Document Type
- Article (10)
Has Fulltext
- yes (10)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (10)
- Pseudoscorpiones (2)
- Austria (1)
- Central Europe (1)
- Chthoniidae (1)
- Fagus sylvatica (1)
- Germany (1)
- Hessen (1)
- Naturwaldreservate (1)
- Rheinland-Pfalz (1)
- area expansion (1)
- Extern (1)
The first record of this species outside the Alps is presented from the Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The locality, Bad Neuenahr, represents a considerable extension of the known range of a species which has up till now been regarded an endemic of southern Switzerland.
In the summers of 2006 and 2007 presumed bites of Cheiracanthium spiders triggered mass hysteria in Austria and some regions of Germany, including northern Saxonia. Here we report the first records of Cheiracanthium mildei L. Koch, 1864 from Saxony and new records of C. punctorium (Villers, 1789) from Saxony and Brandenburg. C. punctorium is probably a native species in southern Germany. It shows a moderate area expansion that could be driven by global warming. Further records in north-western Saxony are to be expected. By contrast, C. mildei has to be regarded an invasive alien species that has rapidly spread into Central Europe from the Mediterranean. Leipzig is the north-easternmost locality in Europe reached so far, a further 230 km away from Nuremberg, the leading edge in 2006. A number of records in different districts of Leipzig suggest that the species is already established in the town. We also report verified bites of both species. The mild to moderate symptoms are in accordance with recent literature reviews.
In the course of a long term survey on the effects of grazing on the diversity of alpine grasslands, the false scorpion Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) poeninus Mahnert, 1979 was recorded for the first time outside of Switzerland. The preferred habitat at the locality Alpe Einödsberg (Germany, Bavaria) differs strongly from previous findings. Our data suggest an association with Nardus grasslands (Geo montani-Nardetum), whereas earlier records originated from leaf litter, moss and mouldy trunks. Furthermore, the new records between 1540 m and 1973 m above sea level are the first from the subalpine region of the Alps (hitherto C. poeninus was known from 550 m to 1450 m). In the study region, extensive grazing seems to have a positive effect on the abundance of the species, while it is missing from intensively grazed pastures.
In 1990 the Federal State of Hesse (Germany) started a long-term faunistic research programme in selected Strict Forest Reserves. Here we report the results of the inventory of pseudoscorpions from seven reserves: Goldbachs- und Ziebachsrück, Hasenblick, Hohestein, Kinzigaue, Niddahänge east of Rudingshain, Schönbuche and Stirnberg. A total of 4567 specimens (315-1314 per site) belonging to 13 species (4-9 per site) were recorded using a broad spectrum of methods. The bulk of material comes from pitfall traps (83 %), followed by various types of stem eclectors (16 %). The structure and quality of the species assemblage in the oak-dominated flood plain forest of the Kinzigaue differs strongly from those of the remaining reserves, which are all dominated by beech. In the Kinzigaue a species-rich community (9 species) with balanced dominance structure (Shannon-Index 1.67) has been recorded. At this site, rare or moderately common species reach abundance proportions of more than 50 %. Most importantly, two species with strong affinities to pristine forests, Dendrochernes cyrneus and Chernes cimicoides, were exclusively recorded from this reserve. In contrast, the beech-dominated reserves were strongly dominated by a single species, Neobisium carcinoides (59-91 % of the specimens, Shannon-Index < 1), and the abundance proportion of the very common species exceeded 90 % in each of these areas. Temperature and altitude determine the composition of the species communities significantly. Of the recorded species, two will be categorized in the forthcoming Red Lists of pseudoscorpions of Germany and Hesse. Dendrochernes cyrneus (cat. 3 "vulnerable") reached an abundance proportion of 20 % in the reserve Kinzigaue. Dinocheirus panzeri (cat. G "indeterminate risk") has been recorded in single specimens from the reserves Hasenblick, Stirnberg and Niddahänge. The preferred habitat for most of the species is the forest. Species with strong affinities to forests make up more than 95 % of the specimens in all reserves except for Kinzigaue, where this proportion was 89 %. Species richness and abundances were not different between the Strict Forest Reserves (management was stopped at the end of the 1980’s) and the reference areas with continued forestry. However, the proportions of rare and moderately common species were higher in the Strict Reserves as compared to the reference areas.
