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- PBPK (3)
- Precipitation inhibition (2)
- Supersaturation (2)
- biorelevant dissolution (2)
- modeling and simulation (2)
- Atazanavir (1)
- Bioenabling formulations (1)
- Cinnarizine (1)
- Clinical relevant dissolution specification (1)
- Colitis Ulcerosa (1)
Background: Physiologically-based population pharmacokinetic modeling (popPBPK) coupled with in vitro biopharmaceutics tools such as biorelevant dissolution testing can serve as a powerful tool to establish virtual bioequivalence and set clinically relevant specifications. One of several applications of popPBPK modeling is in the emerging field of virtual bioequivalence (VBE), where it can be used to streamline drug development by implementing model-informed formulation design and to inform regulatory decision-making e.g., with respect to evaluating the possibility of extending BCS-based biowaivers beyond BCS Class I and III compounds in certain cases.
Methods: In this study, Naproxen, a BCS class II weak acid was chosen as the model compound. In vitro biorelevant solubility and dissolution experiments were performed and the resulting data were used as an input to the PBPK model, following a stepwise workflow for the confirmation of the biopharmaceutical parameters. The naproxen PBPK model was developed by implementing a middle-out approach and verified against clinical data obtained from the literature. Once confidence in the performance of the model was achieved, several in vivo dissolution scenarios, based on model-based analysis of the in vitro data, were used to simulate clinical trials in healthy adults. Inter-occasion variability (IOV) was also added to critical physiological parameters and mechanistically propagated through the simulations. The various trials were simulated on a “worst/best case” dissolution scenario and average bioequivalence was assessed according to Cmax, AUC and tmax.
Results: VBE results demonstrated that naproxen products with in vitro dissolution reaching 85% dissolved within 90 minutes would lie comfortably within the bioequivalence limits for Cmax and AUC. Based on the establishment of VBE, a dissolution “safe space” was designed and a clinically relevant specification for naproxen products was proposed. The interplay between formulation-related and drug-specific PK parameters (e.g., t1/2) to predict the in vivo performance was also investigated.
Conclusion: Over a wide range of values, the in vitro dissolution rate is not critical for the clinical performance of naproxen products and therefore naproxen could be eligible for BCS-based biowaivers based on in vitro dissolution under intestinal conditions. This approach may also be applicable to other poorly soluble acidic compounds with long half-lives, providing an opportunity to streamline drug development and regulatory decision-making without putting the patient at a risk.
A webinar series that was organised by the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Biopharmaceutics focus group in 2021 focused on the challenges of developing clinically relevant dissolution specifications (CRDSs) for oral drug products. Industrial scientists, together with regulatory and academic scientists, came together through a series of six webinars, to discuss progress in the field, emerging trends, and areas for continued collaboration and harmonisation. Each webinar also hosted a Q&A session where participants could discuss the shared topic and information. Although it was clear from the presentations and Q&A sessions that we continue to make progress in the field of CRDSs and the utility/success of PBBM, there is also a need to continue the momentum and dialogue between the industry and regulators. Five key areas were identified which require further discussion and harmonisation.
Introduction: When developing bio-enabling formulations, innovative tools are required to understand and predict in vivo performance and may facilitate approval by regulatory authorities. EMEND® is an example of such a formulation, in which the active pharmaceutical ingredient, aprepitant, is nano-sized. The aims of this study were 1) to characterize the 80 mg and 125 mg EMEND® capsules in vitro using biorelevant tools, 2) to develop and parameterize a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model to simulate and better understand the in vivo performance of EMEND® capsules and 3) to assess which parameters primarily influence the in vivo performance of this formulation across the therapeutic dose range.
Methods: Solubility, dissolution and transfer experiments were performed in various biorelevant media simulating the fasted and fed state environment in the gastrointestinal tract. An in silico PBPK model for healthy volunteers was developed in the Simcyp Simulator, informed by the in vitro results and data available from the literature.
Results: In vitro experiments indicated a large effect of native surfactants on the solubility of aprepitant. Coupling the in vitro results with the PBPK model led to an appropriate simulation of aprepitant plasma concentrations after administration of 80 mg and 125 mg EMEND® capsules in both the fasted and fed states. Parameter Sensitivity Analysis (PSA) was conducted to investigate the effect of several parameters on the in vivo performance of EMEND®. While nano-sizing aprepitant improves its in vivo performance, intestinal solubility remains a barrier to its bioavailability and thus aprepitant should be classified as DCS IIb.
