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- psoriatic arthritis (4)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (3)
- Lipidomics (2)
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- adalimumab (2)
- Ankylosierende Spondylitis (1)
- Ankylosing spondylitis (1)
- Anti-rheumatic agents (1)
- Axial spondyloarthritis (1)
- Axiale Spondyloarthritis (1)
Im Rahmen einer prospektiven Studie wurde untersucht, ob ein Zusammenhang besteht zwischen der Körperzellmasse als wesentliches Kompartiment des Körpergewichtes und dem Auftreten von unerwünschten Ereignissen (UAW) unter einer Chemotherapie. Zunächst wurden Patienten (n=23) mit verschiedenen malignen Erkrankungen (M. Hodgkin, Bronchialkarzinom, malignes Melanom, NHL) bezüglich ihrer Körperzusammensetzung untersucht mit der Frage ob überhaupt relevante Unterschiede zu verzeichnen sind. Im Verlauf wurden dann aus diesem Kollektiv die Patienten mit M.Hodgkin (n=11) über den gesamten Therapieverlauf untersucht, um einen Zusammenhang zwischen Zellmasse und Nebenwirkungen einer Chemotherapie zeigen zu können. Zur Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit der Therapie erfolgte eine Nachbeobachtung über 60 Monate. Die Bestimmung der Körperzusammensetzung bzw. der Körperzellmasse erfolgte mittels der bioelektrischen Impedanzanalyse, die während der Therapie aufgetretenen UAW wurden durch einen modifizierten WHO-Nebenwirkungsscore erfaßt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß im Gesamtkollektiv der Patienten mit malignen Erkrankungen deutliche Unterschiede in der Körperzusammensetzung bestehen. So reicht die ermittelte Körperzellmasse (BCM) der Patienten von 17,65 bis zu 38,95 kg. Im Hodgkin-Kollektiv war die Bestimmung der Körperoberfläche nicht in der Lage, die Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung abzubilden. Errechnet man die Dosis der Chemotherapeutika bezogen auf die unterschiedlich großen Zellmassen so zeigen sich deutliche Unterschiede (rel. Dosis in % des Mittelwertes bezogen auf BCM: 78,3-129,8%). Die klinische Relevanz der ermittelten Dosisunterschiede bezogen auf die BCM zeigt sich in der strengen Korrelation von rel. Dosis/BCM und dem Auftreten von UAW verschiedener Schweregrade (UAW-Score) mit r = 0,83 (p = 0,002). In der Nachbeobachtungszeit traten 2 Rezidive auf (nach 10 bzw. 19 Monaten), beide Patienten erhielten eine bezogen auf die BCM relativ niedrige Dosis (78,3 bzw.83,7 % vom MW). In Folge dieser Ergebnisse stellt sich die Körperzusammensetzung als eine wesentliche Variable zur prädiktiven Bestimmung des Nebenwirkungsprofils von Patienten unter Chemotherapie dar, auch die Suffizienz hing in diesem Kollektiv von der Dosis pro Zellmasse ab. Die Berücksichtigung von Ergebnissen aus der Bestimmung der Körperzusammensetzung bei der Ermittlung einer Chemotherapie-Dosis könnte in Zukunft eine Verbesserung in der individuellen Therapie von Patienten mit malignen Erkrankungen darstellen.
Objectives: To compare efficacy and safety of ixekizumab (IXE) to adalimumab (ADA) in biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug-naïve patients with both active psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and skin disease and inadequate response to conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (csDMARDs).
Methods: Patients with active PsA were randomised (1:1) to approved dosing of IXE or ADA in an open-label, head-to-head, blinded assessor clinical trial. The primary objective was to evaluate whether IXE was superior to ADA at week 24 for simultaneous achievement of a ≥50% improvement from baseline in the American College of Rheumatology criteria (ACR50) and a 100% improvement from baseline in the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI100). Major secondary objectives, also at week 24, were to evaluate whether IXE was: (1) non-inferior to ADA for achievement of ACR50 and (2) superior to ADA for PASI100 response. Additional PsA, skin, treat-to-target and quality-of-life outcome measures were assessed at week 24.
Results: The primary efficacy endpoint was met (IXE: 36%, ADA: 28%; p=0.036). IXE was non-inferior for ACR50 response (IXE: 51%, ADA: 47%; treatment difference: 3.9%) and superior for PASI100 response (IXE: 60%, ADA: 47%; p=0.001). IXE had greater response versus ADA in additional PsA, skin, nail, treat-to-target and quality-of-life outcomes. Serious adverse events were reported in 8.5% (ADA) and 3.5% (IXE) of patients.
Conclusions: IXE was superior to ADA in achievement of simultaneous improvement of joint and skin disease (ACR50 and PASI100) in patients with PsA and inadequate response to csDMARDs. Safety and tolerability for both biologicals were aligned with established safety profiles.
