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- Article (4)
- English (4)
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In this letter we present some stringy corrections to black hole spacetimes emerging from string T-duality. As a first step, we derive the static Newtonian potential by exploiting the relation between the T-duality and the path integral duality. We show that the intrinsic non-perturbative nature of stringy corrections introduces an ultraviolet cutoff known as zero-point length in the path integral duality literature. As a result, the static potential is found to be regular. We use this result to derive a consistent black hole metric for the spherically symmetric, electrically neutral case. It turns out that the new spacetime is regular and is formally equivalent to the Bardeen metric, apart from a different ultraviolet regulator. On the thermodynamics side, the Hawking temperature admits a maximum before a cooling down phase towards a thermodynamically stable end of the black hole evaporation process. The findings support the idea of universality of quantum black holes.
In the presence of a minimal length, physical objects cannot collapse to an infinite density, singular, matter point. In this paper, we consider the possible final stage of the gravitational collapse of "thick" matter layers. The energy momentum tensor we choose to model these shell-like objects is a proper modification of the source for "noncommutative geometry inspired," regular black holes. By using higher momenta of Gaussian distribution to localize matter at finite distance from the origin, we obtain new solutions of the Einstein equation which smoothly interpolates between Minkowski's geometry near the center of the shell and Schwarzschild’s spacetime far away from the matter layer. The metric is curvature singularity free. Black hole type solutions exist only for "heavy" shells; that is, M >= Me, where Me is the mass of the extremal configuration. We determine the Hawking temperature and a modified area law taking into account the extended nature of the source.
This paper studies the geometry and the thermodynamics of a holographic screen in the framework of the ultraviolet self-complete quantum gravity. To achieve this goal we construct a new static, neutral, nonrotating black hole metric, whose outer (event) horizon coincides with the surface of the screen. The spacetime admits an extremal configuration corresponding to the minimal holographic screen and having both mass and radius equalling the Planck units. We identify this object as the spacetime fundamental building block, whose interior is physically unaccessible and cannot be probed even during the Hawking evaporation terminal phase. In agreement with the holographic principle, relevant processes take place on the screen surface. The area quantization leads to a discrete mass spectrum. An analysis of the entropy shows that the minimal holographic screen can store only one byte of information, while in the thermodynamic limit the area law is corrected by a logarithmic term.
In this Letter, we propose a new scenario emerging from the conjectured presence of a minimal length ℓ in the spacetime fabric, on the one side, and the existence of a new scale invariant, continuous mass spectrum, of un-particles on the other side. We introduce the concept of un-spectral dimension DU of a d-dimensional, euclidean (quantum) spacetime, as the spectral dimension measured by an “un-particle” probe. We find a general expression for the un-spectral dimension DU labelling different spacetime phases: a semi-classical phase, where ordinary spectral dimension gets contribution from the scaling dimension dU of the un-particle probe; a critical “Planckian phase”, where four-dimensional spacetime can be effectively considered two-dimensional when dU=1; a “Trans-Planckian phase”, which is accessible to un-particle probes only, where spacetime as we currently understand it looses its physical meaning.