Document Type
- Article (17)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- English (18)
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- Antibody avidity (1)
- Baryonic resonances (1)
- CHEPs (1)
- COVID-19 (1)
- Capsaicin (1)
- Freezeout (1)
- Heavy ion storage ring (1)
- Heavy-ion reactions (1)
- Hyperons (1)
- Nucleus (1)
An experiment addressing electron capture (EC) decay of hydrogen-like 142Pm60+ions has been conducted at the experimental storage ring (ESR) at GSI. The decay appears to be purely exponential and no modulations were observed. Decay times for about 9000 individual EC decays have been measured by applying the single-ion decay spectroscopy method. Both visually and automatically analysed data can be described by a single exponential decay with decay constants of 0.0126(7)s−1 for automatic analysis and 0.0141(7)s−1 for manual analysis. If a modulation superimposed on the exponential decay curve is assumed, the best fit gives a modulation amplitude of merely 0.019(15), which is compatible with zero and by 4.9 standard deviations smaller than in the original observation which had an amplitude of 0.23(4).
Correlated activity of cortical neurons survives extensive removal of feedforward sensory input
A fundamental property of brain function is that the spiking activity of cortical neurons is variable and that some of this variability is correlated between neurons. Correlated activity not due to the stimulus arises from shared input but the neuronal circuit mechanisms that result in these noise correlations are not fully understood. Here we tested in the visual system if correlated variability in mid-level area V4 of visual cortex is altered following extensive lesions of primary visual cortex (V1). To this end we recorded longitudinally the neuronal correlations in area V4 of two behaving macaque monkeys before and after a V1 lesion while the monkeys fixated a grey screen. We found that the correlations of neuronal activity survived the lesions in both monkeys. In one monkey, the correlation of multi-unit spiking signals was strongly increased in the first week post-lesion, while in the second monkey, correlated activity was slightly increased, but not greater than some week-by-week fluctuations observed. The typical drop-off of inter-neuronal correlations with cortical distance was preserved after the lesion. Therefore, as V4 noise correlations remain without feedforward input from V1, these results suggest instead that local and/or feedback input seem to be necessary for correlated activity.
In this letter we report the first multi-differential measurement of correlated pion-proton pairs from 2 billion Au+Au collisions at sNN=2.42 GeV collected with HADES. In this energy regime the population of Δ(1232) resonances plays an important role in the way energy is distributed between intrinsic excitation energy and kinetic energy of the hadrons in the fireball. The triple differential d3N/dMπ±pdpTdy distributions of correlated π±p pairs have been determined by subtracting the πp combinatorial background using an iterative method. The invariant-mass distributions in the Δ(1232) mass region show strong deviations from a Breit-Wigner function with vacuum width and mass. The yield of correlated pion-proton pairs exhibits a complex isospin, rapidity and transverse-momentum dependence. In the invariant mass range 1.1<Minv(GeV/c2)<1.4, the yield is found to be similar for π+p and π−p pairs, and to follow a power law 〈Apart〉α, where 〈Apart〉 is the mean number of participating nucleons. The exponent α depends strongly on the pair transverse momentum (pT) while its pT-integrated and charge-averaged value is α=1.5±0.08st±0.2sy.
n this paper we report on the investigation of baryonic resonance production in proton-proton collisions at the kinetic energies of 1.25 GeV and 3.5 GeV, based on data measured with HADES. Exclusive channels npπ+ and ppπ0 as well as ppe+e− were studied simultaneously in the framework of a one-boson exchange model. The resonance cross sections were determined from the one-pion channels for Δ(1232) and N(1440) (1.25 GeV) as well as further Δ and N* resonances up to 2 GeV/c2 for the 3.5 GeV data. The data at 1.25 GeV energy were also analysed within the framework of the partial wave analysis together with the set of several other measurements at lower energies. The obtained solutions provided the evolution of resonance production with the beam energy, showing a sizeable non-resonant contribution but with still dominating contribution of Δ(1232)P33. In the case of 3.5 GeV data, the study of the ppe+e− channel gave the insight on the Dalitz decays of the baryon resonances and, in particular, on the electromagnetic transition form-factors in the time-like region. We show that the assumption of a constant electromagnetic transition form-factors leads to underestimation of the yield in the dielectron invariant mass spectrum below the vector mesons pole. On the other hand, a comparison with various transport models shows the important role of intermediate ρ production, though with a large model dependency. The exclusive channels analysis done by the HADES collaboration provides new stringent restrictions on the parameterizations used in the models.