Objective: To conduct subset analyses of SPIRIT-P2 (Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials, NCT02349295) to investigate the efficacy and safety of ixekizumab versus placebo in three subgroups of patients with active psoriatic arthritis (PsA) according to the concomitant conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (cDMARD) received: any background cDMARDs (including methotrexate), background methotrexate only
Methods: Patients were randomised to receive placebo, ixekizumab 80 mg every 4 weeks (IXEQ4W) or every 2 weeks (IXEQ2W). Efficacy and safety were assessed when patients were subdivided according to cDMARD use at baseline. Efficacy was evaluated versus placebo at week 24 by the American College of Rheumatology criteria (ACR20/50), achievement of minimal disease activity (MDA) state, DiseaseActivityIndex for PsA (DAPSA), 28-joint DiseaseActivityScore using C reactive protein (DAS28-CRP), HealthAssessmentQuestionnaire-Disability Index and the 36-item Short-Form health survey physical functioning domain.
Results: Regardless of background cDMARD status, ACR20, ACR50 and MDA response rates were significantly higher than placebo with IXEQ4W or IXEQ2W treatment. Similarly, significant improvements were observed relative to placebo for DAS28-CRP and DAPSA across subgroups. Physical function also significantly improved relative to placebo with IXEQ4W treatment regardless of background cDMARD status and with IXEQ2W alone. Percentages of reported treatment emergent adverse events (AEs), serious AEs (including serious infections) and discontinuations due to AEs in each subgroup were comparable to the overall SPIRIT-P2 population.
Conclusion: Ixekizumab was efficacious in patients with active PsA and previous tumour necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi)inadequate response or TNFi intolerance treated with ixekizumab alone or when added to cDMARDswith subgroup safety profiles that were consistent with that observed in the overall SPIRIT-P2 population.
Background: For rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the treat-to-target concept suggests attaining remission or at least low disease activity (LDA) after 12 weeks.
Objectives: This German, prospective, multicenter, non-interventional study aimed to determine the proportion of patients with RA who achieved their treat-to-target aim after 12 and 24 weeks of etanercept (ETN) treatment in a real-life setting, as opposed to patients achieving their therapeutic target at a later timepoint (week 36 or 52).
Methods: A total of 824 adults with a confirmed diagnosis of RA without prior ETN treatment were included. Remission and LDA were defined as DAS28 < 2.6 and DAS28 ≤ 3.2, respectively.
Results: The proportion of patients achieving remission was 24% at week 12 and 31% at week 24. The proportion of patients achieving LDA was 39% at week 12 and 45% at week 24. The proportion of patients achieving remission or LDA further increased beyond week 24 up to week 52. Improvement in pain and reduction in concomitant glucocorticoid treatment were observed. Improvements in patient-reported outcomes were also seen in patients who did not reach remission or LDA. No new safety signals were detected.
Conclusions: A considerable proportion of patients with RA attained the target of remission or LDA after 12 weeks of ETN treatment. Even beyond that timepoint, the proportion of patients achieving treatment targets continued to increase up to week 52.
Trial Registration Identifier: NCT02486302.
Plain Language Summary
Physicians measure response to treatment of rheumatoid arthritis using a disease activity score (DAS28). People with a DAS28 of less than 2.6 have very few to no symptoms (also called remission). People with a DAS28 of 3.2 or less, called low disease activity, may experience mild symptoms. When people do not respond to treatment after 12 weeks, it is usually recommended to prescribe a different treatment. Researchers do not know how many people who do not respond after 12 weeks would respond if treatment were continued. A total of 824 German people with rheumatoid arthritis who received a drug called etanercept for up to 52 weeks took part in this study. Researchers wanted to know how many people had remission or low disease activity after 12 weeks and 24 weeks of treatment.
After 12 weeks, 24 in 100 people had remission; this increased to 31 in 100 people after 24 weeks. Thirty-nine in 100 people had low disease activity after 12 weeks; this increased to 45 in 100 people after 24 weeks. The number of people with remission or low disease activity increased with longer treatment (up to 52 weeks). People needed less additional treatment with a type of drug called glucocorticoids. The people in this study experienced side effects that were similar to those reported by people who took etanercept in previous studies.
The researchers concluded that a considerable proportion of people responded to treatment with etanercept after 12 weeks. This proportion increased when treatment was continued for longer than 12 weeks.
