Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (66)
Has Fulltext
- yes (66)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (66)
- Postural control (6)
- Immunological methods (5)
- Immunologische Methoden (5)
- Diagnostics (4)
- Diagnostik (4)
- Kinematic analysis (4)
- MSD (4)
- Musculoskeletal system (4)
- dentist (4)
- ergonomics (4)
- Medizin (66)
- Sportwissenschaften (10)
- Biochemie und Chemie (2)
- Psychologie (1)
- Psychologie und Sportwissenschaften (1)
URPOSE: Today, the majority of medical graduates in countries such as the UK, the US or Germany are female. This poses a major problem for workforce planning especially in urology. We here use first the first time the previously established Brüggmann Groneberg (BG) index to assess if female academic career options advance in urology.
METHODS: Different operating parameters (student population, urology specialist population, urology chair female:male (f:m) ratio) were collected from the Federal Office of Statistics, the Federal Chamber of Physicians and the medical faculties of 36 German universities. Four time points were monitored (2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015). From these data, female to male (f:m) ratios and the recently established career advancement (BG) index have been calculated.
RESULTS: The German hospital urology specialists' f:m ratios were 0.257 (499 female vs. 1944 male) for 2015, 0.195 for 2010, 0.133 for 2005 and 0.12 for 2000. The career advancement (BG) index was 0.0007 for 2000, 0,0005 for 2005, 0.094 for 2010 and 0.073 for 2015. The decrease from 2010 to 2015 was due to an increase in the f:m ratio of hospital urologists and female medical students.
CONCLUSION: The BG index clearly illustrated that there is an urgent need for special academic career funding programs to counteract gender problems in urology. The BG index has been shown to be an excellent tool to assess female academic career options and will be very helpful to assess and document positive or negative changes in the next decades.
Background: Immigration has a strong impact on the development of health systems, medicine and science worldwide. Therefore, this article provides a descriptive study on the overall research output.
Methods: Utilizing the scientific database Web of Science, data research was performed. The gathered bibliometric data was analyzed using the established platform NewQIS, a benchmarking system to visualize research quantity and quality indices.
Findings: Between 1900 and 2016 a total of 6763 articles on immigration were retrieved and analyzed. 86 different countries participated in the publications. Quantitatively the United States followed by Canada and Spain were prominent regarding the article numbers. On comparing by additionally taking the population size into account, Israel followed by Sweden and Norway showed the highest performance. The main releasing journals are the Public Health Reports, the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health and Social Science & Medicine. Over the decades, an increasing number of Public, Environmental & Occupational Health articles can be recognized which finally forms the mainly used subject area.
Conclusion: Considerably increasing scientific work on immigration cannot only be explained by the general increase of scientific work but is also owed to the latest development with increased mobility, worldwide crises and the need of flight and migration. Especially countries with a good economic situation are highly affected by immigrants and prominent in their publication output on immigration, since the countries’ publication effort is connected with the appointed expenditures for research and development. Remarkable numbers of immigrants throughout Europe compel medical professionals to consider neglected diseases, requires the public health system to restructure itself and finally promotes science.
Objective: Worldwide, the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) represents the predominant viral agent causing bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children. To conduct research and tackle existing healthcare disparities, RSV-related research activities around the globe need to be described. Hence, we assessed the associated scientific output (represented by research articles) by geographical, chronological and socioeconomic criteria and analysed the authors publishing in the field by gender. Also, the 15 most cited articles and the most prolific journals were identified for RSV research.
Design: Retrospective, descriptive study.
Setting: The NewQIS (New Quality and Quantity Indices in Science) platform was employed to identify RSV-related articles published in the Web of Science until 2013. We performed a numerical analysis of all articles, and examined citation-based aspects (eg, citation rates); results were visualised by density equalising mapping tools.
Results: We identified 4600 RSV-related articles. The USA led the field; US-American authors published 2139 articles (46.5%% of all identified articles), which have been cited 83 000 times. When output was related to socioeconomic benchmarks such as gross domestic product or Research and Development expenditures, Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia and Chile were ranked in leading positions. A total of 614 articles on RSV (13.34% of all articles) were attributed to scientific collaborations. These were primarily established between high-income countries. The gender analysis indicated that male scientists dominated in all countries except Brazil.
Conclusions: The majority of RSV-related research articles originated from high-income countries whereas developing nations showed only minimal publication productivity and were barely part of any collaborative networks. Hence, research capacity in these nations should be increased in order to assist in addressing inequities in resource allocation and the clinical burden of RSV in these countries.