Conclusions: The present study underlines the importance of combining in vitro and in silico biopharmaceutical tools to understand and predict the absorption of this poorly soluble compound from an enabling formulation. The approach can be applied to other poorly soluble compounds to support rational formulation design and to facilitate regulatory assessment of the bio-performance of enabling formulations.
Objectives: The objective of this review is to provide an overview of PK/PD models, focusing on drug-specific PK/PD models and highlighting their value-added in drug development and regulatory decision-making.
Key findings: Many PK/PD models, with varying degrees of complexity and physiological understanding, have been developed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of drug products. In special populations (e.g. pediatrics), in cases where there is genetic polymorphism and in other instances where therapeutic outcomes are not well described solely by PK metrics, the implementation of PK/PD models is crucial to assure the desired clinical outcome. Since dissociation between the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles is often observed, it is proposed that physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) and PK/PD models be given more weight by regulatory authorities when assessing the therapeutic equivalence of drug products.
Summary: Modeling and simulation approaches already play an important role in drug development. While slowly moving away from “one-size fits all” PK methodologies to assess therapeutic outcomes, further work is required to increase confidence in PK/PD models in translatability and prediction of various clinical scenarios to encourage more widespread implementation in regulatory decision-making.
Amorphous formulation technologies to improve oral absorption of poorly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) have become increasingly prevalent. Currently, polymer-based amorphous formulations manufactured by spray drying, hot melt extrusion (HME), or co-precipitation are most common. However, these technologies have challenges in terms of the successful stabilization of poor glass former compounds in the amorphous form. An alternative approach is mesoporous silica, which stabilizes APIs in non-crystalline form via molecular adsorption inside nano-scale pores. In line with these considerations, two poor glass formers, haloperidol and carbamazepine, were formulated as polymer-based solid dispersion via HME and with mesoporous silica, and their stability was compared under accelerated conditions. Changes were monitored over three months with respect to solid-state form and dissolution. The results were supported by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (SS-NMR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was demonstrated that mesoporous silica was more successful than HME in the stabilization of the selected poor glass formers. While both drugs remained non-crystalline during the study using mesoporous silica, polymer-based HME formulations showed recrystallization after one week. Thus, mesoporous silica represents an attractive technology to extend the formulation toolbox to poorly soluble poor glass formers.
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD) models can serve as a powerful framework for predicting the influence as well as the interaction of formulation, genetic polymorphism and co-medication on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug substances. In this study, flurbiprofen, a potent non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug, was chosen as a model drug. Flurbiprofen has absolute bioavailability of ~95% and linear pharmacokinetics in the dose range of 50–300 mg. Its absorption is considered variable and complex, often associated with double peak phenomena, and its pharmacokinetics are characterized by high inter-subject variability, mainly due to its metabolism by the polymorphic CYP2C9 (fmCYP2C9 ≥ 0.71). In this study, by leveraging in vitro, in silico and in vivo data, an integrated PBPK/PD model with mechanistic absorption was developed and evaluated against clinical data from PK, PD, drug-drug and gene-drug interaction studies. The PBPK model successfully predicted (within 2-fold) 36 out of 38 observed concentration-time profiles of flurbiprofen as well as the CYP2C9 genetic effects after administration of different intravenous and oral dosage forms over a dose range of 40–300 mg in both Caucasian and Chinese healthy volunteers. All model predictions for Cmax, AUCinf and CL/F were within two-fold of their respective mean or geometric mean values, while 90% of the predictions of Cmax, 81% of the predictions of AUCinf and 74% of the predictions of Cl/F were within 1.25 fold. In addition, the drug-drug and drug-gene interactions were predicted within 1.5-fold of the observed interaction ratios (AUC, Cmax ratios). The validated PBPK model was further expanded by linking it to an inhibitory Emax model describing the analgesic efficacy of flurbiprofen and applying it to explore the effect of formulation and genetic polymorphisms on the onset and duration of pain relief. This comprehensive PBPK/PD analysis, along with a detailed translational biopharmaceutic framework including appropriately designed biorelevant in vitro experiments and in vitro-in vivo extrapolation, provided mechanistic insight on the impact of formulation and genetic variations, two major determinants of the population variability, on the PK/PD of flurbiprofen. Clinically relevant specifications and potential dose adjustments were also proposed. Overall, the present work highlights the value of a translational PBPK/PD approach, tailored to target populations and genotypes, as an approach towards achieving personalized medicine.
