Document Type
- Article (15)
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- Cancer (2)
- reactive oxygen species (2)
- Anakinra (1)
- Cancer detection (1)
- Cancer genetics (1)
- Cancer models (1)
- Cell plasticity (1)
- Chemoradiotherapy (1)
- Cirrhosis (1)
- Etiology (1)
- Medizin (15)
- Georg-Speyer-Haus (12)
- Präsidium (2)
Tumor cell plasticity is an event that has been observed in several malignancies. In fact, most of the solid tumors are characterized by cellular heterogeneity and undergo constant changes as the tumor develops. The increased plasticity displayed by these cells allows them to acquire additional properties, enabling epithelial-mesenchymal transitions, dedifferentiation and the acquisition of stem cell-like properties. Here we discuss the particular importance of an inflammatory microenvironment for the bidirectional control of cellular plasticity and the potential for therapeutic intervention.
We recently described a positive feedback loop connecting c-MYC, NAMPT, DBC1 and SIRT1 that contributes to unrestricted cancer cell proliferation. Here we determine the relevance of the loop for serrated route intestinal tumorigenesis using genetically well-defined BrafV600E and K-rasG12D mouse models. In both models we show that c-MYC and SIRT1 protein expression increased through progression from hyperplasia to invasive carcinomas and metastases. It correlated with high NAMPT expression and was directly associated to activation of the oncogenic drivers. Assessing functional and molecular consequences of pharmacological interference with factors of the loop, we found that inhibition of NAMPT resulted in apoptosis and reduced clonogenic growth in human BRAF-mutant colorectal cancer cell lines and patient-derived tumoroids. Blocking SIRT1 activity was only effective when combined with a PI3K inhibitor, whereas the latter antagonized the effects of NAMPT inhibition. Interfering with the positive feedback loop was associated with down-regulation of c-MYC and temporary de-repression of TP53, explaining the anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects. In conclusion we show that the c-MYC-NAMPT-DBC1-SIRT1 positive feedback loop contributes to murine serrated tumor progression. Targeting the feedback loop exerted a unique, dual therapeutic effect of oncoprotein inhibition and tumor suppressor activation. It may therefore represent a promissing target for serrated colorectal cancer, and presumably for other cancer types with deregulated c-MYC.
IKKβ acts as a tumor suppressor in cancer-associated fibroblasts during intestinal tumorigenesis
Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) comprise one of the most important cell types in the tumor microenvironment. A proinflammatory NF-κB gene signature in CAFs has been suggested to promote tumorigenesis in models of pancreatic and mammary skin cancer. Using an autochthonous model of colitis-associated cancer (CAC) and sporadic cancer, we now provide evidence for a tumor-suppressive function of IKKβ/NF-κB in CAFs. Fibroblast-restricted deletion of Ikkβ stimulates intestinal epithelial cell proliferation, suppresses tumor cell death, enhances accumulation of CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells, and induces angiogenesis, ultimately promoting colonic tumor growth. In Ikkβ-deficient fibroblasts, transcription of negative regulators of TGFβ signaling, including Smad7 and Smurf1, is impaired, causing up-regulation of a TGFβ gene signature and elevated hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) secretion. Overexpression of Smad7 in Ikkβ-deficient fibroblasts prevents HGF secretion, and pharmacological inhibition of Met during the CAC model confirms that enhanced tumor promotion is dependent on HGF–Met signaling in mucosa of Ikkβ-mutant animals. Collectively, these results highlight an unexpected tumor suppressive function of IKKβ/NF-κB in CAFs linked to HGF release and raise potential concerns about the use of IKK inhibitors in colorectal cancer patients.
Recent studies have suggested increased plasticity of differentiated cells within the intestine to act both as intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and tumour-initiating cells. However, little is known of the processes that regulate this plasticity. Our previous work has shown that activating mutations of Kras or the NF-κB pathway can drive dedifferentiation of intestinal cells lacking Apc. To investigate this process further, we profiled both cells undergoing dedifferentiation in vitro and tumours generated from these cells in vivo by gene expression analysis. Remarkably, no clear differences were observed in the tumours; however, during dedifferentiation in vitro we found a marked upregulation of TGFβ signalling, a pathway commonly mutated in colorectal cancer (CRC). Genetic inactivation of TGFβ type 1 receptor (Tgfbr1/Alk5) enhanced the ability of KrasG12D/+ mutation to drive dedifferentiation and markedly accelerated tumourigenesis. Mechanistically this is associated with a marked activation of MAPK signalling. Tumourigenesis from differentiated compartments is potently inhibited by MEK inhibition. Taken together, we show that tumours arising in differentiated compartments will be exposed to different suppressive signals, for example, TGFβ and blockade of these makes tumourigenesis more efficient from this compartment.
Inhibition of the IκB kinase complex (IKK) has been implicated in the therapy of several chronic inflammatory diseases including inflammatory bowel diseases. In this study, using mice with an inactivatable IKKα kinase (IkkαAA/AA), we show that loss of IKKα function markedly impairs epithelial regeneration in a model of acute colitis. Mechanistically, this is caused by compromised secretion of cytoprotective IL-18 from IKKα-mutant intestinal epithelial cells because of elevated caspase 12 activation during an enhanced unfolded protein response (UPR). Induction of the UPR is linked to decreased ATG16L1 stabilization in IkkαAA/AA mice. We demonstrate that both TNF-R and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain stimulation promote ATG16L1 stabilization via IKKα-dependent phosphorylation of ATG16L1 at Ser278. Thus, we propose IKKα as a central mediator sensing both cytokine and microbial stimulation to suppress endoplasmic reticulum stress, thereby assuring antiinflammatory function during acute intestinal inflammation.
