mixture of vertices on gyri and sulci. Measures of FSR were highly correlated with vertex‐wise estimates of mean curvature, sulcal depth, and pial surface area, although none of these features explained more than 76% variability in FSR on their own. Moreover, in ASD, we observed a pattern of predominant increases in the degree of FSR relative to TD controls, with an atypical neurodevelopmental trajectory. Our findings suggest a more outward‐weighted gradient of CV in ASD, which may indicate a larger contribution of supragranular layers to regional differences in CV.
The neuroanatomy of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) shows highly heterogeneous developmental trajectories across individuals. Mapping atypical brain development onto clinical phenotypes, and establishing their molecular underpinnings, is therefore crucial for patient stratification and subtyping. In this longitudinal study we examined intra- and inter-individual differences in the developmental trajectory of cortical thickness (CT) in childhood and adolescence, and their genomic underpinnings, in 33 individuals with ASD and 37 typically developing controls (aged 11–18 years). Moreover, we aimed to link regional atypical CT development to intra-individual variations in restricted and repetitive behavior (RRB) over a two-year time period. Individuals with ASD showed significantly reduced cortical thinning in several of the brain regions functionally related to wider autism symptoms and traits (e.g., fronto-temporal and cingulate cortices). The spatial patterns of the neuroanatomical differences in CT were enriched for genes known to be associated with ASD at a genetic and transcriptomic level. Further, intra-individual differences in CT correlated with within-subject variability in the severity of RRBs. Our findings represent an important step towards characterizing the neuroanatomical underpinnings of ASD across development based upon measures of CT. Moreover, our findings provide important novel insights into the link between microscopic and macroscopic pathology in ASD, as well as their relationship with different clinical ASD phenotypes.