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- Fungi (2)
- Arabidopsis (1)
- Arabidopsis thaliana (1)
- Ascomycota (1)
- Basidiomycota (1)
- Diversity (1)
- Fusarium (1)
- Ganoderic acids (1)
- Ganoderma lingzhi (1)
- Ganoderma lucidum (1)
Fungi play pivotal roles in ecosystem functioning, but little is known about their global patterns of diversity, endemicity, vulnerability to global change drivers and conservation priority areas. We applied the high-resolution PacBio sequencing technique to identify fungi based on a long DNA marker that revealed a high proportion of hitherto unknown fungal taxa. We used a Global Soil Mycobiome consortium dataset to test relative performance of various sequencing depth standardization methods (calculation of residuals, exclusion of singletons, traditional and SRS rarefaction, use of Shannon index of diversity) to find optimal protocols for statistical analyses. Altogether, we used six global surveys to infer these patterns for soil-inhabiting fungi and their functional groups. We found that residuals of log-transformed richness (including singletons) against log-transformed sequencing depth yields significantly better model estimates compared with most other standardization methods. With respect to global patterns, fungal functional groups differed in the patterns of diversity, endemicity and vulnerability to main global change predictors. Unlike α-diversity, endemicity and global-change vulnerability of fungi and most functional groups were greatest in the tropics. Fungi are vulnerable mostly to drought, heat, and land cover change. Fungal conservation areas of highest priority include wetlands and moist tropical ecosystems.
This study aims at characterizing the diversity and temporal changes of species richness and composition of fungi in an ecotone of a forest border and a meadow in the Taunus mountain range in Germany. All macroscopically visible, epigeous fungi and vascular plants were sampled monthly over three years, together with climatic variables like humidity and temperature that influence fungal diversity and composition as shown by previous studies. In this mosaic landscape, a total of 855 fungal species were collected and identified based on morphological features, the majority of which belonged to Ascomycota (51 %) and Basidiomycota (45 %). Records of fungal species and plant species (218) for this area yielded a fungus to plant species ratio of 4:1, with a plant species accumulation curve that reached saturation. The three years of monitoring, however, were not sufficient to reveal the total fungal species richness and estimation factors showed that a fungus to plant species ratio of 6:1 may be reached by further sampling efforts. The effect of climatic conditions on fungal species richness differed depending on the taxonomic and ecological group, with temporal patterns of occurrence of Basidiomycota and mycorrhizal fungi being strongly associated with temperature and humidity, whereas the other fungal groups were only weakly related to abiotic conditions. In conclusion, long-term, monthly surveys over several years yield a higher diversity of macroscopically visible fungi than standard samplings of fungi in autumn. The association of environmental variables with the occurrence of specific fungal guilds may help to improve estimators of fungal richness in temperate regions.
The plant family Brassicaceae includes some of the most studied hosts of plant microbiomes, targeting microbial diversity, community assembly rules, and effects on host performance. Compared to bacteria, eukaryotes in the brassicaceous microbiome remain understudied, especially under natural settings. Here, we assessed the impact of host identity and age on the assembly of fungal and oomycete root communities, using DNA metabarcoding of roots and associated soil of three annual co-habiting Brassicaceae collected at two time points. Our results showed that fungal communities are more diverse and structured than those of oomycetes. In both cases, plant identity and sampling time had little influence on community variation, whereas root/soil compartment had a strong effect by exerting control on the entry of soil microorganisms into the roots. The enrichment in roots of specific fungi suggests a specialization towards the asymptomatic colonization of plant tissues, which could be relevant to host’s fitness and health.
Truffle fungi are well known for their enticing aromas partially emitted by microbes colonizing truffle fruiting bodies. The identity and diversity of these microbes remain poorly investigated, because few studies have determined truffle-associated bacterial communities while considering only a small number of fruiting bodies. Hence, the factors driving the assembly of truffle microbiomes are yet to be elucidated. Here we investigated the bacterial community structure of more than 50 fruiting bodies of the black truffle Tuber aestivum in one French and one Swiss orchard using 16S rRNA gene amplicon high-throughput sequencing. Bacterial communities from truffles collected in both orchards shared their main dominant taxa: while 60% of fruiting bodies were dominated by α-Proteobacteria, in some cases the β-Proteobacteria or the Sphingobacteriia classes were the most abundant, suggesting that specific factors (i.e., truffle maturation and soil properties) shape differently truffle-associated microbiomes. We further attempted to assess the influence in truffle microbiome variation of factors related to collection season, truffle mating type, degree of maturation, and location within the truffle orchards. These factors had differential effects between the two truffle orchards, with season being the strongest predictor of community variation in the French orchard, and spatial location in the Swiss one. Surprisingly, genotype and fruiting body maturation did not have a significant effect on microbial community composition. In summary, our results show, regardless of the geographical location considered, the existence of heterogeneous bacterial communities within T. aestivum fruiting bodies that are dominated by three bacterial classes. They also indicate that factors shaping microbial communities within truffle fruiting bodies differ across local conditions.
