Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (2)
- Article (1)
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (5)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (5)
- Heavy quarks (1)
- Jet quenching (1)
- Jet shapes (1)
- LHC (1)
- Nuclear modification factor (1)
- Reconstructed jets (1)
- Physik (5)
We discuss recent applications of the partonic pQCD based cascade model BAMPS with focus on heavy-ion phenomeneology in hard and soft momentum range. The nuclear modification factor as well as elliptic flow are calculated in BAMPS for RHIC end LHC energies. These observables are also discussed within the same framework for charm and bottom quarks. Contributing to the recent jet-quenching investigations we present first preliminary results on application of jet reconstruction algorithms in BAMPS. Finally, collective effects induced by jets are investigated: we demonstrate the development of Mach cones in ideal matter as well in the highly viscous regime.
Orts- und zeitaufgelöste Elektronendichte eines gepulsten induktiv gekoppelten Entladungsplasmas
In der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit wurde ein Modell für die räumlich und zeitlich aufgelöste Elektronendichteverteilung in einem gepulsten induktiv gekoppelten Plasma erstellt. Experimentell war es, bedingt durch den gepulsten Betrieb und die Wahl der Diagnostikmethode im Experiment „Prometheus“, nur möglich über die Zeit und den Ort gemittelte Elektronendichten zu messen.
Um nun den räumlichen Verlauf der Elektronendichte zu bestimmen, wurde die räumliche Elektronendichteverteilung durch eine ambipolare homogene Diffusion beschrieben. Die daraus resultierende Differentialgleichung wurde mithilfe von sphärischen Koordinaten unter Annahme von Azimutal- und Polarwinkelsymmetrie gelöst.
Der zeitliche Elektronendichteverlauf wurde durch die, für diesen Elektronendichtebereich gültige, Proportionalität zwischen elektrischer Leistung im Plasma und Elektronendichte berechnet. Die elektrische Leistung und deren zeitlicher Verlauf im Plasma ließ sich über ein Photodiodensignal im experimentellen Aufbau ermitteln.
Das so ermittelte Modell wurde auf die gemessenen integrierten Elektronendichten des Experiments „Prometheus“ angewendet. Durch das Modell ließ sich eine Aussage über die tatsächliche maximale Elektronendichte innerhalb des Entladungspulses treffen.
We discuss recent applications of the partonic perturbative QCD based cascade model BAMPS with focus on heavy-ion phenomenology in the hard and soft momentum range. First, the elliptic flow and suppression of charm and bottom quarks are studied at LHC energies. Thereafter, we compare in a detailed study the standard Gunion-Bertsch approximation of the matrix elements for inelastic processes to the exact results in leading order perturbative QCD. Since a disagreement is found, we propose an improved Gunion-Bertsch matrix element, which agrees with the exact result in all phase space regions.
The phenomenon of jet quenching provides essential information about the properties of hot and dense matter created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Recent results from experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) show evidence for an unexpectedly similar suppression of both light and heavy flavor jets. Furthermore, the role of radiative energy loss of heavy quarks is still under active discussion within the theoretical community. By employing the parton cascade Boltzmann Approach to Multi-Parton Scatterings (BAMPS), which numerically solves the 3+1 D Boltzmann equation both for light and heavy flavor partons, we calculate the nuclear modification factor of inclusive and b-tagged reconstructed jets in 0–10% central sLHC=2.76ATeV Pb + Pb collisions. Based on perturbative QCD cross sections we find a suppression of both light and heavy flavor jets. While the inclusive jets are slightly too strong suppressed within Bamps in comparison with data, both elastic + radiative and only elastic interactions lead to a realistic b-tagged jet suppression. To further investigate light and heavy flavor energy loss we predict the R dependence of inclusive and b-tagged jet suppression. Furthermore, we propose the medium modification of b-tagged jet shapes as an observable for discriminating between different heavy quark energy loss scenarios.
In this thesis different descriptions for the non-Abelian Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect are studied within the partonic transport approach BAMPS (Boltzmann Approach to Multi-Parton Scatterings), which numerically solves the 3+1-dimensional Boltzmann equation for massless partons based on elastic and radiative interactions calculated in perturbative quantum chromodynamics.
The LPM effect is a coherence effect originating from the finite formation time of gluon emissions leading to characteristic dependencies of the radiative energy loss of energetic partonic projectiles, as e.g. jets in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
Due to this non-locality of interactions, such coherence effects are difficult to describe rigorously in transport theory.
Therefore we compare in this work three different implementations for the LPM effect: i) a parametric LPM suppression based on a theta function in the radiative matrix elements, ii) a stochastic LPM approach, which explicitly simulates the elastic interactions of gluons during their formation time, and iii) the thermal gluon emission rate from the AMY formalism, which is a hard-thermal-loop calculation exactly considering the non-Abelian LPM effect by resumming ladder diagrams in the large medium limit.
After discussing the numerical implementation of the three approaches, we investigate their consequences in different jet-energy loss scenarios: first the academic scenarios of eikonal and non-eikonal jets flying through a static brick of thermal quark-gluon plasma and then jets traversing the expanding medium of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at LHC energies.
We can demonstrate that although the different LPM approaches show similarities in the radiative energy loss there are differences in the underlying gluon emission spectra, which originate from the specific treatment of divergences in the matrix elements within BAMPS.
Furthermore, based on the different LPM approaches we present simulation results for recent jet quenching observables from the LHC experiments and discuss properties of the underlying heavy-ion medium.