Introduction: Curare is one of the best-examined neurotoxins of the world, which has empirically been used for centuries by American Indigenes. Research on curare has been performed much later, a global scientometric analysis on curare research or its derivates does not yet exist. This bibliometric analysis is part of the global NewQis-project and should illuminate both toxic and historic issues of research on curare.
Methods: The ISI Web of Science was searched for data covering 1900 to 2013 using a term which included as many original articles on curare as possible. 3,867 articles were found and analyzed for common bibliometric items such as the number of citations, language of the articles or the (modified) Hirsch-Index (h-index). Results are illustrated utilizing modern density equalizing map projections (DEMP) or beam diagrams.
Results: Most publications were located in North America and Europe. The USA has the highest number of publications as well as the highest h-index. The number of publications overall rose until the late 1990s and later decreased. Furthermore, sudden increases of research activity are ascribable to historic events, like the first use of curare as muscle relaxant during surgery.
Discussion: This scientometric analysis of curare research reflects several tendencies as previously seen in other bibliometric investigations, i.e. the scientific quality standard of North America and Europe. Research on curare decreased however, due to the declining attention towards this muscle relaxant. This work exemplifies also how scientometric methods can be used to illuminate historic circumstances immediately stimulating scientific research.
Background: The aim of this pilot study was to analyze the work of neurologists regarding static posture (> 4 s) and to identify awkward postures. Methods: A total of 9 neurologists (assistant physicians; 3 male, 6 female) participated in this study. Kinematic data were collected using the computer-assisted acquisition and long-term analysis of musculoskeletal loads (CUELA; IFA, Sankt Augustin, Germany) system. Daily work (“office work,” “measures on patients,” and “other activities”) was analyzed with a computer-based task analysis. Results: During ”measures on patients,” more than 80% of the total percentage of non-neutral posture was assumed with a flexed position of the head and entire back, both during “blood collection” (4.7% of the time) and while “placing intravenous catheters” (8.3% of the time). In contrast, long static postures (> 30 s) in the head and neck area, including the thoracic spine, were adopted during “office work.” Despite the increased total percentage of non-neutral attitudes during measures on patients, the time share of 3.4% of the total working time is so small that the risk for developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) is negligible. In contrast, office work, which comprises 50.8% of the total working time and longer static postures, has a potential risk for the development of MSD. Conclusion: The present study is the first kinematic pilot analysis in the field of in-patient neurological assistants. Non-neutral as well as static postures in everyday work could be identified. Potential MSD can be reduced by optimizing the working height and by taking regular breaks to loosen the musculoskeletal system.
Background: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are common among dental professionals. The most common areas affected are the trunk, neck, shoulders and wrists. Current evidence suggests that the causes of MSD can be found in the physical demands of the profession. Posture and movement during treatment is influenced by the arrangement of the treatment concept (patient chair, equipment and cabinets). It has not been investigated whether the ergonomic risk differs between the treatment concepts.
Methods: To evaluate the prevalence of MSD in dental professionals, 1000 responses will be collected from a nationwide (Germany) online questionnaire (mod. Nordic Questionnaire and mod. Meyer questionnaire). In order to assess the ergonomic risk of the treatment techniques used in the four treatment concepts, 3D movement analyses are carried out with inertial sensors. For this purpose, 20 teams of dentists and dental assistants from four dental fields of specializations (generalists, orthodontists, endodontists and oral surgeons) and a student control group will be recruited. Each team will execute field specific standardized treatments at a dummy head. Measurements are carried out in each of the four treatment concepts. The data will be analyzed using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) which will be modified for the evaluation of objective data.
Conclusions: On the basis of these investigations, a substantial gain of knowledge regarding work-related MSD in the field of dentistry and its potential biomechanical causes is possible. For the first time, objective and differentiated comparisons between the four treatment concepts are possible for different fields of dental specialization. Up to now, statically held positions of the trunk and proximal upper extremities, but also the repetitive movements of the hands have been considered a risk for MSD. Since both are included in the RULA, dental activities can be assessed in a detailed but also global manner with regard to ergonomic risks.
Zur ergonomischen Beurteilung von Arbeitsplätzen werden „ergonomic risk assessment tools“ (ERAT) verwendet. Mithilfe dieser kann die körperliche Belastung evaluiert und hinsichtlich eines biomechanischen Überlastungsrisikos bewertet werden. Dazu gehören neben Eigenangaben auch observatorische Methoden, deren Ergebnisse in Punktwerten („Scores“) zusammengefasst werden, wie z. B. die RULAMethode („rapid upper limb assessment“). Durch die technische Weiterentwicklung direkter Messmethoden können inertiale Motion-Capture-Systeme im 21. Jahrhundert präzise und kontinuierliche objektive Daten liefern. In einem neuen Ansatz wurde die observatorische Scoring-Methode RULA modifiziert und auf die digital erhobenen Daten angewendet, was differenzierte ergonomische Betrachtungen ganzer Arbeitsabläufe ermöglicht.
