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Simulation results for future measurements of electromagnetic proton form factors at PANDA (FAIR) within the PandaRoot software framework are reported. The statistical precision with which the proton form factors can be determined is estimated. The signal channel p¯p→e+e− is studied on the basis of two different but consistent procedures. The suppression of the main background channel, i.e. p¯p→π+π−, is studied. Furthermore, the background versus signal efficiency, statistical and systematical uncertainties on the extracted proton form factors are evaluated using two different procedures. The results are consistent with those of a previous simulation study using an older, simplified framework. However, a slightly better precision is achieved in the PandaRoot study in a large range of momentum transfer, assuming the nominal beam conditions and detector performance.
This paper reports on Monte Carlo simulation results for future measurements of the moduli of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors, |GE | and |GM|, using the ¯pp → μ+μ− reaction at PANDA (FAIR). The electromagnetic form factors are fundamental quantities parameterizing the electric and magnetic structure of hadrons. This work estimates the statistical and total accuracy with which the form factors can be measured at PANDA, using an analysis of simulated data within the PandaRoot software framework. The most crucial background channel is ¯pp → π+π−,due to the very similar behavior of muons and pions in the detector. The suppression factors are evaluated for this and all other relevant background channels at different values of antiproton beam momentum. The signal/background separation is based on a multivariate analysis, using the Boosted Decision Trees method. An expected background subtraction is included in this study, based on realistic angular distribuations of the background contribution. Systematic uncertainties are considered and the relative total uncertainties of the form factor measurements are presented.
The title compound has been prepared by the reaction of N-trimethylsilyl-iminotriphenylphos-phorane with copper(II) chloride in boiling CCl4 /C2H5OH, and forms moisture sensitive crystals, which are green in transmittance and black in reflexion. [Me3SiNPPh3 · CuCl2 ] 2 was characterized by its IR spectrum as well as by a crystal structure determination (4197 observed, independent reflexions, R = 0.049). The lattice dimensions are at 20 °C: a = 1102.7. b = 1407.3. c = 1560.2 pm; β = 94.27°; space group P21/n with two formula units in the unit cell. The complex consists of centrosymmetric, dimeric molecules with a planar Cu2 Cl2 ring (Cu-CI bond lengths 229 and 231 pm). A terminally bonded CI atom (Cu-CI = 221 pm) and the N atom of the Me3SiNPPh3 ligand (Cu-N = 198.5 pm) complete the coordination number four of the nearly planar surroundings of the Cu atoms.
[Ph3PN(H)Ph][AuI2] (2) is formed by the reaction of AuI with N-Phenyl-iminotriphenylphosphorane, Ph3PNPh in a toluene suspension. 2,3-Bis(triphenylphosphinimino)maleic acid-N-methylimide (3) has been prepared by the Staudinger reaction of 2,3-bis(azido)maleic acid-N-methylimide with PPh3 in THF solution in the form of red crystals. Crystal structure determinations of three iminophosphoranes were carried out by X-ray methods.
Ph3PNPh (1): space group P21/c, Z = 4, 2176 independent observed reflexions, R = 0.057. Lattice dimensions (-30 °C): a = 1126.4, b = 1148.6, c = 1476.0 pm; β = 97.21°. The compound forms monomeric molecules with P=N = 160.2 pm and an PNC angle of 130.4°.
[Ph3PN(H)Ph][AuI2] (2): space group P1̄, Z = 2, 1780 independent observed reflexions, R = 0.057. Lattice dimensions (18 °C); a = 824.9, b = 1022, c = 1476.2 pm; α = 89.23°, β = 87.41°, γ = 85.65°. The compound consists of ions [Ph3PN(H)Ph]⊕ with P=N = 162.4 pm and PNC = 129.3°, and anions [AuI2]⊖ with Au-I = 261.9 and 259.3 pm, IAuI = 176.8°.
(Ph3P)2N2C4O2 (NMe) (3): space group P1̄, Z = 2, 4972 independent observed reflexions, R = 0.050. Lattice dimensions (-90 °C): a = 904.7, b = 993.8, c = 2017.4 pm; α = 101.55°, β = 96.39°, γ = 105.81°. The compound forms monomeric molecules with syn-conformation of the two NPPh3 groups. Bond lengths: P=N = 157.1; 155.3 pm, bond angles: PNC = 133°; 136°.
The title compounds Ph3PNPh · CuCl (1) and (Ph3P)2 N2 C4O2 (NMe) CuCl (2) have been prepared by the reactions of CuCl with the corresponding phosphoranimines Ph3PNPh and 2.3-bis(triphenylphosphoranylideneamino)maleic acid N-methylimide, respectively. Both com-plexes were characterized by their IR spectra as well as by crystal structure determinations.
Ph3PNPh · CuCl (1): space group P1, Z = 4, 3639 independent observed reflexions, R = 0.038. Lattice dimensions (18 °C): a = 1047.6; b = 1251.5; c = 1755 pm; α = 103.43°; β = 97.24°; γ = 101.30°. The compound forms monomeric molecules; the asymmetric unit contains two crystallo-graphically independent molecules. The CuCl molecule is bonded via the N atom of the phos-phoranimine. Bond lengths: Cu-N = 189 pm; Cu-CI = 209 pm; bond angle N - Cu - CI = 177°.
(Ph3P)2N2C4O2(NMe) · CuCl (2): space group Pbca, Z = 8, 5611 independent, observed reflexions, R = 0.069. Lattice dimensions (25 °C): a = 1224.3; b = 1962.5: c = 2994.0 pm. The compound forms monomeric molecules with the CuCl molecule bonded via one of the N atoms of the phosphoranimine groups. Bond lengths: Cu - N = 194 pm; Cu-CI = 212 pm; bond angle N-Cu -CI -175°.