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- Gunther Teubner (1)
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- Transnationale Wirtschaftsverfassung (1)
Englische Fassung: Legal Irritants: Good Faith in British Law Or How Unifying Law Ends Up in New Differences, Modern Law Review 61, 1998, 11-32 und in: Francis Snyder (Hg.) The Europeanisation of Law: The Legal Effects of European Integration. Hart, Oxford 2000, 243-267 und in Peter Hall und David Soskice (Hg.) Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford, Oxford University Press 2001, 417- 441. Portugiesische Fassung: Irritacoes jurídicas: para a co-evolucao de normas jurídicas e regimes de producao. In: Gunther Teubner, Direito, Sistema, Policontexturalidade, Editora Unimep, Piracicaba Sao Paolo, Brasil 2005, 153-188.
Plenarvortrag Weltkongress der Rechtsphilosophie und Sozialphilosophie, 24.-29. Mai, Granada 2005. S.a. die deutsche Fassung: "Die anonyme Matrix: Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch "private" transnationale Akteure". Spanische Fassung: Sociedad global, justicia fragmentada: sobre la violatión de los derechos humanos por actores transnacionales 'privados'. In: Manuel Escamilla and Modesto Saavedra (eds.), Law and Justice in a global society, International Association for philosophy of law and social philosophy, Granada 2005, S. 547-562 und in "Anales de öa Catedra Francisco Suarez 2005". S.a. Teubner, Gunther: Globalized Justice - Fragmented Justice. Human Rights Violations by "Private" Transnational Actors
Dt. Fassung: Der Umgang mit Rechtsparadoxien: Derrida, Luhmann, Wiethölter. In: Christian Joerges und Gunther Teubner (Hg.) Rechtsverfassungsrecht: Recht-Fertigungen zwischen Sozialtheorie und Privatrechtsdogmatik. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2003, 249-272.
s.a.: Das Recht hybrider Netzwerke. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht 165, 2001, 550-575.. Italienische Fassung: Diritti ibridi: la costituzionalizzazione delle reti private di governance. In: Gunther Teubner, Costituzionalismo societario. Armando, Roma 2004 (im Erscheinen).
In the current globalization debate the law appears to be entangled in economic and political developments which move into a new dimension of depoliticization, de-centralization and de-individualization. For all the correct observations in detail, though, this debate is bringing about a drastic (polit)economic reduction of the role of law in the globalization process that I wish to challenge in this paper. Here one has to take on Wallerstein’s misconception of “worldwide economies” according to which the formation of the global society is seen as a basically economic process. Autonomous globalization processes in other social spheres running parallel to economic globalization need to be taken seriously. In protest against such (polit)economic reductionism several strands of the debate, among them the neo-institutionalist theory of “global culture”, post-modern concepts of global legal pluralism, systems theory studies of differentiated global society and various versions of “global civil society” have shaped a concept of a polycentric globalization. From these angles the remarkable multiplicity of the world society, in which tendencies to re-politicization, re-regionalization and re-individualization are becoming visible at the same time, becomes evident. I shall contrast two current theses on the globalization of law with two less current counter-theses: First thesis: globalization is relevant for law because the emergence of global markets undermines the control potential of national policy, and therefore also the chances of legal regulation. First counter-thesis: globalization produces a set of problems intrinsic to law itself, consisting in a change to the dominant lawmaking processes. Second thesis: globalization means that the law institutionalizes the worldwide shift in power from governmental actors to economic actors. Second counter-thesis: globalization means that the law has a chance of contributing to a dual constitution of autonomous sectors of world society.
Deutsche Fassung: Die Episteme des Rechts. Zu den erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen des reflexiven Rechts. In: Dieter Grimm (Hg.) Steigende Staatsaufgaben - sinkende Steuerungsfähigkeit des Rechts. Nomos, Baden-Baden 1990, 115-154. Französische Fassung: Pour une épistémologie constructiviste du droit. In Gunther Teubner, Droit et réflexivité. Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, Paris 1994, 171-204. Veränderte Fassung in: Annales: Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations 1992, Paris, 1149-1169. Italienische Fassung: Il diritto come soggetto epistemico: Per una epistemologie giuridica "costruttivista," Rivista critica del diritto privato 8, 1990, 287-326.
Deutsche Fassung: Expertise als soziale Institution: Die Internalisierung Dritter in den Vertrag. In: Gert Brüggemeier (Hg.) Liber Amicorum Eike Schmidt. Müller, Heidelberg, 2005, 303-334.
Englische Fassung: Contracting Worlds: Invoking Discourse Rights in Private Governance Regimes (Annual Lecture Edinburgh 1997) Social and Legal Studies 9, 2000, 399-417. Italienische Fassung: Mondi contrattuali. Discourse rights nel diritto privato. In: Gunther Teubner, Diritto policontesturale: Prospettive giuridiche della pluralizzazione dei mondi sociali. La città del sole, Neapel 1999, 113-142. Portugiesische Fassung: Mundos contratuais: o direito na fragmentacao de regimes de private governance. In: Gunther Teubner, Direito, Sistema, Policontexturalidade, Editora Unimep, Piracicaba Sao Paolo, Brasil 2005, 269-298.