Document Type
- Article (13)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Preprint (1)
- English (15)
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- yes (15)
Is part of the Bibliography
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- SARS-CoV-2 (8)
- COVID19-NMR (5)
- Solution NMR spectroscopy (4)
- 5′-UTR (3)
- RNA (3)
- NMR spectroscopy (2)
- Non-structural protein (2)
- Solution NMR-spectroscopy (2)
- 19F (1)
- 5'-UTR (1)
Long non-coding RNAs are a very versatile class of molecules that can have important roles in regulating a cells function, including regulating other genes on the transcriptional level. One of these mechanisms is that RNA can directly interact with DNA thereby recruiting additional components such as proteins to these sites via an RNA:dsDNA triplex formation. We genetically deleted the triplex forming sequence (FendrrBox) from the lncRNA Fendrr in mice and found that this FendrrBox is partially required for Fendrr function in vivo. We found that the loss of the triplex forming site in developing lungs causes a dysregulation of gene programs associated with lung fibrosis. A set of these genes contain a triplex site directly at their promoter and are expressed in lung fibroblasts. We biophysically confirmed the formation of an RNA:dsDNA triplex with target promoters in vitro. We found that Fendrr with the Wnt signalling pathway regulates these genes, implicating that Fendrr synergizes with Wnt signalling in lung fibrosis.
Translational riboswitches are cis-acting RNA regulators that modulate the expression of genes during translation initiation. Their mechanism is considered as an RNA-only gene-regulatory system inducing a ligand-dependent shift of the population of functional ON- and OFF-states. The interaction of riboswitches with the translation machinery remained unexplored. For the adenine-sensing riboswitch from Vibrio vulnificus we show that ligand binding alone is not sufficient for switching to a translational ON-state but the interaction of the riboswitch with the 30S ribosome is indispensable. Only the synergy of binding of adenine and of 30S ribosome, in particular protein rS1, induces complete opening of the translation initiation region. Our investigation thus unravels the intricate dynamic network involving RNA regulator, ligand inducer and ribosome protein modulator during translation initiation.
1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignment of the stem-loops 5b + c from the 5′-UTR of SARS-CoV-2
The ongoing pandemic of the respiratory disease COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (SCoV2) virus. SCoV2 is a member of the Betacoronavirus genus. The 30 kb positive sense, single stranded RNA genome of SCoV2 features 5′- and 3′-genomic ends that are highly conserved among Betacoronaviruses. These genomic ends contain structured cis-acting RNA elements, which are involved in the regulation of viral replication and translation. Structural information about these potential antiviral drug targets supports the development of novel classes of therapeutics against COVID-19. The highly conserved branched stem-loop 5 (SL5) found within the 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) consists of a basal stem and three stem-loops, namely SL5a, SL5b and SL5c. Both, SL5a and SL5b feature a 5′-UUUCGU-3′ hexaloop that is also found among Alphacoronaviruses. Here, we report the extensive 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of the 37 nucleotides (nts) long sequence spanning SL5b and SL5c (SL5b + c), as basis for further in-depth structural studies by solution NMR spectroscopy.
The SARS-CoV-2 (SCoV-2) virus is the causative agent of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It contains a positive sense single-stranded RNA genome and belongs to the genus of Betacoronaviruses. The 5′- and 3′-genomic ends of the 30 kb SCoV-2 genome are potential antiviral drug targets. Major parts of these sequences are highly conserved among Betacoronaviruses and contain cis-acting RNA elements that affect RNA translation and replication. The 31 nucleotide (nt) long highly conserved stem-loop 5a (SL5a) is located within the 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) important for viral replication. SL5a features a U-rich asymmetric bulge and is capped with a 5′-UUUCGU-3′ hexaloop, which is also found in stem-loop 5b (SL5b). We herein report the extensive 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of SL5a as basis for in-depth structural studies by solution NMR spectroscopy.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus is the cause of the respiratory disease COVID-19. As of today, therapeutic interventions in severe COVID-19 cases are still not available as no effective therapeutics have been developed so far. Despite the ongoing development of a number of effective vaccines, therapeutics to fight the disease once it has been contracted will still be required. Promising targets for the development of antiviral agents against SARS-CoV-2 can be found in the viral RNA genome. The 5′- and 3′-genomic ends of the 30 kb SCoV-2 genome are highly conserved among Betacoronaviruses and contain structured RNA elements involved in the translation and replication of the viral genome. The 40 nucleotides (nt) long highly conserved stem-loop 4 (5_SL4) is located within the 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR) important for viral replication. 5_SL4 features an extended stem structure disrupted by several pyrimidine mismatches and is capped by a pentaloop. Here, we report extensive 1H, 13C, 15N and 31P resonance assignments of 5_SL4 as the basis for in-depth structural and ligand screening studies by solution NMR spectroscopy.
