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- SARS-CoV-2 (2)
- Stem cell (2)
- cell therapy (2)
- mesenchymal stromal cell (2)
- patient blood management (2)
- stem cell transplantation (2)
- ARDS (1)
- Allogeneic (1)
- Anemia management (1)
- Apheresis (1)
- Medizin (29)
- Georg-Speyer-Haus (4)
- Biowissenschaften (3)
- Informatik und Mathematik (1)
- Pharmazie (1)
Background: The number of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells (MSCs) in the human bone marrow (BM) is small compared to other cell types. BM aspirate concentration (BMAC) may be used to increase numbers of MSCs, but the composition of MSC subpopulations and growth factors after processing are unknown. The purpose of this study was to assess the enrichment of stem/progenitor cells and growth factors in BM aspirate by two different commercial concentration devices versus standard BM aspiration.
Methods: 120 mL of BM was aspirated from the iliac crest of 10 male donors. Each sample was processed simultaneously by either Emcyte GenesisCS® (Emcyte) or Harvest SmartPReP2 BMAC (Harvest) devices and compared to untreated BM aspirate. Samples were analyzed with multicolor flow cytometry for cellular viability and expression of stem/progenitor cells markers. Stem/progenitor cell content was verified by quantification of colony forming unit-fibroblasts (CFU-F). Platelet, red blood cell and total nucleated cell (TNC) content were determined using an automated hematology analyzer. Growth factors contents were analyzed with protein quantification assays. Statistical analyses were performed by ANOVA analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test or Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test with p < 0.05 for significance.
Results: Cell viability after processing was approximately 90% in all groups. Compared to control, both devices significantly enriched TNCs and platelets, as well as the CD45−CD73+ and CD45−CD73+CD90+ cell populations. Further, Harvest significantly concentrated CD45−CD10+, CD45−CD29+, CD45−CD90+, CD45−CD105+, CD45−CD119+ cells, and CD45dimCD90+CD271+ MSCs, whereas Emcyte significantly enriched CD45dimCD44+CD271+ MSCs. BM concentration also increased the numbers of CFU-F, platelet-derived growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-1b, VCAM-1 and total protein. Neither system concentrated red blood cells, hematopoietic stem cells or bone morphogenetic proteins.
Conclusion: This data could contribute to the development of BMAC quality control assays as both BMAC systems concentrated platelets, growth factors and non-hematopoietic stem cell subpopulations with distinct phenotypes without loss of cell viability when compared to unprocessed BM.
Background In the pandemic, testing for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR in one of the pillars on which countermeasures are based. Factors limiting the output of laboratories interfere with the effectiveness of public health measures. Conserving reagents by pooling samples in low-probability settings is proposed, but may cause dilution and loss of sensitivity.
Methods We tested an alternate approach (FACT) by simultaneously incubating multiple respiratory swabs in a single tube. This protocol was evaluated by serial incubation of a respiratory swab in up to 10 tubes. The analytics validity of this concept was demonstrated in a five-sample mini pool set-up. It was consequently applied in the testing of 50 symptomatic patients (five-sample pools) as well as 100 asymptomatic residents of a nursing home (ten-sample pools).
Results Serial incubation of a respiratory swab in up to 10 tubes did not lead to a significant decline in viral concentration. The novel FACT-protocol did not cause a false negative result in a five-sample mini-pool setup, with non-significantly differing Ct values between single sample and mini-pool NAT. In two routine applications, all mini pools containing positive patient samples were correctly identified.
Conclusions Our proposed FACT-protocol did not cause a significant loss in analytic or diagnostic sensitivity compared to single sample testing in multiple setups. It reduced the amount of reagents needed by up to 40%, and also reduced hands-on time. This method could enhance testing efficiency, especially in groups with a low pretest-probability, such as systemically relevant professional groups.
Background: In the pandemic, testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by real-time polymerase chain reaction is one of the pillars on which countermeasures are based. Factors limiting the output of laboratories interfere with the effectiveness of public health measures. Conserving reagents by pooling samples in low-probability settings is proposed but may cause dilution and loss of sensitivity. Blood transfusion services had experience in performance of high throughput nucleic acid testing (NAT) analysis and can support the national health system by screening of the inhabitants for SARS-COV-2.
Methods: We evaluated a new approach of a multiple-swab method by simultaneously incubating multiple respiratory swabs in a single tube. Analytical sensitivity was constant up to a total number of 50 swabs. It was consequently applied in the testing of 50 symptomatic patients (5-sample pools) as well as 100 asymptomatic residents of a nursing home (10-sample pools).