Nonmycorrhizal root-colonizing fungi are key determinants of plant growth, driving processes ranging from pathogenesis to stress alleviation. Evidence suggests that they might also facilitate host access to soil nutrients in a mycorrhiza-like manner, but the extent of their direct contribution to plant nutrition is unknown. To study how widespread such capacity is across root-colonizing fungi, we surveyed soils in nutrient-limiting habitats using plant baits to look for fungal community changes in response to nutrient conditions. We established a fungal culture collection and used Arabidopsis thaliana inoculation bioassays to assess the ability of fungi to facilitate host’s growth in the presence of organic nutrients unavailable to plants. Plant baits captured a representation of fungal communities extant in natural habitats and showed that nutrient limitation has little influence on community assembly. Arabidopsis thaliana inoculated with 31 phylogenetically diverse fungi exhibited a consistent fungus-driven growth promotion when supplied with organic nutrients compared to untreated plants. However, direct phosphorus measurement and RNA-seq data did not support enhanced nutrient uptake but rather that growth effects may result from changes in the plant’s immune response to colonization. The widespread and consistent host responses to fungal colonization suggest that distinct, locally adapted nonmycorrhizal fungi affect plant performance across habitats.
IMPORTANCE: Recent studies have shown that root-associated fungi that do not engage in classical mycorrhizal associations can facilitate the hosts’ access to nutrients in a mycorrhiza-like manner. However, the generality of this capacity remains to be tested. Root-associated fungi are frequently deemed major determinants of plant diversity and performance, but in the vast majority of cases their ecological roles in nature remain unknown. Assessing how these plant symbionts affect plant productivity, diversity, and fitness is important to understanding how plant communities function. Recent years have seen important advances in the understanding of the main drivers of the diversity and structure of plant microbiomes, but a major challenge is still linking community properties with function. This study contributes to the understanding of the cryptic function of root-associated fungi by testing their ability to participate in a specific process: nutrient acquisition by plants.
Fungi indirectly affect plant root architecture by modulating soil volatile organic compounds
The plant-growth modulating effect of microbial volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has been demonstrated repeatedly. This has most often been performed by exposing plants to VOC released by microbes grown on nutrient rich media. Here, we used soil instead to grow fungi of the Fusarium genus and investigate how VOCs emitted by this system influenced the development of Arabidopsis plants. The volatile profiles of Fusarium strains grown in soil and malt extract were also compared. Our results demonstrate that distinct volatile signatures can be attributed to different Fusarium genetic clades but also highlight a major influence of the growth medium on volatile emission. Furthermore, all soil-grown Fusarium isolates increased primary root length in Arabidopsis by decreasing VOC concentrations in soil. This result represents a major paradigm shift in plant-microbe interactions since growth modulating effects have been attributed so far to the emission and not the consumption of volatile signals.
In China and other countries of East Asia, so-called Ling-zhi or Reishi mushrooms are used in traditional medicine since several centuries. Although the common practice to apply the originally European name ‘Ganoderma lucidum’ to these fungi has been questioned by several taxonomists, this is still generally done in recent publications and with commercially cultivated strains. In the present study, two commercially sold strains of ‘G. lucidum’, M9720 and M9724 from the company Mycelia bvba (Belgium), are compared for their fruiting body (basidiocarp) morphology combined with molecular phylogenetic analyses, and for their secondary metabolite profile employing an ultra-performance liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (UPLC–ESIMS) in combination with a high resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HR-ESI-MS). According to basidiocarp morphology, the strain M9720 was identified as G. lucidum s.str. whereas M9724 was determined as Ganoderma lingzhi. In molecular phylogenetic analyses, the M9720 ITS and beta-tubulin sequences grouped with sequences of G. lucidum s.str. from Europe whereas those from M9724 clustered with sequences of G. lingzhi from East Asia. We show that an ethanol extract of ground basidiocarps from G. lucidum (M9720) contains much less triterpenic acids than found in the extract of G. lingzhi (M9724). The high amount of triterpenic acids accounts for the bitter taste of the basidiocarps of G. lingzhi (M9724) and of its ethanol extract. Apparently, triterpenic acids of G. lucidum s.str. are analyzed here for the first time. These results demonstrate the importance of taxonomy for commercial use of fungi.
Soil degradation can have an impact on the soil microbiota, but its specific effects on soil fungal communities are poorly understood. In this work, we studied the impact of soil degradation on the richness and diversity of communities of soil fungi, including three different degrees of degradation in Germany and Panama. Soil fungi were isolated monthly using the soil-sprinkling method for 8 months in Germany and 3 months in Panama, and characterized by morphological and molecular data. Soil physico-chemical properties were measured and correlated with the observed values of fungal diversity. We isolated a total of 71 fungal species, 47 from Germany, and 32 from Panama. Soil properties were not associated with fungal richness, diversity, or composition in soils, with the exception of soil compaction in Germany. The geographic location was a strong determinant of the soil fungal species composition although in both countries there was dominance by members of the orders Eurotiales and Hypocreales. In conclusion, the results of this work do not show any evident influence of soil degradation on communities of soil fungi in Germany or Panama.