The stem-loop (SL1) is the 5'-terminal structural element within the single-stranded SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome. It is formed by nucleotides 7–33 and consists of two short helical segments interrupted by an asymmetric internal loop. This architecture is conserved among Betacoronaviruses. SL1 is present in genomic SARS-CoV-2 RNA as well as in all subgenomic mRNA species produced by the virus during replication, thus representing a ubiquitous cis-regulatory RNA with potential functions at all stages of the viral life cycle. We present here the 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignment of the 29 nucleotides-RNA construct 5_SL1, which denotes the native 27mer SL1 stabilized by an additional terminal G-C base-pair.
RNA research is very important since RNA molecules are involved in various gene regulatory mechanisms as well as pathways of cell physiology and disease development.1 RNAs have evolved from being considered as carriers of genetic information from DNA to proteins, with the three major types of RNA involved in protein synthesis, including messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and ribosomal RNA (rRNA).2 In addition to the RNAs involved in protein synthesis numerous regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been discovered in the transcriptome. The regulatory ncRNAs are classified into small ncRNAs (sncRNAs) with transcripts less than 200 nucleotides (nt) and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) with more than 200 nt.3
LncRNAs represent the most diverse and versatile class of ncRNAs that can regulate cellular functions of chromatin modification, transcription, and post-transcription through multiple mechanisms.4 They are involved in the formation of RNA:protein, RNA:RNA and RNA:DNA complexes as part of their gene regulatory mechanism.4,5 The RNA:DNA interactions can be divided into RNA:DNA heteroduplex formation, also called R-loops, and RNA:DNA:DNA triplex formation. In triplex formation, RNA binds to the major groove of double-stranded DNA through Hoogsteen or reverse Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding, resulting in parallel or anti-parallel triplexes, respectively. In vitro studies have confirmed the formation of RNA:DNA:DNA triplexes.6 However, the extent to which these interactions occur in cells and their effects on cellular function are still not understood, which is why these structures are so exciting to study (Chapter I RNA:DNA:DNA Triplexes).
This cumulative thesis investigates several functional and regulatory important RNAs. The first project involves the improved biochemical and biophysical characterization of RNA:DNA:DNA triplex formation between lncRNAs of interest and their target genes. Triplex formation was confirmed by a series of experiments including electromobility shift assays (EMSA), thermal melting assays, circular dichroism (CD), and liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The following is a summary of the main findings of these publications.
In research article 5.1, the oxygen-sensitive HIF1α-AS1 was identified as a functionally important triplex-forming lncRNA in human endothelial cells using a combination of bioinformatics techniques, RNA/DNA pulldown, and biophysical experiments. Through RNA:DNA:DNA triplex formation, endogenous HIF1α-AS1 decreases the expression of several genes, including EPH receptor A2 (EPHA2) and adrenomedullin (ADM), by acting as an adaptor for the repressive human silencing hub (HUSH) complex, which has been studied by our collaborators in the groups of Leisegang and Brandes.
