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- 1st order liquid–gas phase transition (1)
- Cluster integrals (1)
- Critical indices (1)
- Equation of State (1)
- Hadron Gas Modell (1)
- Lorentz (1)
- Lorentz contraction (1)
- Nuclear matter (1)
- Relativistic Excluded Volumes (1)
- Scaling laws (1)
Recent results on transverse mass spectra of J/psi and psi prime mesons in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV are considered. It is shown that those results support a hypothesis of statistical production of charmonia at hadronization and suggest the early thermal freeze-out of J/psi and psi prime mesons. Based on this approach the collective transverse velocity of hadronizing quark gluon plasma is estimated to be <v^H_T> \approx 0.2. Predictions for transverse mass spectra of hidden and open charm mesons at SPS and RHIC are discussed.
Conventional cluster and virial expansions are generalized to momentum dependent interparticle potentials. The model with Lorentz contracted hard core potentials is considered, e.g. as hadron gas model. A Van der Waals-type model with a temperature dependent excluded volume is derived. Lorentz contraction effects at given temperature are stronger for light particles and make their effective excluded volume smaller than that of heavy ones.
The transverse mass spectra of Omega hyperons and phi mesons measured recently by STAR Collaboration in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 130 GeV are described within a hydrodynamic model of the quark gluon plasma expansion and hadronization. The flow parameters at the plasma hadronization extracted by fitting these data are used to predict the transverse mass spectra of J/psi and psi' mesons.
Transverse activity of kaons and the deconfinement phase transition in nucleus-nucleus collisions
We found that the experimental results on transverse mass spectra of kaons produced in central Pb+Pb (Au+Au) interactions show an anomalous dependence on the collision energy. The inverse slopes of the spectra increase with energy in the low (AGS) and high (RHIC) energy domains, whereas they are constant in the intermediate (SPS) energy range. We argue that this anomaly is probably caused by a modification of the equation of state in the transition region between confined and deconfined matter. This observation may be considered as a new signal, in addition to the previously reported anomalies in the pion and strangeness production, of the onset of deconfinement located in the low SPS energy domain.
The transverse mass spectra of J/psi and psi' mesons and Omega hyperons produced in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies are discussed within a statistical model used successfully for the interpretation of the SPS results. The comparison of the presented model with the future RHIC data should serve as a further crucial test of the hypothesis of statistical production of charmonia at hadronization. Finally, in case of validity, the approach should allow to estimate the mean transverse flow velocity at the quark gluon plasma hadronization.
The transverse mass spectra of Omega, J/psi and psi' in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV are studied within a hydrodynamical model of the quark gluon plasma expansion and hadronization. The model reproduces the existing data with the common hadronization parameters: temperature T=T_H = 170 MeV and average collective transverse velocity v_T = 0.2.
We suggest to explore an entirely new method to experimentally and theoretically study the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter based on the triple nuclear collisions (TNC).We simulated the TNC using the UrQMD 3.4 model at the beam center of- mass collision energies √SNN = 200 GeV and √SNN = 2.76 TeV. It is found that in the most central and simultaneous TNC the initial baryonic charge density is about 3 times higher than the one achieved in the usual binary nuclear collisions at the same energies. As a consequence, the production of protons and Λ-hyperons is increased by a factor of 2 and 1.5, respectively. Using the MIT Bag model equation we study the evolution of the central cell in TNC and demonstrate that for the top RHIC energy of collision the baryonic chemical potential is 2-2.5 times larger than the one achieved in the binary nuclear collision at the same time of reaction. Based on these estimates, we show that TNC offers an entirely new possibility to study the QCD phase diagram at very high baryonic charge densities.
A novel approach to identify the geometrical (anti)clusters formed by the Polyakov loops of the same sign and to study their properties in the lattice SU(2) gluodynamics is developed. The (anti)cluster size distributions are analyzed for the lattice coupling constant β ∈ 2 [2:3115; 3]. The found distributions are similar to the ones existing in 2- and 3-dimensional Ising systems. Using the suggested approach, we explain the phase transition in SU(2) gluodynamics at β = 2.52 as a transition between two liquids during which one of the liquid droplets (the largest cluster of a certain Polyakov loop sign) experiences a condensation, while another droplet (the next to the largest cluster of opposite Polyakov loop sign) evaporates. The clusters of smaller sizes form two accompanying gases, which behave oppositely to their liquids. The liquid drop formula is used to analyze the distributions of the gas (anti)clusters and to determine their bulk, surface and topological parts of free energy. Surprisingly, even the monomer multiplicities are reproduced with high quality within such an approach. The behavior of surface tension of gaseous (anti)clusters is studied. It is shown that this quantity can serve as an order parameter of the deconfinement phase transition in SU(2) gluodynamics. Moreover, the critical exponent β of surface tension coefficient of gaseous clusters is found in the upper vicinity of critical temperature. Its value coincides with the one found for 3-dimensional Ising model within error bars. The Fisher topological exponent τ of (anti)clusters is found to have the same value 1:806±0:008, which agrees with an exactly solvable model of the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition and disagrees with the Fisher droplet model, which may evidence for the fact that the SU(2) gluodynamics and the model are in the same universality class.
A canonical partition function for the two-component excluded volume model is derived, leading to two di erent van der Waals approximations. The one is known as the Lorentz-Berthelot mixture and the other has been proposed recently. Both models are analysed in the canonical and grand canonical ensemble. In comparison with the one-component van der Waals excluded volume model the suppression of particle densities is reduced in these two-component formulations, but in two essentially di erent ways. Presently used multi-component models have no such reduction. They are shown to be not correct when used for components with di erent hard-core radii. For high temperatures the excluded volume interaction is refined by accounting for the Lorentz contraction of the spherical excluded volumes, which leads to a distinct enhancement of lighter particles. The resulting e ects on pion yield ratios are studied for AGS and SPS data.
The transverse mass spectra of J/ψ and ψ′ mesons and Ω hyperons produced in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies are discussed within a statistical model used successfully for the interpretation of the SPS results. The comparison of the presented model with the future RHIC data should serve as a further crucial test of the hypothesis of statistical production of charmonia at hadronization. Finally, in case of validity, the approach should allow to estimate the mean transverse flow velocity at the quark–gluon plasma hadronization.