Document Type
- Article (11)
Has Fulltext
- yes (11)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (11)
- Identification (4)
- Biological profile (3)
- Forensic osteology (3)
- Autopsy (2)
- Biologisches Profil (2)
- Body modification (2)
- Bony injuries (2)
- Forensische Osteologie (2)
- Postmortem interval (2)
- Age estimation (1)
- Medizin (11)
- Biowissenschaften (1)
The identification of unknown bodies is the fulfilment of a moral obligation towards the deceased, serves to maintain legal security within a society, and gives families the certainty they need to mourn. Taking into account respective local conditions, the aim should always be to achieve a secure and quick identification. To achieve this goal, a functioning cooperation between investigating authorities and forensic sciences is essential. The main objective of this study was to clarify the potential role of tattoos in the identification process of unknown deceased persons in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. Post-mortem data of 2045 bodies from the Instituto Jaliscience de Ciencias Forenses in Guadalajara were evaluated. Of the deceased 46% were tattooed (male: 47%, female: 39%), with 29% of all bodies (male: 29%, female: 26%) showing tattoos at body locations usually visible in everyday life (i.e. head and neck, forearms and hands). The male bodies were most frequently tattooed on the shoulders and upper arms, followed by the forearms and hands and the torso. Female bodies mostly showed tattoos on the forearms and hands, followed by the torso and legs. Taking local tattooing habits into account, the authors developed a classification for tattoo motives. With decreasing frequency, the following keywords could be assigned to the motives: letters and/or numbers, human, symbol (other), plant, symbol (religious), animal, object, tribal/ornament/geometry, fantasy/demon/comic, other. Results of the study indicate the great importance of tattoos as a possible mean of identification in Jalisco, Mexico – either as a stand-alone identification method, as a complementary tool or for planning and prioritizing subsequent investigations.
Introduction: The estimation of age-at-death of unidentified cadavers is a central aspect of the identification process. With increasing age, the incidence of glomerulosclerosis and the thickness of the carotid wall have been observed to also increase. This correlation has been demonstrated in various international histological studies. The aim of our study was to assess whether these correlations also apply to a Western European population.
Methodology: In this retrospective observational study, kidney and common carotid artery samples from 216 cases autopsied at the Institute of Legal Medicine at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, were examined. Only cases with available tissue samples from both body sides were included. Exclusion criteria were poor sample quality and an age younger than 21 years. After histological processing, the tissue samples were assessed and digitally evaluated. Regression and classification analyses were used to investigate the correlation between age-at-death and intima-media thickness and age-at-death and the incidence of renal glomerular sclerosis.
Results: Of the 216 autopsy cases, 183 were included for evaluation. Analysis of the carotid artery segments showed a strong correlation (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.887) between the intima-media-complex thickness and chronological age. Classification of the glomerulosclerotic incidence showed a correlation of 37.7–43.1% with the predicted age group.
Discussion: Both the intima-media thickness and the proportion of sclerotic glomeruli can be used to estimate age in Western European cadavers. On the basis of these results, both methods are suited to supplement other already established methods for age-at-death estimation in the identification of an unknown cadaver.
Hintergrund: In Frankfurt am Main (~750.000 Einwohner) wird die erste Leichenschau im Auftrag der Polizei tagsüber durch einen dafür eingerichteten rechtsmedizinischen Dienst vorgenommen. Nachts und am Wochenende führen diese Tätigkeit Ärzte des ärztlichen Bereitschaftsdienstes (ÄBD) der kassenärztlichen Vereinigung durch. Material und Methoden: Für das Jahr 2019 wurden die im Rahmen dieser ersten Leichenschauen ausgestellten Leichenschauscheine hinsichtlich der attestierten Todesart ausgewertet und die Ergebnisse mit denen einer ggf. im Nachgang durchgeführten Sektion, inklusive Zusatzuntersuchungen, verglichen. Von den Ärzten des ÄBD konnten 461 Leichenschauen in die Auswertung eingeschlossen werden, davon erfolgte in 76 Fällen eine Obduktion. Im Nachgang der 364 rechtsmedizinischen Leichenschauen wurden 78 Obduktionen durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Veränderungen in der Todesart nach Sektion ergaben sich für die Leichenschauen des ÄBD in 57, bei den rechtsmedizinischen Leichenschauen in 49 Fällen, wobei insbesondere eine bei Leichenschau attestierte ungeklärte Todesart in einen natürlichen Tod spezifiziert werden konnte. Nach der Obduktion fanden sich bei den rechtsmedizinischen Leichenschauen 8 Fälle, bei denen des ÄBD 19 Fälle eines nichtnatürlichen (statt weiterhin ungeklärten) Todes. Bei den rechtsmedizinisch beschauten Fällen änderte sich zudem nach der Sektion in einem Fall die Todesart von natürlich zu nichtnatürlich, bei denen des ÄBD kam es in einem Fall zu einer Änderung von nichtnatürlich zu natürlich. Diskussion: Die Veränderung bzw. Spezifizierung der Todesart nach der Sektion beider Kollektive verdeutlicht, wie wichtig eine Steigerung der Sektionsrate wäre, und dass auch bei professioneller Durchführung der Leichenschau das Erkennen der Todesart Probleme bereitet.
