Document Type
- Article (4)
- English (4)
Has Fulltext
- yes (4)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- Anaerobic bacteria (1)
- Bacteriology (1)
- Energy conservation (1)
- Oxidoreductases (1)
- Respiration (1)
- Sodium transport (1)
Acetogenic bacteria are a group of strictly anaerobic bacteria that may have been first life forms on Earth since they employ an ancient pathway for CO2 fixation into acetyl-CoA that is coupled to the synthesis of ATP, the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway. Electrons for CO2 reduction are derived from oxidation of H2 or CO and thus, these bacteria can grow lithotrophically on gases present on early Earth. Among the organic molecules present on early Earth is acetaldehyde, a highly volatile C2 compound. Here, we demonstrate that the acetogenic model bacterium Acetobacterium woodii grows on acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is dismutated to ethanol and acetyl-CoA, most likely by the bifunctional alcohol dehydrogenase AdhE. Acetyl-CoA is converted to acetate by two subsequent enzymes, phosphotransacetylase and acetate kinase, accompanied by the synthesis of ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation. Apparently, growth on acetaldehyde does not employ the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway. Our finding opens the possibility of a simple and ancient metabolic pathway with only three enzymes that allows for biomass (acetyl-CoA) and ATP formation on early Earth.
The Rnf complex is a Na+ coupled respiratory enzyme in a fermenting bacterium, Thermotoga maritima
rnf genes are widespread in bacteria and biochemical and genetic data are in line with the hypothesis that they encode a membrane-bound enzyme that oxidizes reduced ferredoxin and reduces NAD and vice versa, coupled to ion transport across the cytoplasmic membrane. The Rnf complex is of critical importance in many bacteria for energy conservation but also for reverse electron transport to drive ferredoxin reduction. However, the enzyme has never been purified and thus, ion transport could not be demonstrated yet. Here, we have purified the Rnf complex from the anaerobic, fermenting thermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima and show that is a primary Na+ pump. These studies provide the proof that the Rnf complex is indeed an ion (Na+) translocating, respiratory enzyme. Together with a Na+-F1FO ATP synthase it builds a simple, two-limb respiratory chain in T. maritima. The physiological role of electron transport phosphorylation in a fermenting bacterium is discussed.
Background: Capture and storage of the energy carrier hydrogen as well as of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide are two major problems that mankind faces currently. Chemical catalysts have been developed, but only recently a group of anaerobic bacteria that convert hydrogen and carbon dioxide to acetate, formate, or biofuels such as ethanol has come into focus, the acetogenic bacteria. These biocatalysts produce the liquid organic hydrogen carrier formic acid from H2 + CO2 or even carbon monoxide with highest rates ever reported. The autotrophic, hydrogen-oxidizing, and CO2-reducing acetogens have in common a specialized metabolism to catalyze CO2 reduction, the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway (WLP). The WLP does not yield net ATP, but is hooked up to a membrane-bound respiratory chain that enables ATP synthesis coupled to CO2 fixation. The nature of the respiratory enzyme has been an enigma since the discovery of these bacteria and has been unraveled in this study.
Results: We have produced a His-tagged variant of the ferredoxin:NAD oxidoreductase (Rnf complex) from the model acetogen Acetobacterium woodii, solubilized the enzyme from the cytoplasmic membrane, and purified it by Ni2+–NTA affinity chromatography. The enzyme was incorporated into artificial liposomes and catalyzed Na+ transport coupled to ferredoxin-dependent NAD reduction. Our results using the purified enzyme do not only verify that the Rnf complex from A. woodii is Na+-dependent, they also demonstrate for the first time that this membrane-embedded molecular engine creates a Na+ gradient across the membrane of A. woodii which can be used for ATP synthesis.
Discussion: We present a protocol for homologous production and purification for an Rnf complex. The enzyme catalyzed electron-transfer driven Na+ export and, thus, our studies provided the long-awaited biochemical proof that the Rnf complex is a respiratory enzyme.
More than 2 million tons of glycerol are produced during industrial processes each year and, therefore, glycerol is an inexpensive feedstock to produce biocommodities by bacterial fermentation. Acetogenic bacteria are interesting production platforms and there have been few reports in the literature on glycerol utilization by this ecophysiologically important group of strictly anaerobic bacteria. Here, we show that the model acetogen Acetobacterium woodii DSM1030 is able to grow on glycerol, but contrary to expectations, only for 2–3 transfers. Transcriptome analysis revealed the expression of the pdu operon encoding a propanediol dehydratase along with genes encoding bacterial microcompartments. Deletion of pduAB led to a stable growth of A. woodii on glycerol, consistent with the hypothesis that the propanediol dehydratase also acts on glycerol leading to a toxic end-product. Glycerol is oxidized to acetate and the reducing equivalents are reoxidized by reducing CO2 in the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway, leading to an additional acetate. The possible oxidation product of glycerol, dihydroxyacetone (DHA), also served as carbon and energy source for A. woodii and growth was stably maintained on that compound. DHA oxidation was also coupled to CO2 reduction. Based on transcriptome data and enzymatic analysis we present the first metabolic and bioenergetic schemes for glycerol and DHA utilization in A. woodii.