Document Type
- Article (8)
- Part of Periodical (1)
- English (9)
Has Fulltext
- yes (9)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (9)
- Biting midges (1)
- Ceratopogonidae (1)
- Diptera (1)
- Distribution (1)
- Guadeloupe (1)
- New records (1)
- New species (1)
- Predaceous midges (1)
- distribución (1)
- distribution (1)
We provide new records of biting and predaceous midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Guadeloupe in the subfamily Ceratopogoninae, including descriptions and illustrations of three new predaceous species in the genera, Parabezzia Malloch, Stilobezzia Kieffer and Palpomyia Meigen, respectively, and the first records of the New World predaceous genus, Amerohelea Grogan and Wirth, from the Caribbean region. We also provide the first Guadeloupe records of the biting midges, Culicoides (Anilomyia) decor (Williston), C. (Avaritia) pusillus Lutz, C. (Drymodesmyia) bredini Wirth and Blanton, C. (D.) poikilonotus Macfie, C. (Haematomyidium) hoffmani Fox, C. (Hoffmania) insignis Lutz, C. rangeli Ortiz and Mirsa and C. trilineatus Fox, and the predaceous midges, Brachypogon (Brachypogon) bifidus Spinelli and Grogan, B. (B.) telesfordi Spinelli and Grogan, B. (B.) woodruffi Spinelli and Grogan, Monohelea maya Felippe-Bauer, Huerta and Ibáñez-Bernal, Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) diminuta Lane and Forattini, S. (S.) thomsenae Wirth, Amerohelea galindoi Grogan and Wirth, Bezzia (Bezzia) flinti Spinelli and Wirth, B. (Homobezzia) venustula (Williston) and Palpomyia insularis Spinelli and Grogan.
This revision of the Neotropical predaceous midges of the genus Brachypogon (Brachypogon) Kieffer, recognizes 18 extant species, including the following 12 new species: Brachypogon (B.) apunctipennis, bifidus, bimaculatus, ecuadorensis, ethelae, insularis, monicae, pseudoparaensis, schmitzi, spatuliformis, telesfordi, and woodruffi. Two species groups are recognized, the fuscivenosus and impar groups. The hitherto unknown male of B. paraensis Wirth & Blanton is described and illustrated, and the female of that species as well as both sexes of B. impar (Johannsen) and B. fuscivenosus (Lutz) are redescribed and illustrated. Diagnoses are provided for previously described species, as well as a key for the recognition of all Neotropical species. New records of B. impar are from Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina.
The annulatipes group of the genus Forcipomyia Meigen, subgenus Lepidohelea Kieffer, is represented in the Western Hemisphere by 12 species. Keys are presented for their identification, and to distinguish them from other groups of the subgenus Lepidohelea. The three previously known species, annulatipes Macfie, brasiliensis Macfie, and kuanoskeles Macfie, from southern Brazil, as well as the following nine new species, are described and illustrated: bahiensis, basifemoralis, bifida, convexipenis, euthystyla, gravesi, herediae, hobbsi, and weemsi.
The dentifemur and venustula groups of the subgenus Homobezzia Macfie, genus Bezzia Kieffer, are represented in the Neotropical Region by 12 species. A key is presented for their identification, and to distinguish them from other groups of the subgenus Homobezzia. The two previously known species, B. venustula (Williston) and B. snowi Lane, are described and illustrated, as well as the following ten new species: aitkeni, bromeliae, cayoensis, dentifemur, filiductus, fusca, mexicana, nigritibialis, pseudovenustula, and raposoensis. Bezzia concoloripes Made is regarded as a junior synonym of B. venustula (Williston).
The gibbera Group of the genus Bezzia Kieffer, subgenus Bezzia, is comprised in the Neotropical Region of at least 16 species, of which the following 11 species are described as new: araucana from Argentina; catarinensis from Brazil; globulosa from Puerto Rico; grogani from Colombia, Mexico and Panama; hondurensis from Mexico and Central America; jubata, leei and megatheca from Colombia; mesotibialis from Belize and Trinidad; pseudogibbera from Honduras and Panama; and setigera from Colombia and El Salvador. A key is presented for subgenera and species groups, and for the Neotropical species of the gibbera Group.
Examination of two large collections of Ceratopogonidae from Rondonia, Brazil, and Loreto, Peru, resulted in records of 15 species in the tribes Palpomyiini and Stenoxenini, including three previously undescribed: Bezzia schmitzorum Dippolito & Spinelli, Palpomyia pseudolacustris D. & S., and Stenoxenus aductus D. & S. from Rondonia. The hitherto unknown male of Palpomyia versicolor Macfie is described and figured.
Examination of a large collection of Ceratopogonidae from Rondonia, Brazil, resulted in records of 11 species in the tribes Heteromyiini and Sphaeromiini, including the NEW GENUS Groganhelea Spinelli & Dippolito NEWGENUS, which is described herein, with its type-species G. rondoniensis Spinelli & Dippolito, NEW SPECIES. Heteromyia correntina Lane & Duret and Mallochohelea termophila (Spinelli) are recorded for the first time from Brazil.
A new phytotelmic species, Culicoides charua, is described and illustrated from adult males and females and their pupal exuviae. New records are provided for Uruguay of C. biestroi, C. chacoensis, and C. impusilloides. A key is presented for the identification of the twelve species of Culicoides that occur in Uruguay.
We describe and illustrate a new Neotropical predaceous midge, Parabezzia carlae Huerta, Spinelli and Grogan, new species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from males collected by Malaise trap in La Union, Ayutla de los Libres, state of Guerrero, Mexico. We also report a second record of P. alexanderi Wirth from Veracruz, Mexico. A key to the known species in Mexico is included.