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- English (2)
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• We show the first observations of seismo-acoustic tremor at Oldoinyo Lengai, the world's only active carbonatite volcano.
• We observe significant changes in seismic and acoustic tremor properties and their correlation in one year of data collection.
• Using satellite-based thermal data, we identify different volcanic processes (degassing, lava pond dynamics and spattering).
We analyze volcanic tremor from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania, which is currently the only active volcano on Earth producing carbonatitic lavas. Here, we use data from the recent SEISVOL deployment and focus on a co-located seismic and infrasound station about 200 m below the summit. We show the very first observations of seismo-acoustic tremor caused by carbonatitic eruptions. This seismo-acoustic tremor is highly variable throughout the ∼one year of data which we characterize by analyzing its seismic amplitude, duration, recurrence, dominant seismic frequency and harmonics. Frequency gliding occurs frequently and over short (minutes to hours) to long time scales (hours to days) and likely reflects different time-dependent mechanisms, such as evenly-spaced repeating events with a change in inter-event times, crater dynamics that alter resonators, and dike intrusions. Seismic and acoustic wavefields correlate well for stronger eruptive sequences but are only partially coherent which suggests that high-frequency seismic tremor (up to 25 Hz) may be caused by the low viscosity of the carbonatitic melt and not by ground-coupled airwaves. In addition, the comparison between seismic-acoustic and satellite InfraRed thermal data allows us to infer different volcanic activity styles which partially alternate throughout the year: intrusive activity and the construction of hornitos, degassing, activity from a lava pond, and varying styles of extrusive activity, in particular spattering. Our study provides important insights into the eruption dynamics of this peculiar volcano which suggests shallow melt storage within the crater floor.
Constraining the architecture of complex 3D volcanic plumbing systems within active rifts, and their impact on rift processes, is critical for examining the interplay between faulting, magmatism and magmatic fluids in developing rift segments. The Natron basin of the East African Rift System provides an ideal location to study these processes, owing to its recent magmatic-tectonic activity and ongoing active carbonatite volcanism at Oldoinyo Lengai. Here, we report seismicity and fault plane solutions from a 10-month temporary seismic network spanning Oldoinyo Lengai, Naibor Soito volcanic field and Gelai volcano. We locate 6827 earthquakes with ML -0.85 to 3.6, which are related to previous and ongoing magmatic and volcanic activity in the region, as well as regional tectonic extension. We observe seismicity down to ~17 km depth north and south of Oldoinyo Lengai and shallow seismicity (3 - 10 km) beneath Gelai, including two swarms. The deepest seismicity (~down to 20 km) occurs above a previously imaged magma body below Naibor Soito. These seismicity patterns reveal a detailed image of a complex volcanic plumbing system, supporting potential lateral and vertical connections between shallow- and deep-seated magmas, where fluid and melt transport to the surface is facilitated by intrusion of dikes and sills. Focal mechanisms vary spatially. T-axis trends reveal dominantly WNW-ESE extension near Gelai, while strike-slip mechanisms and a radial trend in P-axes are observed in the vicinity of Oldoinyo Lengai. These data support local variations in the state of stress, resulting from a combination of volcanic edifice loading and magma-driven stress changes imposed on a regional extensional stress field. Our results indicate that the southern Natron basin is a segmented rift system, in which fluids preferentially percolate vertically and laterally in a region where strain transfers from a border fault to a developing magmatic rift segment.