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The ATPase SecA provides the driving force for the transport of secretory proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli. SecA exists as a dimer in solution, but the exact oligomeric state of SecA during membrane binding and preprotein translocation is a topic of debate. To study the requirements of oligomeric changes in SecA during protein translocation, a non-dissociable SecA dimer was formed by oxidation of the carboxyl-terminal cysteines. The cross-linked SecA dimer interacts with the SecYEG complex with a similar stoichiometry as non-cross-linked SecA. Cross-linking reversibly disrupts the SecB binding site on SecA. However, in the absence of SecB, the activity of the disulfide-bonded SecA dimer is indistinguishable from wild-type SecA. Moreover, SecYEG binding stabilizes a cold sodium dodecylsulfate-resistant dimeric state of SecA. The results demonstrate that dissociation of the SecA dimer is not an essential feature of the protein translocation reaction.
The ATP-binding cassette half-transporter Mdl1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been proposed to be involved in the quality control of misassembled respiratory chain complexes by exporting degradation products generated by the m-AAA proteases from the matrix. Direct functional or structural data of the transport complex are, however, not known so far. After screening expression in various hosts, Mdl1 was overexpressed 100-fold to 1% of total mitochondrial membrane protein in S. cerevisiae. Based on detergent screens, Mdl1 was solubilized and purified to homogeneity. Mdl1 showed a high binding affinity for MgATP (Kd = 0.26 μm) and an ATPase activity with a Km of 0.86 mm (Hill coefficient of 0.98) and a turnover rate of 2.6 ATP/s. Mutagenesis of the conserved glutamate downstream of the Walker B motif (E599Q) or the conserved histidine of the H-loop (H631A) abolished ATP hydrolysis, whereas ATP binding was not affected. Mdl1 reconstituted into liposomes showed an ATPase activity similar to the solubilized complex. By single particle electron microscopy, a first three-dimensional structure of the mitochondrial ATP-binding cassette transporter was derived at 2.3-nm resolution, revealing a homodimeric complex in an open conformation.
We have recently proposed a "processive clamp" model for the ATP hydrolysis cycle of the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) of the mitochondrial ABC transporter Mdl1 (Janas, E., Hofacker, M., Chen, M., Gompf, S., van der Does, C., and Tampé, R. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 26862-26869). In this model, ATP binding to two monomeric NBDs leads to formation of an NBD dimer that, after hydrolysis of both ATPs, dissociates and releases ADP. Here, we set out to follow the association and dissociation of NBDs using a novel minimally invasive site-specific labeling technique, which provides stable and stoichiometric attachment of fluorophores. The association and dissociation kinetics of the E599Q-NBD dimer upon addition and removal of ATP were determined by fluorescence self-quenching. Remarkably, the rate of ATP hydrolysis of the wild type NBD is determined by the rate of NBD dimerization. In the E599QNBD, however, in which the ATP hydrolysis is 250-fold reduced, the ATP hydrolysis reaction controls dimer dissociation and the overall ATPase cycle. These data explain contradicting observations on the rate-limiting step of various ABC proteins and further demonstrate that dimer formation is an important step in the ATP hydrolysis cycle.
The ABC transporter Mdl1p, a structural and functional homologue of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) plays an important role in intracellular peptide transport from the mitochondrial matrix of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To characterize the ATP hydrolysis cycle of Mdl1p, the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The isolated NBD was active in ATP binding and hydrolysis with a turnover of 25 ATP per minute and a Km of 0.6 mm and did not show cooperativity in ATPase activity. However, the ATPase activity was non-linearly dependent on protein concentration (Hill coefficient of 1.7), indicating that the functional state is a dimer. Dimeric catalytic transition states could be trapped either by incubation with orthovanadate or beryllium fluoride, or by mutagenesis of the NBD. The nucleotide composition of trapped intermediate states was determined using [alpha-32P]ATP and [gamma-32P]ATP. Three different dimeric intermediate states were isolated, containing either two ATPs, one ATP and one ADP, or two ADPs. Based on these experiments, it was shown that: (i) ATP binding to two NBDs induces dimerization, (ii) in all isolated dimeric states, two nucleotides are present, (iii) phosphate can dissociate from the dimer, (iv) both nucleotides are hydrolyzed, and (v) hydrolysis occurs in a sequential mode. Based on these data, we propose a processive-clamp model for the catalytic cycle in which association and dissociation of the NBDs depends on the status of bound nucleotides.