Year of publication
- 2011 (1)
Document Type
- German (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (1)
- Biedermeier (1)
- Cavell, Stanley (1)
- Konkrete Poesie (1)
- Literaturwissenschaft (1)
- Skeptizismus (1)
This paper examines the well-known practice of developing a conceptual frame-work for reading works of literature in such a way as to illuminate previously ignored aspects of those works. It investigates the nature or genre of such discoveries: Are they philological? Hermeneutic? Do they correspond to the discipline of the framework selected? This problem is considered in the case of an example of the deployment of a very specific philosophical framework, namely the problem of skepticism as glossed by the American philosopher Stanley Cavell. This framework brings to light a structural affinity between two seemingly disparate moments in the history of German lyric poetry: the Biedermeier period and the works of Konkrete Dichtung from the mid-twentieth century. The paper postulates this affinity as an exam-ple of the kind of “discovery” whose type, usefulness, or even existence as discovery might be called into question and perhaps not, ultimately, agreed on.