2) Triplex formation between HIF1α-AS1 and the target genes EPHA2 and ADM was investigated in biochemical and biophysical studies. The EMSA results indicated that HIF1α-AS1 forms a low mobility RNA:DNA:DNA triplex complex with the EPHA2 DNA target sequence. The CD spectrum of the triplex showed distinct features compared to the EPHA2 DNA duplex and the RNA:DNA heteroduplex. Melting curve analysis revealed a biphasic melting transition for triplexes, with a first melting point corresponding to the dissociation of the RNA strand with melting of the Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds. The second, higher melting temperature corresponds to the melting of stronger Watson-Crick base pairing. Stabilized triplexes were formed using an intramolecular EPHA2 DNA duplex hairpin construct in which both DNA strands were attached to a 5 nucleotide (nt) thymidine linker. This approach allowed improved triplex formation with lower RNA equivalents and higher melting temperatures. By NMR spectroscopy, the triplex characteristic signals were observed in the 1H NMR spectrum, the imino signals in a spectral region between 9 and 12 ppm resulting from the Hoogsteen base pairing. To elucidate the structural and sequence specific Hoogsteen base pairs 2D 1H,1H-NOESY measurements of the EPHA2 DNA duplex and the HIF1α-AS1:EPHA2 triplex were performed. The 1H,1H-NOESY spectrum of the HIF1α-AS1:EPHA2 triplex with a 10-fold excess of RNA was semi-quantitatively analyzed for changes in the DNA duplex spectrum. We discovered, strong and moderate attenuation of cross peak intensities in the imino region of the NOESY spectrum. This attenuation was proposed to result from weakening of Watson-Crick base pairing by Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding induced by RNA binding. The Hoogsteen interactions can be mapped based on the analysis of the cross peak attenuation in the NOESY spectra, which we used to generate a structural model of the RNA:DNA:DNA triplex. These biophysical results support the physiological function of HIF1α as a triplex-forming lncRNA that recruits the HUSH-epigenetic silencing complex to specific target genes such as EPHA2 and ADM, thereby silencing their gene expression through RNA:DNA:DNA triplex formation.
We report here the nuclear magnetic resonance 19F screening of 14 RNA targets with different secondary and tertiary structure to systematically assess the druggability of RNAs. Our RNA targets include representative bacterial riboswitches that naturally bind with nanomolar affinity and high specificity to cellular metabolites of low molecular weight. Based on counter-screens against five DNAs and five proteins, we can show that RNA can be specifically targeted. To demonstrate the quality of the initial fragment library that has been designed for easy follow-up chemistry, we further show how to increase binding affinity from an initial fragment hit by chemistry that links the identified fragment to the intercalator acridine. Thus, we achieve low-micromolar binding affinity without losing binding specificity between two different terminator structures.
1H, 13C, and 15N backbone chemical shift assignments of coronavirus-2 non-structural protein Nsp10
The international Covid19-NMR consortium aims at the comprehensive spectroscopic characterization of SARS-CoV-2 RNA elements and proteins and will provide NMR chemical shift assignments of the molecular components of this virus. The SARS-CoV-2 genome encodes approximately 30 different proteins. Four of these proteins are involved in forming the viral envelope or in the packaging of the RNA genome and are therefore called structural proteins. The other proteins fulfill a variety of functions during the viral life cycle and comprise the so-called non-structural proteins (nsps). Here, we report the near-complete NMR resonance assignment for the backbone chemical shifts of the non-structural protein 10 (nsp10). Nsp10 is part of the viral replication-transcription complex (RTC). It aids in synthesizing and modifying the genomic and subgenomic RNAs. Via its interaction with nsp14, it ensures transcriptional fidelity of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, and through its stimulation of the methyltransferase activity of nsp16, it aids in synthesizing the RNA cap structures which protect the viral RNAs from being recognized by the innate immune system. Both of these functions can be potentially targeted by drugs. Our data will aid in performing additional NMR-based characterizations, and provide a basis for the identification of possible small molecule ligands interfering with nsp10 exerting its essential role in viral replication.
The SARS-CoV-2 genome encodes for approximately 30 proteins. Within the international project COVID19-NMR, we distribute the spectroscopic analysis of the viral proteins and RNA. Here, we report NMR chemical shift assignments for the protein Nsp3b, a domain of Nsp3. The 217-kDa large Nsp3 protein contains multiple structurally independent, yet functionally related domains including the viral papain-like protease and Nsp3b, a macrodomain (MD). In general, the MDs of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV were suggested to play a key role in viral replication by modulating the immune response of the host. The MDs are structurally conserved. They most likely remove ADP-ribose, a common posttranslational modification, from protein side chains. This de-ADP ribosylating function has potentially evolved to protect the virus from the anti-viral ADP-ribosylation catalyzed by poly-ADP-ribose polymerases (PARPs), which in turn are triggered by pathogen-associated sensing of the host immune system. This renders the SARS-CoV-2 Nsp3b a highly relevant drug target in the viral replication process. We here report the near-complete NMR backbone resonance assignment (1H, 13C, 15N) of the putative Nsp3b MD in its apo form and in complex with ADP-ribose. Furthermore, we derive the secondary structure of Nsp3b in solution. In addition, 15N-relaxation data suggest an ordered, rigid core of the MD structure. These data will provide a basis for NMR investigations targeted at obtaining small-molecule inhibitors interfering with the catalytic activity of Nsp3b.