Background: Due to the steadily increasing number of cancer patients worldwide the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer is a major field of research. The diagnosis of cancer is mostly performed by an experienced pathologist via the visual inspection of histo-pathological stained tissue sections. To save valuable time, low quality cryosections are frequently analyzed with diagnostic accuracies that are below those of high quality embedded tissue sections. Thus, alternative means have to be found that enable for fast and accurate diagnosis as the basis of following clinical decision making.
Methods: In this contribution we will show that the combination of the three label-free non-linear imaging modalities CARS (coherent anti-Stokes Raman-scattering), TPEF (two-photon excited autofluorescence) and SHG (second harmonic generation) yields information that can be translated into computational hematoxylin and eosin (HE) images by multivariate statistics. Thereby, a computational HE stain is generated resulting in pseudo-HE overview images that allow for identification of suspicious regions. The latter are analyzed further by Raman-spectroscopy retrieving the tissue’s molecular fingerprint.
Results: The results suggest that the combination of non-linear multimodal imaging and Raman-spectroscopy possesses the potential as a precise and fast tool in routine histopathology.
Conclusions: As the key advantage, both optical methods are non-invasive enabling for further pathological investigations of the same tissue section, e.g. a direct comparison with the current pathological gold-standard.
Es war kein Aprilscherz, als das »Time Magazine« am 1. April 2013 auf der Titelseite ankündigte, wie man Krebs heilen kann. Anlass war die Gründung einer Initiative zur besseren Vernetzung von klinischen Forschern und Grundlagenwissenschaftlern, um so neue Therapieansätze wie »Checkpoint-Inhibitoren« bei malignem Melanom (schwarzem Hautkrebs), auch auf andere Krebserkrankungen übertragen zu können. Checkpoint-Inhibitoren sind der erste echte Durchbruch in der Therapie von fortgeschrittenen Krebserkrankungen.
Background and aims: Expression of carbonic anhydrase IX (CA9), an enzyme expressed in response to hypoxia, acidosis and oncogenic alterations, is reported to be a prognostic factor in HCC patients. Here we evaluated serum CA9 levels in HCC and cirrhosis patients.
Methods: HCC and cirrhosis patients were prospectively recruited and CA9 levels were determined. CA9 levels were compared to stages of cirrhosis and HCC stages. The association of the CA9 levels and overall survival (OS) was assessed. Furthermore, immunohistochemical CA9 expression in HCC and cirrhosis was evaluated.
Results: 215 patients with HCC were included. The median serum CA9 concentration in patients with HCC was 370 pg/ml and significantly higher than in a healthy cohort. Patients with advanced cancer stages (BCLC and ALBI score) had hid significant higher levels of CA9 in the serum. HCC patients with high serum CA9 concentrations (>400 pg/ml) had an increased mortality risk (hazard ratio (HR) 1.690, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.017–2.809, P = 0.043). Serum CA9 concentration in cirrhotic patients did not differ significantly from HCC patients. Higher CA9 levels in cirrhotic patients correlated with portal hypertension and esophageal varices. Patients with ethanol induced cirrhosis had the highest CA9 levels in both cohorts. Levels of CA9 did not correlate with immunohistochemical expression.
Conclusions: We conclude that a high CA9 level is a possible prognostic indicator for a poor outcome in HCC patients. The high CA9 levels are probably mainly associated with portal hypertension. Ductular reactions might be a possible source of serum CA9.
Tolerizing CTL by sustained hepatic PD-L1 expression provides a new therapy spproach in mouse sepsis
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activation contributes to liver damage during sepsis, but the mechanisms involved are largely unknown. Understanding the underlying principle will permit interference with CTL activation and thus, provide a new therapeutic option.
Methods: To elucidate the mechanism leading to CTL activation we used the Hepa1-6 cell line in vitro and the mouse model of in vivo polymicrobial sepsis, following cecal-ligation and -puncture (CLP) in wildtype, myeloid specific NOX-2, global NOX2 and NOX4 knockout mice, and their survival as a final readout. In this in vivo setting, we also determined hepatic mRNA and protein expression as well as clinical parameters of liver damage - aspartate- and alanine amino-transaminases. Hepatocyte specific overexpression of PD-L1 was achieved in vivo by adenoviral infection and transposon-based gene transfer using hydrodynamic injection.
Results: We observed downregulation of PD-L1 on hepatocytes in the murine sepsis model. Adenoviral and transposon-based gene transfer to restore PD-L1 expression, significantly improved survival and reduced the release of liver damage, as PD-L1 is a co-receptor that negatively regulates T cell function. Similar protection was observed during pharmacological intervention using recombinant PD-L1-Fc. N-acetylcysteine blocked the downregulation of PD-L1 suggesting the involvement of reactive oxygen species. This was confirmed in vivo, as we observed significant upregulation of PD-L1 expression in NOX4 knockout mice, following sham operation, whereas its expression in global as well as myeloid lineage NOX2 knockout mice was comparable to that in the wild type animals. PD-L1 expression remained high following CLP only in total NOX2 knockouts, resulting in significantly reduced release of liver damage markers.
Conclusion: These results suggest that, contrary to common assumption, maintaining PD-L1 expression on hepatocytes improves liver damage and survival of mice during sepsis. We conclude that administering recombinant PD-L1 or inhibiting NOX2 activity might offer a new therapeutic option in sepsis.