Document Type
- Article (5)
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- Clinical competence (2)
- Communication (2)
- Epilepsy (2)
- Klinische Kompetenz (2)
- Kommunikation (2)
- Tele-EEG (2)
- Biofluids (1)
- Diagnostic markers (1)
- Digitalisierung (1)
- Digitalization (1)
- Medizin (5)
There is a need for diagnostic biomarkers of epilepsy and status epilepticus to support clinical examination, electroencephalography and neuroimaging. Extracellular microRNAs may be potentially ideal biomarkers since some are expressed uniquely within specific brain regions and cell types. Cerebrospinal fluid offers a source of microRNA biomarkers with the advantage of being in close contact with the target tissue and sites of pathology. Here we profiled microRNA levels in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy or status epilepticus, and compared findings to matched controls. Differential expression of 20 microRNAs was detected between patient groups and controls. A validation phase included an expanded cohort and samples from patients with other neurological diseases. This identified lower levels of miR-19b in temporal lobe epilepsy compared to controls, status epilepticus and other neurological diseases. Levels of miR-451a were higher in status epilepticus compared to other groups whereas miR-21-5p differed in status epilepticus compared to temporal lobe epilepsy but not to other neurological diseases. Targets of these microRNAs include proteins regulating neuronal death, tissue remodelling, gliosis and inflammation. The present study indicates cerebrospinal fluid contains microRNAs that can support differential diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy and status epilepticus from other neurological and non-neurological diseases.
Telemedizinische Arzt-zu-Arzt-Anwendungen in der Epilepsieversorgung können helfen, die spezielle Expertise von neurologischen oder pädiatrischen EpileptologInnen flächendeckend vorzuhalten, da sie es ermöglichen, medizinische Leistung über Distanzen hinweg zu erbringen. Sowohl national als auch international werden hierzu verschiedene Lösungsansätze entwickelt. Herausforderungen begegnet man auf organisatorischer, technischer, rechtlicher und ökonomischer Ebene, sodass die langfristige Perspektive der einzelnen aktuellen Lösungsansätze noch unklar ist. Letztendlich bedarf es der Entwicklung von Betriebsmodellen, bei denen alle Akteure (Konsilgeber, Konsilanforderer, Patient, Kostenträger, Betreiber der telemedizinischen Plattform und ggf. auch die jeweilige Fachgesellschaft) jeweils den spezifischen Nutzen und die Risiken abwägen.
Hintergrund: In den vergangenen 10 Jahren wurden an verschiedenen Epilepsiezentren in Deutschland (Bochum, Erlangen, Greifswald, Berlin Brandenburg, Frankfurt Rhein-Main) Projekte entwickelt, die sich mit telemedizinischen Arzt-zu-Arzt-Anwendungen im Bereich der Epilepsieversorgung beschäftigen.
Ziel der Arbeit: Im Folgenden wird ein Überblick über die aktuell laufenden telemedizinischen Projekte in der Epilepsieversorgung in Deutschland gegeben.
Material und Methoden: Die Verantwortlichen der einzelnen Projekte stellen ihr Projekt anhand einer vorgegebenen Struktur dar.
Ergebnisse und Diskussion: In allen Projekten konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine technische Lösung für die telemedizinische Arzt-zu-Arzt Anwendung im Bereich Epileptologie geschaffen werden kann. Die dargestellten Projekte unterscheiden sich zum Teil hinsichtlich des Zieles und der Umsetzung, zum Teil zeigen sich Übereinstimmungen. Perspektivisches Ziel ist es, aus den Erfahrungen der einzelnen Projekte eine gemeinsame Strategie zur Förderung epileptologischer Telemedizin und ihrer Überführung in die Regelversorgung zu entwickeln.
Background: There are no blood-based molecular biomarkers of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) to support clinical diagnosis. MicroRNAs are short noncoding RNAs with strong biomarker potential due to their cell-specific expression, mechanistic links to brain excitability, and stable detection in biofluids. Altered levels of circulating microRNAs have been reported in human epilepsy, but most studies collected samples from one clinical site, used a single profiling platform or conducted minimal validation.
Method: Using a case-control design, we collected plasma samples from video-electroencephalogram-monitored adult TLE patients at epilepsy specialist centers in two countries, performed genome-wide PCR-based and RNA sequencing during the discovery phase and validated findings in a large (>250) cohort of samples that included patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES).
Findings: After profiling and validation, we identified miR-27a-3p, miR-328-3p and miR-654-3p with biomarker potential. Plasma levels of these microRNAs were also changed in a mouse model of TLE but were not different to healthy controls in PNES patients. We determined copy number of the three microRNAs in plasma and demonstrate their rapid detection using an electrochemical RNA microfluidic disk as a prototype point-of-care device. Analysis of the microRNAs within the exosome-enriched fraction provided high diagnostic accuracy while Argonaute-bound miR-328-3p selectively increased in patient samples after seizures. In situ hybridization localized miR-27a-3p and miR-328-3p within neurons in human brain and bioinformatics predicted targets linked to growth factor signaling and apoptosis.
Interpretation: This study demonstrates the biomarker potential of circulating microRNAs for epilepsy diagnosis and mechanistic links to underlying pathomechanisms.
Objective: This study was undertaken to calculate epilepsy-related direct, indirect, and total costs in adult patients with active epilepsy (ongoing unprovoked seizures) in Germany and to analyze cost components and dynamics compared to previous studies from 2003, 2008, and 2013. This analysis was part of the Epi2020 study.
Methods: Direct and indirect costs related to epilepsy were calculated with a multicenter survey using an established and validated questionnaire with a bottom-up design and human capital approach over a 3-month period in late 2020. Epilepsy-specific costs in the German health care sector from 2003, 2008, and 2013 were corrected for inflation to allow for a valid comparison.
Results: Data on the disease-specific costs for 253 patients in 2020 were analyzed. The mean total costs were calculated at €5551 (±€5805, median = €2611, range = €274–€21 667) per 3 months, comprising mean direct costs of €1861 (±€1905, median = €1276, range = €327–€13 158) and mean indirect costs of €3690 (±€5298, median = €0, range = €0–€11 925). The main direct cost components were hospitalization (42.4%), antiseizure medication (42.2%), and outpatient care (6.2%). Productivity losses due to early retirement (53.6%), part-time work or unemployment (30.8%), and seizure-related off-days (15.6%) were the main reasons for indirect costs. However, compared to 2013, there was no significant increase of direct costs (−10.0%), and indirect costs significantly increased (p < .028, +35.1%), resulting in a significant increase in total epilepsy-related costs (p < .047, +20.2%). Compared to the 2013 study population, a significant increase of cost of illness could be observed (p = .047).
Significance: The present study shows that disease-related costs in adult patients with active epilepsy increased from 2013 to 2020. As direct costs have remained constant, this increase is attributable to an increase in indirect costs. These findings highlight the impact of productivity loss caused by early retirement, unemployment, working time reduction, and seizure-related days off.