Musculoskeletal disorders of the trunk and neck are common among cleaners. Vacuum cleaning is a demanding activity. The aim of this study was to present the movement profile of the trunk and neck during habitual vacuuming. The data were collected from 31 subjects (21f./10 m) using a 3D motion analysis system (Xsens). 10 cycles were analysed in vacuuming PVC and carpet floors with 8 vacuum cleaners. The joint angles and velocities were represented statistically descriptive. When vacuuming, the trunk is held in a forwardly inclined position by a flexion in the hip and rotated from this position. In the joint angles and velocities of the spine, the rotation proved to be dominant. A relatively large amount of movement took place in the cervical spine and also in the lumbar spine. The shown movement profile is rather a comfort area of vacuuming which may serve as a reference for ergonomics in vacuuming.
Background: Dentists are at a higher risk of suffering from musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) than the general population. However, the latest study investigating MSD in the dental profession in Germany was published about 20 years ago. Therefore, the aim of this study was to reveal the current prevalence of MSD in dentists and dental students in Germany. Methods: The final study size contained 450 (287 f/163 m) subjects of different areas of specialization. The age of the participants ranged from 23 to 75 years. The questionnaire consisted of a modified version of the Nordic Questionnaire, work-related questions from the latest questionnaire of German dentists, typical medical conditions and self-developed questions. Results: The overall prevalence showed that dentists suffered frequently from MSD (seven days: 65.6%, twelve months: 92%, lifetime: 95.8%). The most affected body regions included the neck (42.7%–70.9%–78.4%), shoulders (29.8%–55.6%–66.2%) and lower back (22.9%–45.8%–58.7%). Overall, female participants stated that they suffered from pain significantly more frequently, especially in the neck, shoulders and upper back. Conclusion: The prevalence of MSD among dentists, especially in the neck, shoulder and back area, was significantly higher than in the general population. In addition, women suffered more frequently from MSD than men in almost all body regions.
Hintergrund: Dehntrainings sind eine Maßnahme der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung (BGF) für Büroangestellte zur Prävention von muskuloskeletalen Erkrankungen (MSE). Sie können zu Beweglichkeitszuwächsen führen und auf psychischer Ebene entspannen. Ziel der Studie war es, ein standardisiertes und individualisiertes Dehntraining am Gerät, das „five-Business“, auf MSE, Lebensqualität und Beweglichkeit zu untersuchen. Dies ist eine Zusammenfassung der international publizierten Ergebnisse.
Methodik: In diese Untersuchung wurden 252 Proband(innen) eingeschlossen, 156 in die Interventionsgruppe (IG), 96 in die Kontrollgruppe (KG). Die IG absolvierte für 12 Wochen 22–24 Trainingseinheiten am „five-Business“, möglichst zweimal wöchentlich. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte mittels sportmotorischer bzw. Range-of-motion(ROM)-Tests, dem Nordic Questionnaire (NQ) und dem SF-36-Fragebogen in Form einer Prä-Post-Untersuchung.
Ergebnisse: Nach der Intervention gaben im NQ signifikant weniger Proband(innen) der IG Beschwerden im oberen Rücken (p < 0,001) im Vergleich zur KG an; keine signifikanten Unterschiede wurden bei Beschwerden im Nacken, Schultern, Hüfte und dem unteren Rücken gefunden. Der mit dem SF-36 erhobene allgemeine Gesundheitszustand und die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität haben sich (nach subjektiven Angaben) signifikant verbessert (Summenscore IG: p = 0,005). In den ROM-Tests waren die Prä-Post-Differenzen bei IG-Proband(innen) in der Sagittalebene (Finger-Boden-Abstand und Retroflexion; p < 0,001) und im modifizierten Schultertest nach Janda auf der linken Seite (p = 0,003) signifikant größer.
Diskussion: Trotz des in Zeitdauer und Häufigkeit relativ geringen Trainingsaufwandes wurden sowohl auf körperlicher als auch auf psychischer Ebene relevante Verbesserungen erzielt, so dass das „five-Business“-Dehntraining als BGF-Maßnahme empfohlen werden kann.