We present first data on sub-threshold production of Ks0 mesons and Λ hyperons in Au+Au collisions at sNN=2.4 GeV. We observe an universal 〈Apart〉 scaling of hadrons containing strangeness, independent of their corresponding production thresholds. Comparing the yields, their 〈Apart〉 scaling, and the shapes of the rapidity and the pt spectra to state-of-the-art transport model (UrQMD, HSD, IQMD) predictions, we find that none of them can simultaneously describe these observables with reasonable χ2 values.
The knowledge of baryonic resonance properties and production cross sections plays an important role for the extraction and understanding of medium modifications of mesons in hot and/or dense nuclear matter. We present and discuss systematics on dielectron and strangeness production obtained with HADES on p+p, p+A and A+A collisions in the few GeV energy regime with respect to these resonances.
his contribution aims to give a basic overview of the latest results regarding the production of resonances in different collision systems. The results were extracted from experimental data collected with HADES that is a multipurpose detector located at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum, Darmstadt. The main points discussed here are: the properties of the strange resonances Λ(1405) and Σ(1385), the role of Δ’s as a source of pions in the final state, the production dynamics reflected in form of differential cross sections, and the role of the ϕ meson as a source for K− particles.
We present the results of two-pion production in tagged quasi-free np collisions at a deutron incident beam energy of 1.25 GeV/c measured with the High-Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) installed at GSI. The specific acceptance of HADES allowed for the first time to obtain high-precision data on π+π− and π−π0 production in np collisions in a region corresponding to large transverse momenta of the secondary particles. The obtained differential cross section data provide strong constraints on the production mechanisms and on the various baryon resonance contributions (∆∆, N(1440), N(1520), ∆(1600)). The invariant mass and angular distributions from the np → npπ+π −and np → ppπ−π0 reactions are compared with different theoretical model predictions.
The production of Σ0 baryons in the nuclear reaction p (3.5 GeV) + Nb (corresponding to sNN=3.18 GeV) is studied with the detector set-up HADES at GSI, Darmstadt. Σ0s were identified via the decay Σ0→Λγ with subsequent decays Λ→pπ− in coincidence with a e+e− pair from either external (γ→e+e−) or internal (Dalitz decay γ⁎→e+e−) gamma conversions. The differential Σ0 cross section integrated over the detector acceptance, i.e. the rapidity interval 0.5<y<1.1, has been extracted as ΔσΣ0=2.3±(0.2)stat±(−0.6+0.6)sys±(0.2)norm mb, yielding the inclusive production cross section in full phase space σΣ0total=5.8±(0.5)stat±(−1.4+1.4)sys±(0.6)norm±(1.7)extrapol mb by averaging over different extrapolation methods. The Λall/Σ0 ratio within the HADES acceptance is equal to 2.3±(0.2)stat±(−0.6+0.6)sys. The obtained rapidity and momentum distributions are compared to transport model calculations. The Σ0 yield agrees with the statistical model of particle production in nuclear reactions. Keywords: Hyperons, Strangeness, Proton, Nucleus.
We present data on charged kaons (K±) and ϕ mesons in Au(1.23A GeV)+Au collisions. It is the first simultaneous measurement of K− and ϕ mesons in central heavy-ion collisions below a kinetic beam energy of 10A GeV. The ϕ/K− multiplicity ratio is found to be surprisingly high with a value of 0.52±0.16 and shows no dependence on the centrality of the collision. Consequently, the different slopes of the K+ and K− transverse-mass spectra can be explained solely by feed-down, which substantially softens the spectra of K− mesons. Hence, in contrast to the commonly adapted argumentation in literature, the different slopes do not necessarily imply diverging freeze-out temperatures of K+ and K− mesons caused by different couplings to baryons.