Document Type
- Article (3)
- English (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- CCA (1)
- DCA (1)
- Festuco-Brometea (1)
- Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (1)
- Nardetea strictae (1)
- Slovakia (1)
- clonal morphology (1)
- derived climatic variable (1)
- diagnostic species (1)
- dry grassland (1)
A systematic survey of grassland communities in central Slovakian sub-montane and montane regions (including the Kremnické vrchy Mts., Starohorské vrchy Mts., Veľká Fatra Mts., and Zvolenská kotlina Basin) was performed between 1996 and 2007. The main aim was to identify main environmental gradients in the studied vegetation and to estimate the most important individual variables responsible for the variation of their species composition. Along with the floristic composition, the environmental variables were either recorded in the field (altitude, slope, aspect), calculated (solar radiation, climatic data, and phytochorological affinity), or derived from available maps or GIS digital data layers (type of bedrock, soil parameters). These environmental variables were used as supplementary in the detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) or explanatory in the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The affiliation of individual phytosociological relevés to associations was estimated by an electronic expert system for Slovak grassland communities. Altogether, 15 xero-, sub-xero- and mesophilous grassland associations were distinguished. Wet and fen meadows were analysed at the level of alliances. Unconstrained ordination revealed moisture and nutrient gradients as most important for the data set. By means of constrained ordination, the variability of the studied vegetation could be explained by a set of geological, topographic, phytochorological and derived climatic variables, although the percentage of explained variance was rather low and did not exceed 12% for all significant factors combined. Among individual variables, the geological bedrock type, climatic water balance, solar radiation, and slope played the most important role in determining the distribution and variability of individual grassland communities. Affinity to phytochorions determined according to local air temperature gradients was also significant. Soil properties played only a subordinate role in our analyses. The analysis of a more homogeneous subset of the data without wetland relevés gave similar results as the analysis of the complete data set. The differences in results of constrained and unconstrained ordinations are discussed together with the potential reasons for extremely high proportion of unexplained variance revealed by the variation partitioning methods.
This paper focuses on ecological requirements and phytosociological affinity of Avenula adsurgens subsp. adsurgens. Although this grass is widely distributed in central and south-eastern Europe reaching dominance in certain grassland types, the knowledge on its ecology and coenology is very poor. Moreover, some of the published data on its distribution are wrongly related to Avenula praeusta. We studied the taxon within an area of about 300 km2 (Central Slovakia) where it occurs in diverse habitats. Data from a systematic phytosociological survey were used to assess interspecific associations and ecological indicator values of the taxon. Detailed measurements from a transect along a spruce colonisation gradient were used to evaluate its relationship to a set of topographical, microclimatical, pedological and soil-microbiological characteristics. Tillers of A. adsurgens subsp. adsurgens were cultivated for two growing seasons to estimate characteristics of its clonal morphology and growth and its ability of spatial spreading. In the studied area, the taxon occurred mainly over the volcanic bedrock along a wide range of altitudes. It was concentrated in slightly managed or abandoned montane grasslands (800–1100 m) of the Violion caninae and Nardo strictae-Agrostion tenuis alliances. Phytosociologically the taxon seems not to be an important diagnostic species of these communities, rather an indicator of their successional development. Its highest cover was recorded in early to mid-successional stages without significant proportions of woody species. In stands with traditional management by mowing, grazing or their combination, the taxon was common (albeit with lower percentage cover), but more intensive ma-nagement including amelioration or fencing led to its retreat. Ellenberg ecological indicator values of A. adsurgens subsp. adsurgens were set as follows: light 7, temperature 5, continentality 4, moisture 4, soil reaction 5 and nutrients 3. Along a successional gradient, the taxon cover was positively correlated with percentage cover of herb litter, catalase activity, canopy openness and potassium content and negatively correlated with percentage cover of needles and canopy index reflecting the cumulative effects of spruce colonisation. The horizontal spreading of the taxon was enabled by the formation of spacers with a maximum length of 25.5 cm. We suppose that the ability to spread horizontally by spacers, together with the observed clonal plasticity, tall stature and fast growth by intensive tillering, belong to important attributes of A. adsurgens subsp. adsurgens promoting its success and dominant role in the abandoned grasslands.
The main aim of this paper was to test the national electronic expert system for grassland classification in Slovakia as a tool for grassland classification on a regional data set from an area with high vegetation diversity. The study region comprised five orographic units located in central Slovakia (Starohorské vrchy Mts., Kremnické vrchy Mts., Veľká Fatra Mts., Nízke Tatry Mts. and Zvolenská kotlina Basin). The data set included 411 phytosociological relevés of all grassland types (xero-, subxero- and mesophilous grasslands as well as wet and fen meadows), recorded by the authors between 1980 and 2007. The relevés were classified to associations by the expert system formulated for the Slovak grassland vegetation either according to association definitions or (in case of relevés not matching any association definition) according to the Frequency-Positive Fidelity Index (FPFI). Wetland relevés were classified according to results of a cluster analysis. Diagnostic species from the regional data were compared to diagnostic species derived at the national level from the data including all vegetation units in Slovakia. According to the results, 49% of the relevés classified by the expert system were matched by the association definitions. Xerophilous grasslands were classified within three alliances of the class Festuco- Brometea: Festucion valesiacae, Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis and Diantho lumnitzeri-Seslerion. The occurrence of these communities in the region is rare, restricted to rocky habitats and steep slopes with shallow soil over calcareous bedrock. Sub-xerophilous grasslands were classified within four associations belonging to the two alliances Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati and Bromion erecti. In the study region, these communities are widely distributed mainly in areas built by calcareous bedrock. Mesophilous grasslands are the most common communities in the study region. They were classified within eight associations belonging to four alliances: Cynosurion cristati, Arrhenatherion elatioris and Polygono bistortae-Trisetion flavescentis (all of them belonging to the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea) and Nardo strictae-Agrostion tenuis (belonging to the class Nardetea strictae). Wetland communities belonged to the classes Phragmito-Magnocaricetea (alliances Phragmition communis and Glycerio-Sparganion), Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (alliance Deschampsion cespitosae) and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae (alliance Caricion davallianae). The results demonstrate that the national expert system used can be successfully applied to a heterogeneous regional data set without discarding the particularities of the regional vegetation. The uniqueness of the regional vegetation is reflected in the set of diagnostic species determined at the regional level, which can differ strongly from those estimated at the national level.