Introduction: In the development of bio-enabling formulations, innovative in vivo predictive tools to understand and predict the in vivo performance of such formulations are needed. Etravirine, a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, is currently marketed as an amorphous solid dispersion (Intelence® tablets). The aims of this study were 1) to investigate and discuss the advantages of using biorelevant in vitro setups in simulating the in vivo performance of Intelence® 100 mg and 200 mg tablets, in the fed state, 2) to build a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model by combining experimental data and literature information with the commercially available in silico software Simcyp® Simulator V17.1 (Certara UK Ltd.), and 3) to discuss the challenges when predicting the in vivo performance of an amorphous solid dispersion and identify the parameters which influence the pharmacokinetics of etravirine most.
Methods: Solubility, dissolution and transfer experiments were performed in various biorelevant media simulating the fasted and fed state environment in the gastrointestinal tract. An in silico PBPK model for healthy volunteers was developed in the Simcyp® Simulator, using in vitro results and data available from the literature as input. The impact of pre- and post-absorptive parameters on the pharmacokinetics of etravirine was investigated using simulations of various scenarios.
Results: In vitro experiments indicated a large effect of naturally occurring solubilizing agents on the solubility of etravirine. Interestingly, supersaturated concentrations of etravirine were observed over the entire duration of dissolution experiments on Intelence® tablets. Coupling the in vitro results with the PBPK model provided the opportunity to investigate two possible absorption scenarios, i.e. with or without implementation of precipitation. The results from the simulations suggested that a scenario in which etravirine does not precipitate is more representative of the in vivo data. On the post-absorptive side, it appears that the concentration dependency of the unbound fraction of etravirine in plasma has a significant effect on etravirine pharmacokinetics.
Conclusions: The present study underlines the importance of combining in vitro and in silico biopharmaceutical tools to advance our knowledge in the field of bio-enabling formulations. Future studies on other bio-enabling formulations can be used to further explore this approach to support rational formulation design as well as robust prediction of clinical outcomes.
Supersaturating formulations are widely used to improve the oral bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. However, supersaturated solutions are thermodynamically unstable and such formulations often must include a precipitation inhibitor (PI) to sustain the increased concentrations to ensure that sufficient absorption will take place from the gastrointestinal tract. Recent advances in understanding the importance of drug-polymer interaction for successful precipitation inhibition have been encouraging. However, there still exists a gap in how this newfound understanding can be applied to improve the efficiency of PI screening and selection, which is still largely carried out with trial and error-based approaches. The aim of this study was to demonstrate how drug-polymer mixing enthalpy, calculated with the Conductor like Screening Model for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS), can be used as a parameter to select the most efficient precipitation inhibitors, and thus realise the most successful supersaturating formulations. This approach was tested for three different Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) II compounds: dipyridamole, fenofibrate and glibenclamide, formulated with the supersaturating formulation, mesoporous silica. For all three compounds, precipitation was evident in mesoporous silica formulations without a precipitation inhibitor. Of the nine precipitation inhibitors studied, there was a strong positive correlation between the drug-polymer mixing enthalpy and the overall formulation performance, as measured by the area under the concentration-time curve in in vitro dissolution experiments. The data suggest that a rank-order based approach using calculated drug-polymer mixing enthalpy can be reliably used to select precipitation inhibitors for a more focused screening. Such an approach improves efficiency of precipitation inhibitor selection, whilst also improving the likelihood that the most optimal formulation will be realised.
Objectives: The main objective of the present work was to combine in vitro and in silico tools to better understand the in vivo behavior of the immediate release (IR) formulation of zolpidem in the fasted and fed states.
Methods: The dissolution of zolpidem was evaluated using biorelevant media simulating the gastric and intestinal environment in the fasted and fed states. Additionally, the influence of high viscosity and high fat content on the release of zolpidem under fed state conditions was investigated. The in vitro results were combined with a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model constructed with Simcyp to simulate the zolpidem pharmacokinetic profile in both prandial states.
Key findings: In vitro biorelevant dissolution experiments representing the fasted and fed states, combined with PBPK modelling, were able to simulate the plasma profiles from the clinical food effect studies well. Experiments reflecting the pH and fat content of the meal led to a good prediction of the zolpidem plasma profile in the fed state, whereas increasing the viscosity of the gastric media led to an under-prediction.
Conclusions: This work demonstrates that the combination of biorelevant dissolution testing and PBPK modelling is very useful for understanding the in-vivo behavior of zolpidem in the fasted and fed states. This approach could be implemented in the development of other drugs exhibiting negative food effects, saving resources and bringing new drug products to the market faster.