Document Type
- Part of Periodical (2)
- Article (1)
- English (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- June beetles (1)
- Relict species (1)
- cantharophily (1)
- endemism (1)
- flower visitors (1)
- jewel beetles (1)
- microrefugia (1)
- new records (1)
- sand dunes (1)
- “sky island” ecosystems (1)
Four new species of the genus Polyphylla Harris (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from the southwestern United States and Baja California, Mexico, are described and illustrated: Polyphylla anivallis, P. koso, P. morroensis, and P. socorriana. Two nomenclatural changes are proposed: Polyphylla ratcliffei Young is placed into synonymy with P. avittata Hardy and Andrews, new synonymy; P. uteana Tanner is removed from synonymy and reinstated as a valid species, reinstated status. The females of P. monahansensis Hardy and Andrews and P. stellata Young are described and illustrated. New distributional records and ecological associations are amended for P. avittata Hardy and Andrews, P. cavifrons LeConte, P. concurrens Casey, P. crinita LeConte, P. diffracta Casey, P. mescalerensis Young, P. petitii (Guérin-Méneville), and P. rugosipennis Casey. A checklist of the “Western Clade” species of Polyphylla, north of Mexico, is included.
Polyphylla aeolus La Rue, new species, is described from the Kelso Sand Dunes, Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California, U.S.A. Illustrations of dorsal habitus, significant morphological details, and adult genitalic forms are provided. A description of the type locality including geographical and ecological parameters is presented. Taxonomic problems within the genus and limitations of recently proposed methods of species identification are discussed. A modified key is provided to distinguish the new species. The heretofore undescribed females of Polyphylla anteronivea Hardy, P. mescalerensis Young, P. nubila Van Dyke, and P. pottsorum Hardy, are described. The larval host of P. erratica Hardy is reported, and the adult female is redescribed from pristine specimens. A dorsal habitus illustration of each female is provided. Bionomic and distributional data are presented for Polyphylla avittata Hardy, P. cavifrons LeConte, P. hirsuta Van Dyke, P. monahansensisHardy, P. petiti Guerin, P. stellata Young, andP. squamiventris Cazier.