Results: The novel method did not cause false-negative results with nonsignificantly differing cycle threshold values between single-swab and multiple-swab NAT. In two routine applications, all minipools containing positive patient samples were correctly identified.
Conclusions: The new method enables countries to increase the total number of testing significantly. The multiple-swab method is able to screen system relevant groups of employees frequently. The example in Germany shows that blood transfusion services can support general health systems with their experience in NAT and their high-throughput instruments. Screening of a huge number of inhabitants is currently the only option to prevent a second infection wave and enable exit strategies in many countries.
Background: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), multipotent progenitors that can be isolated from a variety of different tissues, are becoming increasingly important as cell therapeutics targeting immunopathologies and tissue regeneration. Current protocols for MSC isolation from bone marrow (BM) rely on density gradient centrifugation (DGC), and the production of sufficient MSC doses is a critical factor for conducting clinical MSC trials. Previously, a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)–compatible non-woven fabric filter device system to isolate MSCs was developed to increase the MSC yield from the BM. The aim of our study was to compare high-resolution phenotypic and functional characteristics of BM-MSCs isolated with this device and with standard DGC technology.
Methods: Human BM samples from 5 donors were analyzed. Each sample was divided equally, processing by DGC, and with the filter device. Stem cell content was assessed by quantification of colony-forming units fibroblasts (CFU-F). Immunophenotype was analyzed by multicolor flow cytometry. In vitro trilineage differentiation potential, trophic factors, and IDO-1 production were assessed. Functionally, immunomodulatory potential, wound healing, and angiogenesis were assayed in vitro.
Results: The CFU-F yield was 15-fold higher in the MSC preparations isolated with the device compared to those isolated by DGC. Consequently, the MSC yield that could be manufactured at passage 3 per mL collected BM was more than 10 times higher in the device group compared to DGC (1.65 × 109 vs. 1.45 × 108). The immunomodulatory potential and IDO-1 production showed donor-to-donor variabilities without differences between fabric filter-isolated and DGC-isolated MSCs. The results from the wound closure assays, the tube formation assays, and the trilineage differentiation assays were similar between the groups with respect to the isolation method. Sixty-four MSC subpopulations could be quantified with CD140a+CD119+CD146+ as most common phenotype group, and CD140a+CD119+CD146+MSCA-1–CD106–CD271– and CD140a+CD119+CD146–MSCA-1–CD106–CD271– as most frequent MSC subpopulations. As trophic factors hepatocyte growth factor, epidermal growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, angiopoietin-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor A could be detected in both groups with considerable variability between donors, but independent of the respective MSC isolation technique.
Conclusion: The isolation of MSCs using a GMP-compatible fabric filter system device resulted in higher yield of CFU-F, producing substantially more MSCs with similar subpopulation composition and functional characteristics as MSCs isolated by DGC.
Background and objectives: Preoperative anaemia is an independent risk factor for a higher morbidity and mortality, a longer hospitalization and increased perioperative transfusion rates. Managing preoperative anaemia is the first of three pillars of Patient Blood Management (PBM), a multidisciplinary concept to improve patient safety. While various studies provide medical information on (successful) anaemia treatment pathways, knowledge of organizational details of diagnosis and management of preoperative anaemia across Europe is scarce.
Materials and methods: To gain information on various aspects of preoperative anaemia management including organization, financing, diagnostics and treatment, we conducted a survey (74 questions) in ten hospitals from seven European nations within the PaBloE (Patient Blood Management in Europe) working group covering the year 2016.
Results: Organization and activity in the field of preoperative anaemia management were heterogeneous in the participating hospitals. Almost all hospitals had pathways for managing preoperative anaemia in place, however, only two nations had national guidelines. In six of the ten participating hospitals, preoperative anaemia management was organized by anaesthetists. Diagnostics and treatment focused on iron deficiency anaemia which, in most hospitals, was corrected with intravenous iron.
Conclusion: Implementation and approaches of preoperative anaemia management vary across Europe with a primary focus on treating iron deficiency anaemia. Findings of this survey motivated the hospitals involved to critically evaluate their practice and may also help other hospitals interested in PBM to develop action plans for diagnosis and management of preoperative anaemia.
Background: The INTERCEPT™ Blood System for Red Blood Cells (RBCs) utilizes amustaline (S‐303) and glutathione (GSH) to inactivate pathogens and leukocytes in transfused RBCs. Treatment‐emergent low titer non‐hemolytic antibodies to amustaline/GSH RBC were detected in clinical trials using a prior version of the process. The amustaline/GSH process was re‐formulated to decrease S‐303 RBC adduct formation.
