Document Type
- Report (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- Afghanistan (2)
- ALP (1)
- ANP (1)
- AUCP (1)
- Afghan Local Police (1)
- Afghan National Police (1)
- Afghan Uniformed Civilian Police (1)
- Afghanische Armee (1)
- Aufstandsbekämpfung (1)
- Guerilla (1)
Guerillas win as long as they do not lose, and government forces lose as long as they do not win. In Afghanistan, this adage holds, once again, true. Western civilian and military leaders want us to believe that insurgents and criminals are running out of options. Indeed, after much initial stuttering, NATO has transformed into a veritable counter-insurgency machine, with the United States shouldering most of the burden. Casualties among the Taliban and other enemies of NATO are enormous. Enormous, too, is the coalition of NATO and Afghan troops, approaching half a million soldiers and militia-types.
Bis 2014 wollen truppenstellende Staaten die Verantwortung für die Sicherheit in Afghanistan an afghanische Institutionen übergeben. Eine wichtige Bedingung für den Rückzug internationaler Truppen ist die Qualität der afghanischen Sicherheitskräfte. Geberstaaten investieren daher massiv nicht nur in die Ausbildung und Ausrüstung der afghanischen Armee, sondern auch der afghanischen Polizei (Afghan National Police, ANP)...