'Skelettfund' im Keller
Bei der Identifizierung einer unbekannten, stark verwesten Leiche oder eines Skelettes ohne Hinweise auf die Identität durch die Auffindesituation spielt die Erstellung des sog. biologischen Profils eine entscheidende Rolle. Vorgestellt wird ein Leichenfund in einem mehr oder weniger frei zugänglichen Kellerabteil eines Mehrfamilienhauses. Der Leichnam war weitgehend skelettiert, das Skelett jedoch durch mumifizierte Weichteilreste noch nahezu vollständig zusammengehalten. Bei den Hinweisen auf die Identität ergaben sich insbesondere in der Altersschätzung scheinbare Widersprüche, die jedoch zufällig eine relativ genau zutreffende Schätzung lieferten. Die Überreste konnten mittels forensischer DNA-Analyse einer seit 4 Jahren vermissten 49-Jährigen zugeordnet werden. Als Todesursache wurde ein Kältetod diskutiert.
Der Fall wies eine außergewöhnliche Auffindesituation auf, die an Bilder von „Skelettfunden“ in Kriminalverfilmungen erinnerte. Derartige Befunde dürften jedoch in der Realität wohl nur sehr selten vorkommen. Darüber hinaus werden die Wichtigkeit und die Probleme der forensisch-osteologischen Untersuchungen bei der Identifizierung eines stark verwesten, unbekannten Leichnams demonstriert.
Justification: In Mexico, the number of unidentified bodies has been steadily rising for years. By now, more than 50,000 bodies are considered unidentified. Forensic laboratories that could perform comparative molecular genetic investigation are often overburdened and examinations can take months. Therefore, pragmatic approaches that can help to identify more unknown bodies must be sought. The increased use of distinctive physical features might be one, and the high rate of tattooed people in Mexico points towards a great potential of tattoos as a tool for identification. The prerequisite for a comparison of antemortem (missing persons) and postmortem (unknown bodies) data is an objective description of the particularities, e.g., of the tattoos. The aim of this study was to establish an objective classification for tattoo motives, taking into consideration local preferences.
Methods: In the database of the medicolegal services of the Instituto Jaliscience de Ciencias Forenses (IJCF) in Guadalajara, postmortem data of 1000 tattooed bodies from 2019 were evaluated. According to sex and age, the tattooed body localization and the tattoo motives were categorized.
Results: The 1000 tattooed deceased showed tattoos on 2342 body localizations. The motives were grouped and linked to the following 11 keywords (with decreasing frequency): letters/numbers, human, symbol (other), plant, symbol (religious), animal, object, fantasy/demon/comic, tribal/ornament/geometry, other, unrecognizable.
Conclusion: Using the proposed classification, tattoo motives can be described objectively and classified in a practical way. If used for antemortem (missing persons) and postmortem (unknown bodies) documentation, motives can be searched and compared efficiently—helping to identify unknown bodies.
Mongolian spots (MS) are congenital dermal conditions resulting from neural crest-derived melanocytes migration to the skin during embryogenesis. MS incidences are highly variable in different populations. Morphologically, MS present as hyperpigmented maculae of varying size and form, ranging from round spots of 1 cm in diameter to extensive discolorations covering predominantly the lower back and buttocks. Due to their coloring, which is also dependent on the skin type, MS may mimic hematoma thus posing a challenge on the physician conducting examinations of children in cases of suspected child abuse. In the present study, MS incidences and distribution, as well as skin types, were documented in a collective of 253 children examined on the basis of suspected child abuse. From these data, a classification scheme was derived to document MS and to help identify cases with a need for recurrent examination for unambiguous interpretation of initial findings alongside the main decisive factors for re-examination such as general circumstances of the initial examination (e. g., experience of the examiner, lighting conditions) and given dermatological conditions of the patient (e. g., diaper rash).
Postmortem detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) after the exhumation of a corpse can become important, e.g. in the case of subsequent medical malpractice allegations. To date, data on possible detection periods [e.g. by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)] or on the potential infectivity of the virus after an exhumation are rare. In the present study, these parameters were examined in two cases with a time span of approximately 4 months between day of death and exhumation. Using SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR on swabs of both lungs and the oropharynx detection was possible with cycle threshold (Ct) values of about 30 despite signs of beginning decay. RT-PCR testing of perioral and perinasal swabs and swabs collected from the inside of the body bag, taken to estimate the risk of infection of those involved in the exhumation, was negative. Cell culture-based infectivity testing was negative for both, lung and oropharyngeal swabs. In one case, RT-PCR testing at the day of death of an oropharyngeal swab showed almost identical Ct values as postmortem testing of an oropharyngeal swab, impressively demonstrating the stability of viral RNA in the intact corpse. However, favorable climatic conditions in the grave have to be taken into account, as it was wintertime with constant low temperatures. Nevertheless, it was possible to demonstrate successful postmortem detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection following exhumation even after months in an earth grave.