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory systemic disease whose activity is often assessed using the Disease Activity Score 28 (DAS28-CRP). The present study was designed to investigate the significance of individual components within the score for PsA activity. A cohort of 80 PsA patients (44 women and 36 men, aged 56.3 ± 12 years) with a range of disease activity from remission to moderate was analyzed using unsupervised and supervised methods applied to the DAS28-CRP components. Machine learning-based permutation importance identified tenderness in the metacarpophalangeal joint of the right index finger as the most informative item of the DAS28-CRP for PsA activity staging. This symptom alone allowed a machine learned (random forests) classifier to identify PsA remission with 67% balanced accuracy in new cases. Projection of the DAS28-CRP data onto an emergent self-organizing map of artificial neurons identified outliers, which following augmentation of group sizes by emergent self-organizing maps based generative artificial intelligence (AI) could be defined as subgroups particularly characterized by either tenderness or swelling of specific joints. AI-assisted re-evaluation of the DAS28-CRP for PsA has narrowed the score items to a most relevant symptom, and generative AI has been useful for identifying and characterizing small subgroups of patients whose symptom patterns differ from the majority. These findings represent an important step toward precision medicine that can address outliers.
Implementing an automated monitoring process in a digital, longitudinal observational cohort study
Background: Clinical data collection requires correct and complete data sets in order to perform correct statistical analysis and draw valid conclusions. While in randomized clinical trials much effort concentrates on data monitoring, this is rarely the case in observational studies- due to high numbers of cases and often-restricted resources. We have developed a valid and cost-effective monitoring tool, which can substantially contribute to an increased data quality in observational research.
Methods: An automated digital monitoring system for cohort studies developed by the German Rheumatism Research Centre (DRFZ) was tested within the disease register RABBIT-SpA, a longitudinal observational study including patients with axial spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis. Physicians and patients complete electronic case report forms (eCRF) twice a year for up to 10 years. Automatic plausibility checks were implemented to verify all data after entry into the eCRF. To identify conflicts that cannot be found by this approach, all possible conflicts were compiled into a catalog. This “conflict catalog” was used to create queries, which are displayed as part of the eCRF. The proportion of queried eCRFs and responses were analyzed by descriptive methods. For the analysis of responses, the type of conflict was assigned to either a single conflict only (affecting individual items) or a conflict that required the entire eCRF to be queried.
Results: Data from 1883 patients was analyzed. A total of n = 3145 eCRFs submitted between baseline (T0) and T3 (12 months) had conflicts (40–64%). Fifty-six to 100% of the queries regarding eCRFs that were completely missing were answered. A mean of 1.4 to 2.4 single conflicts occurred per eCRF, of which 59–69% were answered. The most common missing values were CRP, ESR, Schober’s test, data on systemic glucocorticoid therapy, and presence of enthesitis.
Conclusion: Providing high data quality in large observational cohort studies is a major challenge, which requires careful monitoring. An automated monitoring process was successfully implemented and well accepted by the study centers. Two thirds of the queries were answered with new data. While conventional manual monitoring is resource-intensive and may itself create new sources of errors, automated processes are a convenient way to augment data quality.
Psoriasis (PsO) is one of the common chronic inflammatory skin diseases. Approximately 3% of the European Caucasian population is affected. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic immune-mediated disease associated with PsO characterized by distinct musculoskeletal inflammation. Due to its heterogeneous clinical manifestations (e.g., oligo- or polyarthritis, enthesitis, dactylitis, and axial inflammation), early diagnosis of PsA is often difficult and delayed. Approximately 30% of PsO patients will develop PsA. The responsible triggers for the transition from PsO only to PsA are currently unclear, and the impacts of different factors (e.g., genetic, environmental) on disease development are currently discussed. There is a high medical need, recently unmet, to specifically detect those patients with an increased risk for the development of clinically evident PsA early to initiate sufficient treatment to inhibit disease progression and avoid structural damage and loss of function or even intercept disease development. Increased neoangiogenesis and enthesial inflammation are hypothesized to be early pathological findings in PsO patients with PsA development. Different disease states describe the transition from PsO to PsA. Two of those phases are of value for early detection of PsA at-risk patients to prevent later development of PsA as changes in biomarker profiles are detectable: the subclinical phase (soluble and imaging biomarkers detectable, no clinical symptoms) and the prodromal phase (imaging biomarkers detectable, unspecific musculoskeletal symptoms such as arthralgia and fatigue). To target the unmet need for early detection of this at-risk population and to identify the subgroup of patients who will transition from PsO to PsA, imaging plays an important role in characterizing patients precisely. Imaging techniques such as ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computerized tomography (CT) are advanced techniques to detect sensitively inflammatory changes or changes in bone structure. With the use of these techniques, anatomic structures involved in inflammatory processes can be identified. These techniques are complemented by fluorescence optical imaging as a sensitive method for detection of changes in vascularization, especially in longitudinal measures. Moreover, high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT (HR-pQCT) and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) may give the advantage to identify PsA-related early characteristics in PsO patients reflecting transition phases of the disease.
Correction to: Clinical Rheumatology. DOI:
In the original published version of this article, the Figure 4 contained error. The line “ACR50 plus PASI100” has been presented incorrectly. The Figure 4 is now presented correctly. The original article has been corrected.