Proton-powered c-ring rotation in mitochondrial ATP synthase is crucial to convert the transmembrane protonmotive force into torque to drive the synthesis of ATP. Capitalizing on recent cryo-EM structures, we aim at a structural and energetic understanding of how functional directional rotation is achieved. We performed multi-microsecond atomistic simulations to determine the free energy profiles along the c-ring rotation angle before and after the arrival of a new proton. Our results reveal that rotation proceeds by dynamic sliding of the ring over the a-subunit surface, during which interactions with conserved polar residues stabilize distinct intermediates. Ordered water chains line up for a Grotthuss-type proton transfer in one of these intermediates. After proton transfer, a high barrier prevents backward rotation and an overall drop in free energy favors forward rotation, ensuring the directionality of c-ring rotation required for the thermodynamically disfavored ATP synthesis. The essential arginine of the a-subunit stabilizes the rotated configuration through a salt-bridge with the c-ring. Overall, we describe a complete mechanism for the rotation step of the ATP synthase rotor, thereby illuminating a process critical to all life at atomic resolution.
Proton-powered c-ring rotation in mitochondrial ATP synthase is crucial to convert the transmembrane protonmotive force into torque to drive the synthesis of ATP. Capitalizing on recent cryo-EM structures, we aim at a structural and energetic understanding of how functional directional rotation is achieved. We performed multi-microsecond atomistic simulations to determine the free energy profiles along the c-ring rotation angle before and after the arrival of a new proton. Our results reveal that rotation proceeds by dynamic sliding of the ring over the a-subunit surface, during which interactions with conserved polar residues stabilize distinct intermediates. Ordered water chains line up for a Grotthuss-type proton transfer in one of these intermediates. After proton transfer, a high barrier prevents backward rotation and an overall drop in free energy favors forward rotation, ensuring the directionality of c-ring rotation required for the thermodynamically disfavored ATP synthesis. The essential arginine of the a-subunit stabilizes the rotated configuration through a salt-bridge with the c-ring. Overall, we describe a complete mechanism for the rotation step of the ATP synthase rotor, thereby illuminating a process critical to all life at atomic resolution.
Molecular mechanisms of inorganic-phosphate release from the core and barbed end of actin filaments
The release of inorganic phosphate (Pi) from actin filaments constitutes a key step in their regulated turnover, which is fundamental to many cellular functions. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying Pi release from both the core and barbed end of actin filaments remain unclear. Here, we combine cryo-EM with molecular dynamics simulations and in vitro reconstitution to demonstrate how actin releases Pi through a ‘molecular backdoor’. While constantly open at the barbed end, the backdoor is predominantly closed in filament-core subunits and only opens transiently through concerted backbone movements and rotameric rearrangements of residues close to the nucleotide binding pocket. This mechanism explains why Pi escapes rapidly from the filament end and yet slowly from internal actin subunits. In an actin variant associated with nemaline myopathy, the backdoor is predominantly open in filament-core subunits, resulting in greatly accelerated Pi release after polymerization and filaments with drastically shortened ADP-Pi caps. This demonstrates that the Pi release rate from F-actin is controlled by steric hindrance through the backdoor rather than by the disruption of the ionic bond between Pi and Mg2+ at the nucleotide-binding site. Our results provide the molecular basis for Pi release from actin and exemplify how a single, disease-linked point mutation distorts the nucleotide state distribution and atomic structure of the actin filament.
The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, calls for the urgent development of a vaccine. The primary immunological target is the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. S is exposed on the viral surface to mediate viral entry into the host cell. To identify possible antibody binding sites not shielded by glycans, we performed multi-microsecond molecular dynamics simulations of a 4.1 million atom system containing a patch of viral membrane with four full-length, fully glycosylated and palmitoylated S proteins. By mapping steric accessibility, structural rigidity, sequence conservation and generic antibody binding signatures, we recover known epitopes on S and reveal promising epitope candidates for vaccine development. We find that the extensive and inherently flexible glycan coat shields a surface area larger than expected from static structures, highlighting the importance of structural dynamics in epitope mapping.
The spike protein (S) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is required for cell entry and is the primary focus for vaccine development. In this study, we combined cryo–electron tomography, subtomogram averaging, and molecular dynamics simulations to structurally analyze S in situ. Compared with the recombinant S, the viral S was more heavily glycosylated and occurred mostly in the closed prefusion conformation. We show that the stalk domain of S contains three hinges, giving the head unexpected orientational freedom. We propose that the hinges allow S to scan the host cell surface, shielded from antibodies by an extensive glycan coat. The structure of native S contributes to our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 infection and potentially to the development of safe vaccines.
The spike (S) protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is required for cell entry and is the major focus for vaccine development. We combine cryo electron tomography, subtomogram averaging and molecular dynamics simulations to structurally analyze S in situ. Compared to recombinant S, the viral S is more heavily glycosylated and occurs predominantly in a closed pre-fusion conformation. We show that the stalk domain of S contains three hinges that give the globular domain unexpected orientational freedom. We propose that the hinges allow S to scan the host cell surface, shielded from antibodies by an extensive glycan coat. The structure of native S contributes to our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the development of safe vaccines. The large scale tomography data set of SARS-CoV-2 used for this study is therefore sufficient to resolve structural features to below 5 Ångstrom, and is publicly available at EMPIAR-10453.
The primary immunological target of COVID-19 vaccines is the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. S is exposed on the viral surface and mediates viral entry into the host cell. To identify possible antibody binding sites, we performed multi-microsecond molecular dynamics simulations of a 4.1 million atom system containing a patch of viral membrane with four full-length, fully glycosylated and palmitoylated S proteins. By mapping steric accessibility, structural rigidity, sequence conservation, and generic antibody binding signatures, we recover known epitopes on S and reveal promising epitope candidates for structure-based vaccine design. We find that the extensive and inherently flexible glycan coat shields a surface area larger than expected from static structures, highlighting the importance of structural dynamics. The protective glycan shield and the high flexibility of its hinges give the stalk overall low epitope scores. Our computational epitope-mapping procedure is general and should thus prove useful for other viral envelope proteins whose structures have been characterized.
Author summary
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has caused a global health crisis. The spike protein exposed at its surface is key for infection and the primary antibody target. However, spike is covered by highly mobile glycan molecules that could impair antibody binding. To identify accessible epitopes, we performed molecular dynamics simulations of an atomistic model of glycosylated spike embedded in a membrane. By combining extensive simulations with bioinformatics analyses, we recovered known antibody binding sites and identified several epitope candidates as targets for further vaccine development.