The present study examines for the first time the emission patterns and olfactory signatures of 9 complete human corpses of different stages of decomposition. Air sampling was performed inside the body bags with solid sorbents and analysed by coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after thermal desorption (TD-GC-MS). Furthermore, odour-related substances were detected by gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O). Sulfurous compounds (mainly dimethyl di- and trisulfide) were identified as most important to the odour perception. Around 350 individual organic substances were detected by TD-GC-MS, notably sulfurous and nitrogenous substances as well as branched alkanes, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, carboxylic acids, carboxylic acid esters and ethers. A range of terpenes was detected for the first time in a characteristic emission pattern over all decomposition stages. Concentrations of the substances varied greatly, and no correlation between the emission patterns, the stage of decomposition and the cause of death could be found. While previous studies often analysed pig cadavers or only parts of human tissue, the present study shows the importance of analysing complete human corpses over a range of decomposition stages. Moreover, it is shown that using body bags as a kind of “emission test chamber” is a very promising approach, also because it is a realistic application considering the usual transport and store of a body before autopsy.
Bones found by chance can be of great criminal or historical interest. The nature of their appraisal depends on the individual case, the locally effective legislation and the available resources. To assess whether a find is relevant with respect to criminal investigation, the circumstances of the find and the results of the forensic examination carried out by trained personnel must be considered. The aim of this study was to obtain an overview of the circumstances and nature of the finds as well as the results of the subsequent expert opinions by evaluating bone finds from the federal state of Hesse, Germany. For this purpose, over a 10-year period from 2011 to 2020, all bone finds examined at the Institutes of Legal Medicine in Gießen and Frankfurt am Main, Germany, were evaluated retrospectively with regard to the locations and circumstances of the finds, their nature (human or non-human), the postmortem interval, possible traces of violent impact and the results of further examinations. Of the 288 bone finds evaluated, 38.2% were found in forests, meadows and parks. In 50.7%, the finds contained human bones, of which 37.0% had a forensically relevant postmortem interval of 50 years or less. Evidence of trauma was described in 77.4% of the human bone cases: postmortem damage in 78.8%, peri-mortem injury in 9.7% and ante-mortem injury in 11.5%. DNA examinations were performed in 40.4% of the human bone finds. They yielded STR profiles in 81.3%, leading to a definite identification in 35.4%. Among the non-human bones sent in, the most common were bones from pigs (23.4%), deer (18.1%), cattle (16.4%), roe deer (11.7%) and sheep (11.7%). The macroscopic examination is the first step of the forensic-osteological evaluation and sets the course for further examinations or investigations. DNA examinations are of great importance for the reliable identification of human bones. They were responsible for 70.8% of successful identifications.
Einleitung: Funde von Knochen(fragmenten) können von Interesse für Strafverfolgungs- oder Denkmalbehörden sein. Die forensisch-osteologische Begutachtung kann zur Einordnung der Bedeutung des Fundes beitragen. Ziel der Studie war, durch eine Auswertung von am Institut für Rechtsmedizin Gießen begutachteten Knochenfunden einen Überblick über Umstände und Art der Funde sowie Umfang und Ergebnisse der Begutachtungen zu erhalten.
Material und Methoden: Für den Zeitraum von 2005 bis 2019 wurden im Institut archivierte osteologische Gutachten analysiert und Daten zu Fundort, -umständen, Humanspezifität, postmortalem Intervall, Spuren von Gewalteinwirkungen und die Ergebnisse weiterführender Untersuchungen ausgewertet.
Ergebnisse: Von 172 begutachteten Knochenfunden wurden 40 % in Wald- und Wiesengebieten aufgefunden. In 58 % enthielten die Funde menschliche Knochen, davon wurde in 32 % eine forensisch relevante Liegezeit nicht ausgeschlossen. Zeichen perimortaler Gewalteinwirkung fanden sich in 6 % menschlicher Knochenfunde. Ergänzende DNA-Untersuchungen wurden in 20 % aller Funde durchgeführt; davon verlief in 62 % die Typisierung humaner STR erfolgreich, und in 41 % gelang die Zuordnung zu einem antemortalen Profil. Bei den zur Begutachtung übersandten nichtmenschlichen Knochen handelte es sich am häufigsten um Knochen von Hirsch bzw. Reh (32 %), Schwein (29 %) und Rind (14 %).
Diskussion: Die Begutachtung von Knochenfunden soll Behörden ermöglichen, die (straf-)rechtliche Relevanz eines Fundes einzuordnen. Die makroskopische Untersuchung ist dafür von großer Bedeutung. Für die Identifizierung menschlicher Knochen besitzen DNA-Vergleichsuntersuchungen einen großen Stellenwert. Sie waren für 81 % der erfolgreichen Identifizierungen der Fälle mit menschlichen Knochen verantwortlich.