Document Type
- Working Paper (3)
- Report (2)
- English (5)
Has Fulltext
- yes (5)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (5)
- Active Labour Market Policy (1)
- Arbeitsmarktpolitik (1)
- Arbeitsmarktstatistik (1)
- Arbeitsvermittlung (1)
- Beveridge Curve (1)
- Dynamic Panel Data (1)
- Dynamic Panel Data Model (1)
- Evaluation (1)
- Fixed Effects (1)
- Makroökonomischer Einfluß (1)
Die vorliegende Analyse untersucht die Beschäftigungseffekte von Vermittlungsgutscheinen und Personal-Service-Agenturen mit Hilfe einer makroökonometrischen Evaluation. Neben einer mikroökonometrischen Evaluation, welche die Wirkungen auf individueller Ebene untersucht, kann eine makroökonometrische Analyse Aussagen über die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekte der Maßnahmen machen. Die strukturellen Multiplikatorwirkungen im makroökonomischen Kreislaufzusammenhang werden jedoch nicht berücksichtigt. Das ökonometrische Modell zur Analyse der beiden Maßnahmen basiert auf einer Matching-Funktion, die den Suchprozess von Firmen und von Arbeitern nach einem Beschäftigungsverhältnis abbildet. Die empirischen Analysen werden getrennt für Ost- und Westdeutschland sowie für die Strategietypen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit durchgeführt. Sie zeigen, dass die Ausgabe von Vermittlungsgutscheinen nur in „großstädtisch geprägten Bezirken vorwiegend in Westdeutschland mit hoher Arbeitslosigkeit“ (Strategietyp II) einen signifikant positiven Effekt auf den Suchprozess hat. Für die Personal-Service-Agenturen zeigen sich signifikant positive Effekte für Ost- als auch für Westdeutschland. Allerdings fehlt für eine abschließende Bewertung der Ergebnisse für die Personal- Service-Agenturen aufgrund der relativ geringen Teilnehmerzahl noch ein Vergleich mit mikroökonometrischen Analysen.
This paper investigates the macroeconomic effects of job creation schemes and vocational training on the matching processes in West Germany. The empirical analysis is based on regional data for local employment office districts for the period from 1999 to 2003. The empirical model relies on a dynamic version of a matching function augmented by ALMP. In order to obtain consistent estimates in the presence of a dynamic panel data model, a first-differences GMM estimator and a transformed maximum likelihood estimator are applied. Furthermore the paper considers the endogeneity problem of the policy measures. The results obtained from our estimates indicate that vocational training does not significantly affect the matching process and that job creation schemes have a negative effect. JEL Classification: C23, E24, H43, J64, J68
Most evaluation studies of active labour market policies (ALMP) focus on the microeconometric evaluation approach using individual data. However, as the microeconometric approach usually ignores impacts on the non-participants, it should be seen as a first step to a complete evaluation which has to be followed by an analysis on the macroeconomic level. As a starting point for our analysis we discuss the effects of ALMP in a theoretical labour market framework augmented by ALMP. We estimate the impacts of ALMP in Germany for the time period 1999-2001 with regional data of 175 labour office districts. Due to the high persistence of German labour market data the application of a dynamic model is crucial. Furthermore our analysis accounts especially for the inherent simultaneity problem of ALMP. For West Germany we find positive effects of vocational training and job creation schemes on the labour market situation, whereas the results for East Germany do not allow profound statements. JEL Classification: C33, E24, H43, J64, J68.
Serial correlation in dynamic panel data models with weakly exogenous regressor and fixed effects
Our paper wants to present and compare two estimation methodologies for dynamic panel data models in the presence of serially correlated errors and weakly exogenous regressors. The ¯rst is the ¯rst di®erence GMM estimator as proposed by Arellano and Bond (1991) and the second is the transformed Maximum Likelihood Estimator as proposed by Hsiao, Pesaran, and Tahmiscioglu (2002). Thereby, we consider the ¯xed e®ects case and weakly exogenous regressors. The ¯nite sample properties of both estimation methodologies are analysed within a simulation experiment. Furthermore, we will present an empirical example to consider the performance of both estimators with real data. JEL Classification: C23, J64
The effects of vocational training programmes on the duration of unemployment in Eastern Germany
Vocational training programmes have been the most important active labour market policy instrument in Germany in the last years. However, the still unsatisfying situation of the labour market has raised doubt on the efficiency of these programmes. In this paper, we analyse the effects of the participation in vocational training programmes on the duration of unemployment in Eastern Germany. Based on administrative data for the time between the October 1999 and December 2002 of the Federal Employment Administration, we apply a bivariate mixed proportional hazards model. By doing so, we are able to use the information of the timing of treatment as well as observable and unobservable influences to identify the treatment effects. The results show that a participation in vocational training prolongates the unemployment duration in Eastern Germany. Furthermore, the results suggest that locking-in effects are a serious problem of vocational training programmes. JEL Classification: J64, J24, I28, J68