Study Design and Methods: A standard three‐cell antibody screening panel was modified to include reagent red cells (RRC) with high (S‐303H) or low (S‐303L) S‐303 adduct density as assessed by flow cytometry, representative of the original and current amustaline/GSH treatment processes, respectively. General hospital and RBC transfusion‐dependent patients never exposed, and clinical trial subjects exposed to amustaline/GSH RBC were screened for antibodies to amustaline/GSH RBC using a standardized agglutination assay.
Results: Twelve (0.1%) of 10,721 general hospital and 5 (0.5%) of 998 repeatedly‐transfused patients not previously exposed to amustaline/GSH RBCs expressed natural, low titer (2‐32) IgM and/or IgG (non‐IgG1 or IgG3 isotype) antibodies with acridine (a structural element of amustaline) (n = 14) or non‐acridine (n = 3) specificity. 11 of 17 sera reacted with S‐303L panel RRCs. In clinical studies 81 thalassemia and 25 cardiac surgery patients were transfused with a total of 1085 amustaline/GSH RBCs and no natural or treatment‐emergent S‐303 antibodies were detected.
Conclusion: Standardized RRC screening panels are sensitive for the detection of natural and acquired S‐303‐specific antibodies. Natural low titer antibodies to amustaline/GSH RBC are present in 0.15% of naïve patients. The clinical relevance of these antibodies appears minimal but is under further investigation.
nefficient intracellular protein trafficking is a critical issue in the pathogenesis of a variety of diseases and in recombinant protein production. Here we investigated the trafficking of factor VIII (FVIII), which is affected in the coagulation disorder hemophilia A. We hypothesized that chemical chaperones may be useful to enhance folding and processing of FVIII in recombinant protein production, and as a therapeutic approach in patients with impaired FVIII secretion. A tagged B-domain-deleted version of human FVIII was expressed in cultured Chinese Hamster Ovary cells to mimic the industrial production of this important protein. Of several chemical chaperones tested, the addition of betaine resulted in increased secretion of FVIII, by increasing solubility of intracellular FVIII aggregates and improving transport from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi. Similar results were obtained in experiments monitoring recombinant full-length FVIII. Oral betaine administration also increased FVIII and factor IX (FIX) plasma levels in FVIII or FIX knockout mice following gene transfer. Moreover, in vitro and in vivo applications of betaine were also able to rescue a trafficking-defective FVIII mutant (FVIIIQ305P). We conclude that chemical chaperones such as betaine might represent a useful treatment concept for hemophilia and other diseases caused by deficient intracellular protein trafficking.
Background and Objectives: Patient blood (more accurately: haemoglobin, Hb) management (PBM) aims to optimize endogenous Hb production and to minimize iatrogenic Hb loss while maintaining patient safety and optimal effectiveness of medical interventions. PBM was adopted as policy for patients by the World Health Organization (WHO), and, all the more, should be applied to healthy donors. Materials and Methods: Observational data from 489 bone marrow (BM) donors were retrospectively analysed, and principles of patient blood management were applied to healthy volunteer BM donations. Results and Conclusion: We managed to render BM aspiration safe for donors, notably completely avoiding the collection of autologous blood units and blood transfusions through iron management, establishment and curation of high-yield aspiration technique, limitation of collection volume to 1·5% of donor body weight and development of volume prediction algorithms for the requested cell dose.
During erythropoiesis, haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) differentiate in successive steps of commitment and specification to mature erythrocytes. This differentiation process is controlled by transcription factors that establish stage- and cell type-specific gene expression. In this study, we demonstrate that FUSE binding protein 1 (FUBP1), a transcriptional regulator important for HSC self-renewal and survival, is regulated by T-cell acute lymphocytic leukaemia 1 (TAL1) in erythroid progenitor cells. TAL1 directly activates the FUBP1 promoter, leading to increased FUBP1 expression during erythroid differentiation. The binding of TAL1 to the FUBP1 promoter is highly dependent on an intact GATA sequence in a combined E-box/GATA motif. We found that FUBP1 expression is required for efficient erythropoiesis, as FUBP1-deficient progenitor cells were limited in their potential of erythroid differentiation. Thus, the finding of an interconnection between GATA1/TAL1 and FUBP1 reveals a molecular mechanism that is part of the switch from progenitor- to erythrocyte-specific gene expression. In summary, we identified a TAL1/FUBP1 transcriptional relationship, whose physiological function in haematopoiesis is connected to proper erythropoiesis.