Document Type
- Article (3)
- German (3)
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- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
Interactions of eosin with three different substrates, β-lactoglobuline, bovine serum albumin and cysteine, in aqueous solutions of pH 7 under illumination with light of wavelengths 5200—5400 Å are investigated by changes in absorption spectrum characteristics, SH-group activities and phosphorescence intensities.
Only with bovine serum albumin the major part of protein conversion, as shown by spectral changes and diminution of SH-groups due to eosin-sensitized photo-oxidation. In β-lactoglobuline an oxidizing photoreaction occurs, by which eosin is vanishing to the same degree as the protein shows loss of SH-groups and spectral alterations indicating attack on aromatic amino acid residues. There is no red shift of the eosin absorption band at 5170 Å as is observed in solutions of bovine serum albumin, where the intensity of phosphorscence is about 100 fold compared with the intensity obtained by solutions of β-lactoglobulin.
The aerobic eosin photoreaction in solutions of β-lactoglobulin is faster than aerobic photobleaching of the dye. Still faster is its bleaching photoreaction with cysteine, which is nearly independent of oxygen.
The autoxidation of NaSH and Cysteine in the presence of heavy metal ions is accompanied by chemiluminescence due to the formation of O2⊖ or adequate compounds as intermediates. The observation of the luminescence intensity and its time dependence has been used as analytical indication of the occurrence of electron transfer reactions from - SH to O2.
This enabled the study of the influence of different catalytic promoters. The efficiency of different metal ions could easily be demonstrated by their enhancement of light production during the reaction of NaSH with molecular oxygen. Cu (II) as one of the most efficient catalysts was also applied in the form of different complexes. Because it would catalyse the oxidation of cysteine, glutathione and other electron donors of biological interest, the influence of the nature of the ligands of the complexes was investigated. In the case of cysteine only complexes with stability constants of medium strength and planar configuration acted as effective catalysts. Therefore it has to be assumed that for an effective electron transport to the loosely bound oxygen the cysteine molecule has to enter the inner sphere of the complex. The much longer time of luminescence of this reaction (4 -10 min) compared to the short time luminescence caused by free O2H. OH and H2O2 indicates that these intermediates are stabilized by binding to the Cu (II) -complex as in compounds (I), (II) and (III) of oxidizing enzymes.
Um den Mechanismus der Reaktion des Cysteins mit molekularem Sauerstoff in Gegenwart von Komplexen des zweiwertigen Kupfers als Katalysatoren zu ermitteln, wurden Messungen der Chemilumineszenz, der Sauerstoff- und der Cysteinkonzentration in Abhängigkeit von der Zeit vorgenommen. Variation der Konzentration der Reaktionsteilnehmer führte zu Meßergebnissen, die die Aufstellung eines Reaktionsschemas gestattete. Das hieraus abzuleitende System nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen für die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten wurde in einem Analogrechner gelöst, wobei Übereinstimmung zwischen Rechnung und Meßergebnissen sowohl für die Zeitabhängigkeit als auch für die Konzentrationsabhängigkeit gefunden wurde.