Von März bis Oktober 1996 wurde die Stammfauna an stehendem Eichentotholz verschiedenen Absterbedatums im niedersächsischen Naturwald Pretzetzer Landwehr untersucht. Es kamen 28 in 2m Hohe installierte Borkenemergenzeklektoren zum Einsatz. Für Vergleichszwecke wurden auch gesunde Bäume beprobt und ein Stammeklektor betrieben. Dabei wurden 1828 Spinnen aus 41 Arten und 57 Exemplare einer Pseudoskorpionart gefangen. Die Zusammensetzung der Araneozonosen ändert sich mit dem Alter des Totholzes. Für einige Arten lässt sich eine Abhängigkeit von der Rindenstruktur aufzeigen. Bei anderen Arten lässt sich die Verteilung eher durch unterschiedliche Belichtungsverhältnisse der Stammoberfläche erklären. Die Fangeffizienz von Borkenemergenz-und Stammeklektoren für Spinnentiere wird diskutiert. Dabei ist hervorzuheben, dass derZeitpunkt der Installation bei geschlossenen BEE einen beträchtlichen Einfluss auf die Resultate hat. Ein Vergleich mit anderen Ergebnissen zur Arachnofauna von Baumstämmen in Mitteleuropa zeigt, dass die meisten charakteristischen Rindenbewohner nicht baumartenspezifisch auftreten und in allen untersuchten Regionen zu finden sind. Die Dominanzverteilungen fallen jedoch extrem unterschiedlich aus. Die beiden häufigsten Arten dieser Untersuchung, Thyreosthenius parasiticus und Haplodrassus cognatus, wurden bisher nur sehr selten bzw. in geringen Individuenzahlen an Baumstämmen festgestellt. H. cognatus wurde bisher im nordwestdeutschen Flachland Überhaupt noch nicht gefunden. Weitere Erstnachweise für diese Region sind Dipoena torva und Synema globosum. Bemerkenswert ist auch 45 das häufige Auftreten des stenoken Pseudoskorpions Dendrochernes cyrneus. Diese Art kann als potentieller Indikator für historisch alte Wälder in Norddeutschland gelten. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen den hohen Naturschutzwert von totholzreichen Naturwaldzellen.
The arachnofaunistic exploration of the German Alps is still in process. Recent investigations in subalpine and alpine habitats of Bavaria yielded 13 species new to Germany. For 5 taxa the collecting sites are reported, together with comments on general distribution and ecology. Cryphoeca Iichenum nigerrima is a locally-endemic relict, which probably has survived glaciation on the nunatak system. Its distribution area is restricted to few mountain-ranges in the Northem Calcareous Alps, comprising less than 2500 qkm. Two species,Erigone cristatopalpus and Talavera monticola, are endemic to the Alps and adjoining mountains. Micaria aenea shows a boreomontane disjunction. Heliophanus Iineiventris is widely distributed in the southern Palearctic.
During the survey of epigeous spider communities in the Bavarian Alps (Germany, Upper Bavaria), three species of Erigoninae were recorded from Germany for the first time. Micrargus alpinus and Silometopus rosemariae are endemic species of the Alps, Panamomops palmgreni is endemic to the Alpine mountain system. For each species present knowledge on distribution, habitat and phenology is summarized. As Micrargus alpinus was described in 1997, faunistic and ecological data are still very poor. Niche differentiation between the closely related species of the Micrargus herbigradus-group is discussed.
Die biogeographische Sonderstellung der Berchtesgadener Alpen im deutschen Alpenraum ist hinlänglich bekannt. Zahlreiche Endemiten der (Nord-)Ostalpen erreichen an der Saalach ihre (nord-)westliche Verbreitungsgrenze (MERXMULLER 1952, HUBL 2001). Unter den Arachniden konnten solche Arten bereits bei Weberknechten (HAMMELBACHER 1987, BLICK & HAMMELBACHER 1994) und Spinnen (MUSTER 2000, 2001) nachgewiesen werden. Mit Chthonius (C.) alpicola wird erstmals ein Pseudoskorpion dieses Arealtyps vorgestellt.
New data on the sex ratio of 16 populations of the endemic harvestman Megabunus lesserti Schenkel, 1927 in the northeastern Alps confirm the previously assumed pattern of geographic parthenogenesis. Bisexuals inhabit a small area between the eastern margin of the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Ennstaler Alps, which was not covered by ice during the last (Würm) glaciations. Postglacially recolonized areas are occupied by parthenogenetic clones. Some all-female samples were found in close geographic proximity to bisexual populations. Apparently isolated occurrences at the western (Ammergau Alps) and southwestern (Carinthian) limits of the range proved to consist exclusively of females. A single male recorded in the Karwendel Mts. near Innsbruck is interpreted preferentially as a case of spanandry, being a fatherless "mistake" without any significant function.